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Last Movie You Saw, Name & Review Movie • Page 200

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by Melody Bot, Mar 13, 2015.

  1. imthegrimace

    I am protesting Josh as a mod Supporter

    Stop Making Sense is 10/10 smdh
  2. LuigiPeppercorn

    Trusted Prestigious

    Dazed and Confused - 3/5

    A great movie to watch while getting high with your friends. I was alone eating Cheez-Itz. Total hangout movie that brings you back to the days where you had no responsibilities (which rocks), but doesn't provide much else. The hazing stuff didn't work for me, and a good chunk of the characters didn't stick. Still had a fun time watching, but probably wouldn't go back to it unless in certain circumstances
  3. Long Century


    Scoring Stop Making Sense .5 higher than The Dentist 2. Straight to jail.
    imthegrimace likes this.
  4. Have you seen The Dentist 2?
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  6. Long Century


  7. SpeckledSouls and JoshIsMediocre like this.
  8. imthegrimace

    I am protesting Josh as a mod Supporter

    I also rewatched insomnia recently and kinda soured on it.
    sophos34 likes this.
  9. Long Century


    SpeckledSouls and aliens exist like this.
  10. Coonsatron

    Old APer Supporter

    Challengers - 9/10
    Holy shit I loved this movie. I loved watching these freaky deaky weirdos drive each other insane.
  11. imthegrimace

    I am protesting Josh as a mod Supporter

    a boner slapping good time
  12. popdisaster00

    Moderator Moderator

  13. sophos34

    Prestigious Supporter

    I wondered why Aaron liked my insomnia review on letterbox’d today haha
    Aaron Mook likes this.
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  15. imthegrimace

    I am protesting Josh as a mod Supporter

    In a Violent Nature - 3.5/5

    this absolutely ruled, loved how it was shot

    Three Thousand Years of Longing - 3.5

    wanted to watch more Miller after doing all the mad max movies and this didn’t disappoint
    angrycandy likes this.
  16. George

    Trusted Prestigious

    White Heat (Raoul Walsh, 1949)

    "Jerry, you couldn't get me out of here if I was pardoned."

    There's something joyously nasty about the whole thing, Cody, his mum, his wife, his crew and even the police are all pieces of work, just out for themselves, and very easy to root against. Despite that, they're all so compelling as characters, with the relationship between Cody and his scheming mum a highlight. Cagney's screams of anguish when he hears of her death, and his vulnerable confession that he likes speaking to her when he knows she's no longer there are fantastic. Cagney is brilliant in this, he has exactly the right sort of mean face for Cody, and in certain lights he looks a little bit like David Jason.

    This works as both a prison movie and a heist movie, following Cody in and out of prison, seeing the schemes he runs, and the people he runs them with, culminating in a brutal and brilliant explosive showdown, though the film ever so slightly flubs the ending by not leaving the last word to Cody.
  17. cshadows2887

    Hailey, It Happens @haileyithappens Supporter

    If Cagney didn’t have so many crowning achievements, I’d say this one was his crowning achievement. Both the charisma and the danger of his gangsters is on complete display in that one
    Nathan likes this.
  18. George

    Trusted Prestigious

    I need to see him in more, despite being an instantly recognisable face, I’ve only seen him in this and Billy Wilder’s One Two Three from the 60s, but he was so good in this.

    I could have sworn he was in the original Scarface too, but that’s someone else entirely!
    Nathan likes this.
  19. Nathan

    Always do the right thing. Supporter

    I did a Cagney run during lockdown. The Strawberry Blonde was a non-gangster highlight but White Heat and Angels With Dirty Faces were my all-timers. I love him paired with Bogart. His style feels the direct line of influence into the transformation of screen acting that came later with Brando/Dean/etc. He defined range. He was expressive and emotional, while also naturalistic and funny in a way that stands out in his films of the 30s. But then he could also dance and something like Footlight Parade is an achievement as well. I also remember liking The Public Enemy.

    I also watched Yankee Doodle Dandy, a biopic where he plays a patriotic songwriter, and he was good and showed range beyond gangster films, but I did find it corny.
    George and cshadows2887 like this.
  20. cshadows2887

    Hailey, It Happens @haileyithappens Supporter

    Angels with Dirty Faces is one of my all-time favorites and one of the movies that really made me fall in love with classic film.

    Yankee Doodle Dandy, if you can get past the rah-rah patriotism, is pretty wonderful and he gives an enormous star performance.

    The Public Enemy is one of the 2-3 films that basically defined the entire gangster genre.

    I'm also partial to Torrid Zone as a deeper cut.

    Orson Welles considered him "the greatest actor who ever appeared in front of a camera"
    George likes this.
  21. JoshIsMediocre

    a wife, 3 dogs and a mortgage Moderator

    I took a personal day off yesterday, watched a couple movies at home and one at the theater

    Confess, Fletch - 3/5 - I really do find Jon Hamm hysterical, and all of the supporting characters in this were great too. I don't think I like to look at Kyle MacLachlan though

    Adventureland - 3.5/5 - I don't think I've seen this one since high school, I'd never logged it on Letterboxd at least

    A League of Their Own - 4/5 - When I decided Tuesday night I was going to take a day off, I checked the AMC app to see what was playing and saw this randomly showing at 1 PM at one of the smaller AMCs but couldn't figure out why as it isn't any kind of anniversary. Turns out it's because of the college softball world series being played over the last week or two here in Oklahoma City. It ended just being me and an older couple in the theater, and it was a lot of fun!
  22. Long Century Jun 6, 2024
    (Last edited: Jun 7, 2024)
    Long Century


    Imgur Image
    The Headless Woman (2008, Lucrecia Martel)

    More impactful than long trails of historic evidence and well established patterns of behavior, there are certain moments in life when you find out who you are, single decisions that expose you to yourself in an undeniable light. In the aftermath a woman decapitated by her guilt wanders clueless through life. Luckily her privileges have got her back, shielded from any material harm she is free to wallow away while the workers get the work done, except for the one boy who doesnt turn up but without a head it's hard to be anything more than obvious.

    I have been living high off one of those judge yourself moments since last year when I thought I scratched a parked car with my car. Couldn't tell if I touched it, it was close, the strokes were blaring and it looked like I chipped the paint. I parked and had to decide whether to leave a note or drive away. I took my note to the car. The chip was a stupid black decal. I didn't tell anyone about that incident because It still reflects poorly on me as a driver and people didn't respond properly to my other moral triumph stories provoking rude counter stories.

    Imgur Image
    The Beta Test (2023, Jim Cummings & PJ McCabe)
    Jim is a fantastic actor and his performance is good. There are some good shots. There are some bad shots and often looks like netflix. The story falls apart around halfway and keeps getting worse. It's hard to tell if every actor is bad, or if it's just bad writing and direction. Might be all 3.
    imthegrimace and angrycandy like this.
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  24. Morrissey


    I have seen The Headless Woman twice and it still doesn't grab me as much as Martel's other films.
  25. Long Century


    Zama was better, I was going to watch it again but I want to read the book first.

    havent seen the others
  26. Long Century


    I sat with The Headless Women for a week and rewatched some parts. It really does feel like a concusion. Theres probably a historical conncect there to Argentina in the 70s too.
  27. Long Century


    @Morrissey are we getting any reviews from your big week at the movies?
  28. Morrissey


    Best movie I saw this week was probably Dry Ground Burning. Babes was the worst. Evil Does Not Exist had the most questions to ponder. Our Body was the most educational. The best memes would be Mad Max 5. Unrest was the most "what did I miss?" movie.
    Long Century likes this.
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