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Live Streaming Comes to Bandcamp

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Melody Bot, Nov 17, 2020.

  1. Melody Bot

    Your friendly little forum bot. Staff Member

    This article has been imported from for discussion. All of the forum rules still apply.

    Bandcamp have launched a new live streaming service:

    Today we’re announcing Bandcamp Live, a new ticketed live streaming service that makes it easy for artists to perform for and connect with their fans, and for fans to directly support the artists they love.

    Bandcamp Live is simple to set up, even if you’ve never streamed before, and is fully integrated with the rest of Bandcamp. This has several benefits: we automatically notify your fans when you announce a show, it’s easy to buy a ticket since so many people already have a Bandcamp account and saved credit card, and new buyers become your followers (and have the option to join your mailing list). You can also showcase your music and merchandise right alongside your stream in a virtual merch table.

    This looks really well thought out and integrated into the platform.


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  2. mrenkens007

    Surprise, Surprise Prestigious

    Love that they really took time over the past few months to integrate/build this efficiently for artists. Could have been a knee-jerk reaction in like, month one of lockdown and failed miserably, but this is so robust and user-friendly.
  3. Yellowcard2006


    This is a huge deal for me it is annoying dealing with a new streaming platform and making a new account for every artist I want to watch.

    "You set your ticket price to whatever you want, and that’s what your fans are charged. Our fee is 10%, and we’re waiving it entirely until March 31st, 2021."

    This is awesome.
  4. SupMikecheck


    Bandcamp has been great for the indie scene. Hopefully this is artist friendly and they give everyone on the platform the same attention.
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