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LØLØ - Falling For Robots And Wishing I Was One (June 7, 2024) Album

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by WadeCastle, Apr 3, 2024.

  1. WadeCastle

    Trusted Supporter

  2. tomtom94



    Love her hooks, she's an incredibly catchy songwriter.

    Not a huge fan of the album art, but hey, it's the music that counts.
    WadeCastle likes this.
  3. WadeCastle

    Trusted Supporter

    yeah i just tweeted at her saying where does it say LØLØ on the cover or am i blind hahaah

    stoked for her finally getting a full length out, all her EPs have been excellent.
    tomtom94 likes this.
  4. WadeCastle

    Trusted Supporter

    i have a playlist with all her singles and EPs released thus far if anyone wants to check it out, new to old

  5. WadeCastle Apr 4, 2024
    (Last edited: Apr 4, 2024)

    Trusted Supporter

    U & The Tin Man out now!

  6. btr

    Trusted Supporter

    Excited for this! These songs are really catchy. Bumped into her in the crowd at a New Found Glory show in Buffalo a couple years back. Had to do a triple take to realize it was her haha.
    WadeCastle likes this.
  7. WadeCastle

    Trusted Supporter

    that’s random and awesome! The first time I saw her live was opening up for them
  8. WadeCastle

    Trusted Supporter

  9. WadeCastle

    Trusted Supporter

    information about this song and behind the scenes of the music video

  10. WadeCastle

    Trusted Supporter

    LØLØ is opening up for JXDN on the summer leg of his upcoming tour

  11. WadeCastle

    Trusted Supporter

  12. WadeCastle

    Trusted Supporter

  13. WadeCastle

    Trusted Supporter

    LØLØ is going on tour w/ Marianas Trench

  14. WadeCastle

    Trusted Supporter

  15. Cmoney86


    Out now

  16. WadeCastle

    Trusted Supporter

    deleted all the singles when adding the album into my LØLØ playlist and realized she released half the album already haha took 5 songs into it to get to a new song, bummer that's how the way albums are these days, there is no mystery anymore.
  17. WadeCastle

    Trusted Supporter

    she also released music videos for all the new songs on the album

  18. WadeCastle

    Trusted Supporter

  19. btr

    Trusted Supporter

    Enjoyed my first listen on Friday while on a road trip, but yes i agree just hitting play it took a while to get to new songs haha
    WadeCastle likes this.
  20. tomtom94


    Enjoying this but not really a standout banger from the new songs IMO.
  21. WadeCastle

    Trusted Supporter

    i agree, all the songs she dumped before the album are the better of the bunch for sure, all the new ones all sound similar have the same vibe
    tomtom94 likes this.
  22. tomtom94


    Confirmed to be covering New Found Glory's "Vicious Love" for the new Hopeless comp
  23. WadeCastle

    Trusted Supporter

    makes sense, her first tour was opening for them!
  24. WadeCastle

    Trusted Supporter