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Manchester Orchestra - The Million Masks of God (April 30, 2021) Album • Page 356

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by Drew Beringer, Feb 12, 2021.

  1. Osceola13

    Bringin the ruckus

    Well I don't think I could have asked for a better 15th show. Tonight ruled.
  2. oncenowagain

    “the whole world’s ending” “honey it already did” Prestigious

    Orlando show was dope

    coleslawed and JoshIsMediocre like this.
  3. Micah511

    We reach for the longest shadow

    Oh geez I guess I need to buy tickets since we have a rare babysitter lined up.

    who’s closing? I’ve seen the get up kids before, and if they’re closing that would work better for me, haha
  4. oncenowagain

    “the whole world’s ending” “honey it already did” Prestigious

    Manchester will be closing all these shows
    Micah511 likes this.
  5. oncenowagain

    “the whole world’s ending” “honey it already did” Prestigious

    I have not really listened to Valley of Vision yet so seeing The Way live was good motivation.
  6. Dog Fish


    post the other full videos from the entire setlist and prove it
  7. contra11mundum

    I hate spoilers. Supporter

    Did everyone remember to say “Manchester Orchestra” when you were going around the table saying what you’re thankful for this year?
  8. oncenowagain

    “the whole world’s ending” “honey it already did” Prestigious

    Thankfulness ranked:

    1) Manchester Orchestra

    2) the food we are about to receive

    3) “family” and “friends”
  9. Dog Fish


    Thankfulness ranked:

    1 and only 1) thanking the band
  10. BoldTitan


    Did my friends give me “A Black Mile To The Surface”? Did my family give me “The Million Masks of God”?

    I think not.
  11. cricketandclover

    Things have changed.

    As I sat down to not eat a shoe this Thanksgiving, I did thank the band.
  12. oncenowagain

    “the whole world’s ending” “honey it already did” Prestigious

    I hope a certain someone enjoyed extra helpings of shoe at their thanksgiving dinner
    coleslawed and RuckerPark like this.
  13. Serenity Now

    deliver us from e-mail Supporter

    If one had to eat a shoe, what shoe would it be and why?
    RuckerPark likes this.
  14. chewbacca110

    Gimme light, gimme love, gimme fire

    A slide. It’s basically already a big steak with a big ring of uncut onion.
    Serenity Now and oncenowagain like this.
  15. Dog Fish


    Crocs. Holes = less shoe. Bonus: now you no longer have crocs.
  16. Serenity Now

    deliver us from e-mail Supporter

    Does a flip flop count?
    bobby_runs likes this.
  17. Serenity Now

    deliver us from e-mail Supporter

    And, it probably goes without saying, but we’re all talking NEW shoes. Not old. Right?
  18. HeckYeahMatt

    Not Big Chungus

    Seems the band played Wolves at Night in Jax..
  19. Micah511

    We reach for the longest shadow

    going tonight. It's been a while since I've seen them live (ABMTTS era) at what point do I yell "thank you" at the stage?
  20. MrAirplane


    right in the middle of any stage banter
  21. in the middle of a quiet part of a song andy loves that
  22. BoldTitan


    Remastered ILAVLAC, METN, SM dropping on Feb 9th in Indie Stores

    I know, I know. But no sign of Cope yet
    chewbacca110 likes this.
  23. Micah511

    We reach for the longest shadow

    What in the world needs to be remastered on those albums? Are they re-records?
    Joe4th likes this.
  24. Joe4th

    Memories are nice, but that's all they are. Prestigious

    Yeah that’s baffling lol
  25. Micah511

    We reach for the longest shadow

    They are one of the few bands I'd be curious to see a re-record of their back catalog though. Andy IMO is a much better singer than he was on those first two records.
    JBoch, ezmo311, RuckerPark and 2 others like this.