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Machine Gun Kelly - Tickets To My Downfall (September 25, 2020) Album • Page 23

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by AlwaysEvolving21, Jul 27, 2020.

  1. Like just say you dont give a shit and move on because pretending theres no solution and that your hands are tied when you are LITERALLY THE ONES HOLDING THE POWER is pathetic and transparent. You're more interested in pushing false narratives and both siding things, that's fine, you do you, just know you sacrifice your ability to claim you actually care about this shit.
  2. There are users itt literally refusing to be nicer to those afraid to ask questions and learn more about accountability, but yes, I'm the one who clearly doesn't care about accountability. That's why I spent a day listening and having a conversation with those very same users about how we can improve discourse on this site, only to be told I was "changing the subject" and that I didn't do anything.
    RyanPm40 and wisdomfordebris like this.
  3. dadbolt

    Prestigious Prestigious

    jesus fucking christ since you keep repeating the same shit please show me where someone in this thread has asked a question or shown a willingness to learn and been met with hostility. I’ll wait.
  4. koryoreo

    Trusted Supporter

    I just made some casual observations and got attacked for being disingenuous. I wasn’t attacking anyone, yet had the very same shit that you accuse people of doing, done to me. Instead of having a discussion, I got talked to like I’m an idiot or asshole just starting shit. Sounds mighty hypocritical to me lol
    RyanPm40, theagentcoma, mad and 4 others like this.
  5. There literally is not.
  6. Matt Chylak

    I can always be better, so I'll always try. Supporter

    Pretty sure there are two entirely different groups of people liking this post.
  7. MULTIPLE USERS in this thread have posted at length about others who have confided in them that they don't feel safe or comfortable entering discussions about accountability due to the way a select group of users behaves. And regardless of how long this conversation goes on, regardless of how many times I point to that as a part of the problem, not a single user has admitted to their hostility or agreed that it is important to be approachable to those with the capacity to learn. Hard to believe change is something you actually want when you refuse to take any steps yourself.
    yocoxy and RyanPm40 like this.
  8. Joe4th

    Memories are nice, but that's all they are. Prestigious

    I love that the timeline of this thread was posted by @TylerDrumming and completely ignored.

    but hey, lemme write this article about the best moments of a site that involves a serial groomer/abuser.


    But let's spend more time posting in the politics thread about how "we're so fucked" constantly, and refusing to listen to people explain how to better manage things on the site by Dylan that are continuing to blatantly get ignored by everyone but Spo.

    But sure. It's our fault for calling out people being chill with someone talking about how great an album is in the midst of a discussion about how the artist in question is a pedo.

    And nobody seems to care about the MULTIPLE USERS that have left this site, confided in others, because of the way this site continues and continues to promote abusers on the front page, in news posts, in multiple threads.
  9. This literally is not what you just said. No one here has refused to be nice to people actually seeking answer in good faith. Unless I missed it. Feel free to provide quotes to the contrary.

    It has and should continue to be noted that every instance in this thread rn has been hostility met with hostility. No one has actually come in trying to learn. No one has come in confirming theyve DMed you guys either. Not saying it hasnt happened at all but that maybe consider for every person feeling uncomfortable about how Anthony or whoever talks, theres someone that feels uncomfortable with the way the staff handles these things. Do those people not matter??
  10. Anthony_

    A (Cancelled) Dork Prestigious

    some choice projection going on here
  11. Sean Murphy

    juan soto is a met Supporter

  12. OhTheWater

    Let it run Supporter

    It's shitty that this has devolved into some weird "sides" thing because there are so many users who I respect and interact with, and have interacted with for years in positive ways, ignoring my posts and refusing to engage with what I'm trying to say because they view it as me attacking or calling them out. If you're done with me over it, it is what it is I guess.

    I don't think I'm posting anything that opposes what others are saying in here. I'm attempting to provide a voice for people who don't want to speak out, as I have attempted to do before.

