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Manchester Orchestra - The Million Masks of God (April 30, 2021) Album • Page 372

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by Drew Beringer, Feb 12, 2021.

  1. ncarrab

    Prestigious Supporter

    First time I have ever not been mad that a MO tour is skipping CLE.
  2. shea

    RIP Supporter

    would normally be ecstatic the stuffing is on a friday but my stupid fucking company just started giving us black friday off last year which comes with the cost of having to work the saturday before thanksgiving. if i don't show up saturday i don't get paid for saturday or thanksgiving. :sly:
  3. ncarrab

    Prestigious Supporter

    And how in the world, in the year 2024, is Thrice still big enough to do a co-headliner with MO???

    Thrice last did a co-headliner with...Bayside (who I LOVE, but are WAY smaller than MO) and MO just did a co-headliner with Jimmy Eat World (way bigger than Thrice)

    (i saw MO/Thrice co-headliner 14 years ago)
    Jim likes this.
  4. BoldTitan


    There is a very large crossover fan base wise. Jimmy was more about expanding.
    Frinet42 and RJ Knorr like this.
  5. ncarrab

    Prestigious Supporter

    Thrice ain't on MO's level anymore.

    In 2010? Sure

    But not in the past 7-10 years.
  6. sophos34

    Prestigious Supporter

    I was supposed to see thrice and Manchester orchestra together in 2011 and they cancelled the tour the day of my show because Dustin’s dad had cancer
  7. sophos34

    Prestigious Supporter

    I really don’t think the gap between thrice and Manchester orchestra is THAT big but idk
  8. exanctile

    Fight the long defeat.

    How fast does The Stuffing tend to sell out each year? Wondering how quick I may need to jump on this, while trying to decide about traveling from NC.
  9. shea

    RIP Supporter

    i'm personally waiting for the general on sale because the venue has a small mezzanine area like a step or two down from the regular balcony which you need a specific ticket to access that they aren't selling during the presale. if you don't care about that at all i would prob jump sooner than later, i think the first night sold out last year and it doesn't look like they're doing multiple nights this time.
  10. Dinkleberg

    go birds Supporter

    MO is playing The Fillmore in Philly for their Cope tour, which is where Thrice played on their last two headliners here for H/E and TAITA. They are definitely roughly the same size
    sophos34 likes this.
  11. bobby_runs

    where would i be if i was my brain Prestigious

    Sucks that the San Diego date is outside.
    Transient_Hymn likes this.
  12. Dinkleberg

    go birds Supporter

    What has MO done to garner more appeal? I feel like they peaked during the METN/SM eras with the air play and opportunities they were getting. I feel like the closest they’ve come since is ABMTTS when The Gold actually got some legit air play on alt rock radio.

    Thrice has reunited and, regardless of what fans think of it, have garnered crossover appeal with TBEITBN with Black Honey and to a lesser extent with Palms. Thrice is definitely still popping!
    oncenowagain and theagentcoma like this.
  13. irthesteve

    formerly irthesteve Prestigious

    I see them as pretty equal draws
  14. sophos34

    Prestigious Supporter

    Manchester orchestra played a much larger venue than thrice here last year when they were both touring that summer but I rarely consider the state of missouri to be indicative of a bands general draw lol
    JoshIsMediocre and Dinkleberg like this.
  15. irthesteve

    formerly irthesteve Prestigious

    That's actually the only metric I use for anything really
  16. sophos34

    Prestigious Supporter

    However the Manchester show was a coheadliner with jimmy so yeah hard to really judge. Thrice played a 1k cap and the MO/JEW show was at a 4500 cap I believe thrice sold out tho
    Dinkleberg likes this.
  17. neo506

    2001-2022 Prestigious

    - Phoebe Burgers covered The Gold (130 million Spotify plays)

    -The Silence has 173 million YouTube views
    Cameron likes this.
  18. Dinkleberg

    go birds Supporter

    Seems like it’s keeping them in the same-sized venues they’ve been playing since 2017, just like Thrice since 2016!
  19. dqwinny

    THRILLHOUSE Supporter

    Vegas date should be at the Sphere
  20. ScubaSteve182


    God damn Beggars in full? Yes please
  21. timcsheehan


    Audibly gasped when I saw Balance and Composure on The Stuffing and burned the dinner I was cooking for my family while buying tickets.
    oncenowagain, Carrow, ezmo311 and 4 others like this.
  22. Ricky's Law

    This is a damn fine cup of coffee.

    This thread is deeply offensive to a Thrice fan like myself. Their biggest song came out 8 years ago, and it helped rejuvenate their status quite a bit.
    Anthony Brooks and sophos34 like this.
  23. sophos34

    Prestigious Supporter

    those of us who hold Manchester orchestra and thrice in perfectly equal measure are the only true fans
  24. sophos34

    Prestigious Supporter

    like its crazy but i probably like thrice and manchester orchestra pretty much equally which is to say they're two of my absolute favorite bands of all time with multiple classic albums that i constantly have in rotation
  25. Cameron

    FKA nowFace Prestigious

    Dudes rock