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LOST TV Show • Page 41

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by Melody Bot, Jan 11, 2016.

  1. Penlab

    Prestigious Supporter

    Yeah, it's hard for me to imagine someone not liking that episode.
  2. bedwettingcosmo

    i like bands who can't sing good Supporter

    i'm 5 episodes in on the final season. how the fuck does jack have a son
  3. chewbacca110

    Gimme light, gimme love, gimme fire

    I'll give you 13 reasons why.
  4. bedwettingcosmo

    i like bands who can't sing good Supporter

    ahhh. i was trying to figure out what he was from.
    Nyquist likes this.
  5. bedwettingcosmo

    i like bands who can't sing good Supporter

    finished the episode where sayid teams up with zombie locke to storm the temple and kill all of the villagers there. the way the episode ended with sayid and claire joining zombie locke and the villagers that decided to join his legion reminded me a bit of the ending of Hardhome from game of thrones with the white walkers and the night king staring down jon snow as he flees.
  6. bedwettingcosmo

    i like bands who can't sing good Supporter

    soooo the submarine episode. assuming sayid is really dead, that's a bold move to kill off 3 main characters in one episode. jin and sun went out beautifully, but damn deciding to make your daughter an orphan is certainly a choice. the season is finally picking up and i only have a handful of episodes left.

    next up is Across the Sea. is that the episode that is so polarizing? nervous.
    Indigo, Crisp X, RJ Knorr and 2 others like this.
  7. Sean Murphy

    i'll never delete a post Supporter

    sun&jin scene was the first of 2 times i ugly cried during the final season. the 2nd time is still to come.

    Across the Sea rules.
  8. Nyquist

    I must now go to the source Supporter

    It is a fairly polarizing episode from what I recall, but I’m also in the camp that enjoys it. The finale itself is also pretty polarizing amongst certain camps lol.

    I’m very curious to know what your thoughts are on the “Flash Sideways” this season. The debate over it when it was airing resulted in a lot of interesting, varying theories and opinions.
  9. bedwettingcosmo

    i like bands who can't sing good Supporter

    it's alot but very on brand for the show. i admittedly don't watch much sci-fi at all so i'm probably the worst person to ask about possible theories on it. it took longer than i care to admit to realize that the group that made it to LA was on a different timeline than the original group.

    if that was really the end of sayid, the more i sit with it, the more i'm unsure how i feel about his arc this season. i get the whole martyr to save the group angle, but the rest of his season i didn't care much for.
    Nyquist and Penlab like this.
  10. Penlab

    Prestigious Supporter

    I feel like they should've done so much more with Zombie Sayid. If I'm being honest, I think they ultimately hamstrung themselves with setting a finite number of episodes.

    I know they wanted a definitive end so as not to have to write more episodes like the one about Jack's tattoos, but I think they should've used that as a goalpost, not as something set in stone that they couldn't overrule.
    Zilla likes this.
  11. Kal El

    The sidewalks are watching me think about you.

    It was kind of polarizing in the moment it aired, not really because of the content of the episode (although some were disappointed in the answers), but because it should have aired five to six weeks earlier in the season. People were upset because it kind of killed the momentum leading up to the finale.
    Nyquist likes this.
  12. manoverboard365


    Oh god in the finale alone I ugly cried like 5 times.
    Indigo, chewbacca110 and Sean Murphy like this.
  13. bedwettingcosmo

    i like bands who can't sing good Supporter

    coleslawed likes this.
  14. Nyquist

    I must now go to the source Supporter

    Thaaaaaat’s right. I was trying to recall what the big issue was and yeah that jogs some memories.
    Kal El likes this.
  15. Kal El

    The sidewalks are watching me think about you.

    Oh, man, I have such vivid memories of this show and the discussions surrounding it because we were LIVING with it week to week. Not being in the US, we were downloading it and I had a group of friends with whom I watched it every week. We would cram into a room and connect the laptop to the TV to watch it in the beginning (2004/2005). Good times, still have the pirated ABC episodes on DVD's somewhere.
  16. manoverboard365


    I was genuinely shocked that ABC didn't try and make a spin off series based on what we saw in Across the Sea. The episode basically showed how history just continued to repeat itself. Someone appears on the island by chance, on faith alone take it upon themselves to protect the island, groups keep trying to exploit the mysterious powers of the island, their greed leads to their own demise. Rinse and repeat. They could've made a spinoff series that took place in literally any time period, sprinkling in some little answers along the way that die hard fans would've loved (like the building of the statue, the collapse of the statue, who build the wheel, how exactly the MIB became smoke, etc.).
    Not saying a spin off would've been great, or that Lindelof would've been on board. But ABC does own that IP, and they only care about $$$.
    coleslawed and stayillogical like this.
  17. Atticus5143


    I remember Lindelof saying he would be absolutely shocked if they didn’t eventually reboot it
  18. 5Stories


    I feel like the lore just got too messy for a spinoff. If it ever comes back it would need a reboot.
  19. bedwettingcosmo

    i like bands who can't sing good Supporter

    i have just the part 2 of the end left. watched part 1 today and was not emotionally prepared for all the reunion stuff. jin/sun and charlie/claire in particular wrecked me. i have one episode left and even after seeing it end on the locke/jack charging at eachother cliffhanger, i dont want to immediately watch part 2. i'm not ready for it to be over.

    i've only spent the past few months with this show. i can't imagine the weight of watching something like this end after spending years with it.
    Matt, chewbacca110, Crisp X and 7 others like this.
  20. Penlab

    Prestigious Supporter

    There's one reunion in particular that got me good because it’s a payoff to something I didn't even realize was something to pay off on.
    coleslawed and Sean Murphy like this.
  21. I remember my brother and I looking at each other and exploding with laughter when that cliffhanger came on because that charging at each other scene came out of nowhere lol. It felt so anime-y, like something from Dragon Ball Z. We immediately put on Part 2 because we were just too hyped to wait one more day
    bedwettingcosmo and Penlab like this.
  22. Matt

    Living with the land Supporter

    We had a viewing party with friends when the finale aired and I remember trying to hide the fact that I was weeping at the end of the episode
    stayillogical, Jim, Crisp X and 2 others like this.
  23. Sean Murphy

    i'll never delete a post Supporter

    charlie claire *****destroyed***** me
  24. Sean Murphy

    i'll never delete a post Supporter

    and still does
    coleslawed and bedwettingcosmo like this.
  25. Penlab

    Prestigious Supporter

    That one did also. The reunions were done very, very well, IMO.
    bedwettingcosmo likes this.