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Manchester Orchestra - The Million Masks of God (April 30, 2021) Album • Page 92

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by Drew Beringer, Feb 12, 2021.

  1. phaynes12 Prestigious

    i’m the chest
  2. BoldTitan


  3. stars143


    I'm willing to bet that 50%+ of people that consider themselves a fan of the band don't have any idea they're coming out with a new album. A lot of people just don't keep up with new music releases.
    coleslawed and Ben like this.
  4. ncarrab

    Prestigious Supporter

    I'm starting to feel personally offended that MO hasn't sent me an advance of The Million Masks of God.
  5. you get to do countdowns though so it's a good trade
    coleslawed and BoldTitan like this.
  6. ncarrab

    Prestigious Supporter

    It's honestly a big job. One for which I am grateful.
    Carrow and BoldTitan like this.
  7. wonder what you'll do in EIGHTEEN DAYS
  8. Sal Paradise


    nope, and that’s why I’m jealous!
  9. BoldTitan


    Years from now, when people look back on The Million Masks of God...will they remember the [redacted] or even the [classified]? Will they appreciate the [removed] or [unavailable]?? Or will they remember how the countdowns made them feel every single day.
  10. Kevin360

    Someday I’ll find me Prestigious

    Why do you need The Million Masks of God when you have The Million Masks of Pod?
    ManchesterOrch8 and BoldTitan like this.
  11. Dog Fish


    everyone will only remember manchesterorch8's advise to pre-order the deluxe and nothing else. Which at this point, must contain a hologram of the band that pops out and plays colly strings on loop and ends with a chance to give prince a kiss on the cheek.
    coleslawed and BoldTitan like this.
  12. ManchesterOrch8

    Motel. Money. Murder. Madness.

  13. ManchesterOrch8

    Motel. Money. Murder. Madness.


    It’s done.
    BoldTitan likes this.
  14. hermanthehermit

    Paris, Texas Climate Accord Supporter

    Did the band have to foot the bill for the extra shipping?
  15. ManchesterOrch8

    Motel. Money. Murder. Madness.

    No comment.
  16. hermanthehermit

    Paris, Texas Climate Accord Supporter

    I really hope that’s a no. Really shitty if they had to.
  17. Kevin360

    Someday I’ll find me Prestigious

    I’d pay them another $20 bucks just to help.
  18. Dog Fish


    Fully covered from the “manorch8 and boldtitan fund”
    coleslawed, astereo, Carrow and 4 others like this.
  19. ncarrab

    Prestigious Supporter

  20. ncarrab

    Prestigious Supporter

    For us common folk, anyway.
    .K., Dog Fish and chewbacca110 like this.
  21. Dog Fish


    The three of us are going to have such a fun release day discussion.
    travisred, ezmo311 and .K. like this.
  22. BoldTitan


    I mean, we can fully discuss at that point.
  23. ncarrab

    Prestigious Supporter

    We're just peasants. Our thoughts on the album will be meaningless by April 30.
  24. .K.

    Trusted Prestigious

    I listened to the acoustic live performance of Bed Head last nights 5 times in a row. Song is pretty magical full band or with piano/acoustic guitar.
  25. BoldTitan


    Really curious to see if they will play Bed Head and Keel Timing at the acoustic show next month.