    I'm also stating explicitly that problematic artists should not be supported or spoken about positively, I agree with everyone. MGK sucks. Jesse sucks. Attempting to talk about them (or more specifically Jesse or other situations that are more complex than this MGK schmuck) without first approaching the accountability aspect is unacceptable. We as a site should not allow that to happen.

    My goal is a positive change in the site. A change in how these situations are handled. A change in terms of what to do with these threads. A change in how we approach and have discussions with people who are actually willing to engage. A discussion about how stray posts can cause someone to be triggered or to feel threatened without you intending to do so. This isn't about MGK.
  13. dadbolt

    Prestigious Prestigious

    can we please dispense with the hypothetical scenarios here and you show me what I asked originally? I’ve got all day
    jorbjorb and Anthony_ like this.
  14. OhTheWater

    Let it run Supporter

    This kinda sucks, come on.
  15. Anthony_

    A (Cancelled) Dork Prestigious

    I’ll also reiterate that if there’s anything I’ve posted that has caused someone to reconsider jumping into a conversation in support of someone like MGK, I’m beyond happy about that. That’s the goal and I consider it a win.

    Nothing I’ve ever said on this site could possibly be construed as attacking anyone seeking to learn about stuff in good faith, I’m confident making that statement, and nobody is going to be able to convince me otherwise. No matter how hard y’all try. Anything hostile I’ve ever posted has either been directed at the artist themselves or at people trying to change the subject and “just talk about the music man”. And the same goes for everyone else in here who is sick of the lies and obfuscation and attempts to paint those on the side of accountability as the bad guys.
  16. That wasnt directed at you, for the record. But given how staff responds publicly I have a hard time believing there are a lot of people hitting them up about this stuff, unless of course they're the people coming in here derailing things.
    jorbjorb likes this.
  17. Never said I was talking about this thread in particular, and the conversation I've been trying to have has always been about productive accountability discourse on the site, never about MGK. The gotcha shit isn't gonna work. I'm out.
    CarpetElf and Anthony_ like this.
  18. Anthony_

    A (Cancelled) Dork Prestigious

    see ya!
    theagentcoma, GrantCloud and jorbjorb like this.
  19. Anthony_

    A (Cancelled) Dork Prestigious

    wild how I posted this mostly sarcastically but then it literally actually happened in this thread

    at least the masks are off
    jorbjorb likes this.
  20. Also do these discussions exist for say, the entertainment forum or the politics thread? I dont see them but I dont want to say they dont exist but if they dont its definitely worth questioning why these "people feel uncomfortable" posting discussions center around abusers, which is a far more serious and uncomfortable topic than say, Nintendo or Christopher Nolan
    jorbjorb and iCarly Rae Jepsen like this.
  21. ItsAndrew

    Prestigious Prestigious

    I personally have not seen discussions like this happen there or people going to bat for say Woody Allen, Louis CK, Kevin Spacey, Harvey Weinstein, etc. but there’s also less people who post over there than in the music forum. Usually there it’s pretty clear cut that they did something wrong and shouldn’t be discussed about positively any further, at least from what I have seen.
  22. Sean Murphy

    juan soto is a met Supporter

    if only it were always that simple.
    jorbjorb and Anthony_ like this.
  23. TriangularDuck

    Trusted Supporter

    I've sat on a draft for about an hour that I just deleted, but much more briefly than I was going to say: I've been avoiding a lot of this conversation about moderation issues and tactics out of fear of inviting another pile-on, since I was treated basically the exact same way as people who were defending MGK (down to literally identical posts) the last time I did that. I'm also not planning on replying in this thread after making this post, I'm gonna drop the unfollow and ignore. MGK is a pedo, and the other conversation was going places but for sure isn't anymore.
  24. Anthony_

    A (Cancelled) Dork Prestigious

    jorbjorb likes this.
  25. OhTheWater

    Let it run Supporter

    Eh, people talk about Rosemary's Baby in a positive way on here a lot and in the same hand can say what a monster Polanski is. Same with Annie Hall. Around the time of the CK allegations (actually when they first came out years ago I started talking about it) people began to grapple with how important his work is vs. how shitty of a person he is.
    ItsAndrew and CarpetElf like this.