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Last Movie You Saw, Name & Review Movie • Page 196

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by Melody Bot, Mar 13, 2015.

  1. wisdomfordebris

    Moderator Moderator

    Citizen Ruth is probably an all timer for me.
  2. They are having Griffin Newman on (the other half of Blank Check) to discuss Downsizing, which apparently he is a big defender of (and Wiger claims he's also come around on it)
  3. OhTheWater

    Let it run Supporter

    I find Griffin pretty unlikable
    StatusAilments likes this.
  4. I don't mind Griffin or David on Doughboys, but I don't find either of them funny enough to listen to their own show
    OhTheWater likes this.
  5. Not to turn this into the Doughboys thread, but I do wish it was Bug Mane guesting for Downsizing
  6. imthegrimace

    I am protesting Josh as a mod Supporter

    I like Griffin but David can be grating. I only occasionally listen to their podcast. I’m going through their Mann episodes now.
  7. cshadows2887

    Hailey, It Happens @haileyithappens Supporter

    Downsizing should have been a TV show or a mini-series. Could have been good.
  8. WadeCastle

    Trusted Supporter

    The Fall Guy 10/10

    I saw it Sunday in theaters with my best friend and we had a blast, it is such an original movie and a love letter to the stunt men and woman in the industry. Ryan Gosling & Emily Blunt (two of my favorite actors) just at the top of their game. great mix of action, comedy, & romance. It was directed by David Leitch who did John Wick, Deadpool 2, & Bullet Train. The cast also features Hannah Waddingham, Teresa Palmer, Stephanie Hsu, and Winston Duke. Check it out if you like your action comedies that don't take themselves too seriously.
    Long Century and SpyKi like this.
  9. Downsizing is weird, you can split it down the middle into two different films. It's what introduced me to Hong Chau, which I love, but I can't take Matt Damon seriously anymore because he's said some stupid shit so many times

    Anyway I just showed my friends Almost Famous, which they seemed to enjoy. Been a while since I watched it myself. I guess a couple things didn't age all that well for me, like three grown women deflowering a kid, then that kid later kissing another woman who's drunk/on drugs. Crowe's films got undeniable charm though. I love Kate Hudson in this so so so so much
  10. Long Century May 22, 2024
    (Last edited: May 22, 2024)
    Long Century


    Tetro (2009) - We got something going on here. An black and white indie about a writer, a Greek familia tragedy tied together with melodramatic flare. Why go to La Bocha to shoot in black white? For starters every shot looks hot and because the flash blacks are about to explode with dream like technicolor. The earnest performances never nod towards the over the top theatrics happening but are still able to touch you because there's not a 40 year old baby man at the centre, there's a family relationship overcoming itself.
    Imgur Image

    The Fall Guy (2009) - This the Ivy bar.
    Imgur Image
    It used to be owned by the head of the biggest organised crime family here and it still might be I didn't look it up. I was there at the end of last year to celebrate my friend's engagement. A former DJ turned real estate agent which sucks but you cant choose your friends.

    At the bar I ordered a Cubre Libre, the bartender asked me if I meant rum and coke. I did not. I meant a Cubre Libre.

    - 2 parts rum
    - 1 part fresh lime juice
    - Stirred
    - Served over ice, topped with coke and a lime wedge garnish

    While she was saying to my friend “i dont know why people say Cuba Libre when its just rum and coke” I took my rum and coke to get a glass of water. At the water station a larger realestate agent informed me drinking water was for pussies.

    You can't always drink what you want but you should try to stay hydrated.

    Imgur Image
    This bar I don't remember the name of, it might be owned by a crime family not looking things up for this review. They own a lot of bars probably not this one though because the ones they own are usually bigger and more popular and full of people with bad attitudes. A man in the bathroom here told me I had the best shirt at the club and that I looked like a cool Bee Gee.
  11. angrycandy

    I’m drama in these khaki towns Supporter

    love Tetro
    aliens exist and Long Century like this.
  12. Nebraska - 9/10
    I think this eclipses About Schmidt as my favorite Payne so far. It's not perfect, but I teared up listening to a comedy podcast talk about it this morning, so it was definitely effective. I watch my parents age, and even though neither of them are really approaching the shape Dern is in (who is just perfect in his role), I think about taking care of them and whether I will be able to give them grandkids before they reach that point, and how I am my dad's age when he started having kids. I think about the way he was just attacked by the neighbor's dog (same one that attacked my mother a week prior, it's a long story) and how the first thing he said when we got to the ER was, "I'm sorry for ruining Mother's Day," which broke me because I finally realized why my brother and I internalize so much and beat ourselves up when it's not necessary. I think about these things and I watch Nebraska, a film where a father and son that can clearly frustrate each other are both going out of their way to give each other something as the father reaches the end of his life, and it makes me feel joyful and heartbroken at the same time. I know this experience is personal and anecdotal, but it reminds me of why I love film so much in the first place. So I am thankful for this very funny tearjerker and for comedic actors being given dramatic turns, I am thankful for June Squibb, I am thankful for rural towns like the one I grew up in and big filmmakers hiring local actors for bit parts, I am thankful for this film's beautiful black and white cinematography, but mostly, I am thankful for my parents.

    This was my parents' room. I got whipped if they found me in here. I guess nobody's gonna whip me now.
    imthegrimace and Long Century like this.
  13. imthegrimace

    I am protesting Josh as a mod Supporter

    The Descendants - 3/5

    definitely not Payne’s best. I’d at least put Nebraska, the Holdovers and Election above it.
  14. Long Century


    Doughboys got you guys putting in work
  15. imthegrimace

    I am protesting Josh as a mod Supporter

    They aren’t even doing the descendants just wanted to rewatch it since I haven’t seen it since the theater.
    Aaron Mook likes this.
  16. Nathan

    Always do the right thing. Supporter

    Doughboys gotta do a Kieslowski month or somethin and fill this thread with three colors reviews
  17. Long Century


    Ill finish watching Red for you
    Nathan likes this.
  18. Only Downsizing and The Holdovers left for the podcast, lol. This whole thing as vastly impacted my usually horror watching.
  19. Long Century


    Im out here watching Videodrome before bed again
  20. imthegrimace

    I am protesting Josh as a mod Supporter

    I am not looking forward to watching downsizing.
    Aaron Mook likes this.
  21. Hell yeah

    For some perverse reason, I am lol
    Long Century and imthegrimace like this.
  22. imthegrimace

    I am protesting Josh as a mod Supporter

    Long Century and aliens exist like this.
  23. cshadows2887

    Hailey, It Happens @haileyithappens Supporter

    Damn I still need 15 of those.
  24. Nathan

    Always do the right thing. Supporter

    I still need to see
    La Terra Trena
    Big Deal on Madonna Street
    Il Sorpaso
    The Merchant of Four Seasons
    The Marriage of Maria Braun
    The Mystery of Haspar Hauser

    I didn’t know about this list at the time but watched a lot of the others on it for the first time during COVID lockdowns
  25. Morrissey


    I need to watch Children of Paradise again. I didn't see what was so special about it at the time.