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Manchester Orchestra Band • Page 157

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by Melody Bot, Jan 9, 2016.

  1. Justin Roux

    Trusted Supporter

    Looks like they just posted the download for the concert on their Patreon! Super cool.
  2. atticusfinch

    Together We'll Fight the Long Defeat Supporter

    Yeah that's a dope move. 6.16GB file, saved directly to iCloud! wooo.
    Anthony Brooks likes this.
  3. .K.

    Trusted Prestigious

    -Looking forward to new music/album.
    -Very cool of them to release a concert/production
    -I still am not as into BMTTS as most of you in terms of their discography
    -glad the debate on what’s next is over because we all need some new music
  4. BoldTitan


    Record stores have posters of the concert. Check their insta
  5. Hey all: I’m writing an article on Manchester Orchestra. Part of it explores the joy of fandom and online community, so I’m wondering if it’s OK for me to screenshot the page where we’re all screaming, “THE MILLION MASKS OF GOD” and include it in the article - let me know!
  6. irthesteve

    formerly irthesteve Prestigious

    On this website, easily the correct answer.
  7. hermanthehermit

    Paris, Texas Climate Accord Supporter

    Hell yes, and I can't wait to read it!
    Mary V likes this.
  8. ManchesterOrch8

    Motel. Money. Murder. Madness.

  9. spookymulder

  10. AWasteOfATime

    @awasteofatime Supporter

    free at a record store down the street I wasnt even aware of ! cool

    Attached Files:

  11. ncarrab

    Prestigious Supporter

  12. Dog Fish


    I think Andy came to this thread, saw us giving manorch8 shit, and Fedexd him the lp overnight. Now we’re all eating shoes.
  13. BoldTitan


    that’s his black mile test pressing
    Dog Fish and ManchesterOrch8 like this.
  14. ManchesterOrch8

    Motel. Money. Murder. Madness.

    Come on, why ruin the fun?
  15. ncarrab

    Prestigious Supporter

    Serenity Now and Dog Fish like this.
  16. BoldTitan


    Every winter, someone does.
  17. ManchesterOrch8

    Motel. Money. Murder. Madness.

    I’ve been locked inside my house for 10 months, so, probably.
    coleslawed and Serenity Now like this.
  18. Ronald.

    Ron Iver.

    When I heard the Million Faces teaser my mind immediately went to On Sight.
  19. Transient_Hymn

    Somebody Turn the Neon Down Supporter

    Is this available on their Patreon?
    I missed it and am incredibly bummed.
  20. hermanthehermit

    Paris, Texas Climate Accord Supporter

    It's still up!

    They sent out the DL link to Patreon as well
    coleslawed and Mary V like this.
  21. Transient_Hymn

    Somebody Turn the Neon Down Supporter

    oh hell yeah. Thanks a million.
    hermanthehermit likes this.
  22. phaynes12 Prestigious

    i have basically only listened to this band this week
    coleslawed, jkauf and Mary V like this.
  23. ManchesterOrch8

    Motel. Money. Murder. Madness.

    Opening the ~archive~!

    Selling some things to pay for my turntable being serviced/refurbished and my amp being recapped and serviced.

    Sealed first press with hype sticker, only really available with the hype from ‘06 to maaaaaybe the end of ‘07? I never saw it again after the Annual’s tour, if I remember correctly. They had already reordered the next run. Anyyywaaaay, basically it’s rare.

    Looking for $100. PM me.


    I don’t know why it’s posting sideways. Turn your phone. :teethsmile:
  24. Leftandleaving

    I will be okay. everything Supporter

    does anyone know who it is on the cover on that record?
    Serenity Now likes this.
  25. ManchesterOrch8

    Motel. Money. Murder. Madness.

    No one really knows. They bought the photos at an estate sale.