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Love Letter – “Meds and Taxes” (Song Premiere)

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Melody Bot, Jun 6, 2024.

  1. Melody Bot

    Your friendly little forum bot. Staff Member

    This article has been imported from for discussion. All of the forum rules still apply.

    Today, New England’s Love Letter, formerly known as Death Of A Nation, which features Andrew Reitz (drums), Matthew Spence (guitar), Dave Alcan (bass), Quinn Murphy (vocals), and Jay Maas (guitars, backing vocals), are pleased to announce their debut album Everyone Wants Something Beautiful. Not to be outdone by the album announcement, they’re also sharing their latest single called “Meds and Taxes.” Lead vocalist Quinn Murphy shared:

    With ‘Meds and Taxes,’ I wanted to address the trappings that the systemic curse of generational poverty causes to the majority of the world, the way being raised with a predetermined mountain to climb that distorts the body and sabotages mental health can leave us more susceptible to hardships and terrible choices. Being born comes with the overwhelming likelihood of individuals, families and communities getting stuck in a cyclical struggle to make ends meet. It’s a big ask to stay relatively healthy while trying to keep your sanity through the physical and mental stress and expectations of a sociopathic capitalist society ruled by apathy and greed. The foretold task at hand for us is beyond daunting and belligerently exploitative.

    If you’re enjoying the latest single, please consider pre-ordering Everyone Wants Something Beautiful (out on June 28th) here.

    Photo Credit: Jessie Maas


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