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Los Campesinos! - All Hell (July 19, 2024) Album • Page 3

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by amorningofsleep, May 14, 2024.

  1. matthaber

    beautiful and chequered, the end

    we are sooooooooo back
    SteveLikesMusic likes this.
  2. they have a perfect discography
  3. I Am Mick

    @gravebug Prestigious

    This might be the most "active" the band has felt in over a decade. Multiple tours booked, new album, live concert film and photo book coming. I'm so happy
  4. what I love about their discography is that any of the albums could be someone's favorite - there is no consensus and that rules
  5. sawhney[rusted]2

    I'll write you into all of my songs Supporter

    Yeah this is an slow burner of a band imo, I've enjoyed every album to some degree and agree they haven't made a bad album

    New songs are so great, so excited for this
  6. I Am Mick

    @gravebug Prestigious

    I think the only reason I don't entirely love Sick Scenes is the production is super uneven, some songs sound rouuggghhh. Definitely possible they ran out of money recording that one.

    also it was the only CD in my car for a very long time and I overplayed the shit out of it
  7. Thrillcollinz

    Try to stay afloat

    I Am Mick and SteveLikesMusic like this.
  8. TheBaroness

    a burst and I'm awake now Supporter

    Oh boy, based on the two new songs this is going to be very good. Really leaning into those emo influences.
    Thrillcollinz likes this.
  9. SpeckledSouls


    Feast of Tongues grew on me so quickly. It's crazy.
  10. SpeckledSouls


    A Psychic Wound does very, very little for me unfortunately. I'm really hoping for some of their more punky/unorthodox song structures this time around, but we'll see.

    This band is so varied it's interesting to see them develop.
  11. StatusAilments


    2 for 2 on these songs so far. A Psychic Wound feels like an extension of Sick Scenes, which I'm completely on board with.
    I Am Mick likes this.
  12. SpeckledSouls


    Weird, I didn't get Sick Scenes from it at all.

    Still psyched to see them live and get this album. Pre-ordered the dinked thing
  13. both songs are great, i am so in
  14. OhTheWater

    Let it run Supporter

    Feast is one of their best songs. Beautiful stuff
  15. Steeeve Perry


    Been busy but have started with the debut. Definitely more bombastic that expected. Kind of reminded me of a UK indie pop Whenever If Ever.
  16. the rural juror

    carried in the arms of cheerleaders

    2 for 2 so far. Psychic Wound is good, Feast of Tongues is amazing.
  17. this for sure will be a top 10 album for me
  18. Cameron

    FKA nowFace Prestigious

    These track titles are so good
  19. Steeeve Perry


    Okay I've done the discography run and liked it a lot more as it went along. Definitely prefer the newer records on first couple of listens. Can imagine maybe when I run those into the ground I might find a lot more to like in the more frenetic calamitous early records (especially the first 2).

    I went through a similar process with a few bands for instance Modest Mouse initially preferring their mid 00s records then the earlier trio clicked with time.
  20. I also went through the discography since this was announced, and Sick Scenes and Romance Is Boring are neck and neck for my favorite. I still can't fully get into No Blues and Hello Sadness. Both have some great songs but don't stick with me as full albums.
    SpeckledSouls likes this.
  21. SpeckledSouls


    Wow this is me precisely
    troyplaysbass likes this.
  22. sick scenes rules. no blues is my favorite but it was the one that hooked me. romance is boring next
  23. Cameron

    FKA nowFace Prestigious

    Hello Sadness and NB might be my favorite
    Steeeve Perry and StatusAilments like this.
  24. Had the pleasure of interviewing Gareth for my newsletter. We chatted about the LCs return, pubs in Bath, the emo boys club, and whether using a brolly makes you less British..?

    A record that demands to be listened to
  25. zorbed

    Regular Supporter

    ethansawyer likes this.