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Knuckle Puck Release Limited Edition VHS

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Melody Bot, Sep 21, 2020.

  1. Melody Bot

    Your friendly little forum bot. Staff Member

    This article has been imported from for discussion. All of the forum rules still apply.

    Knuckle Puck are releasing a limited edition VHS tour documentary. It also comes with a digital download.


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  3. paythetab

    Chorus.FM Album Reviewer (Adam Grundy) Supporter

  4. Alex DiVincenzo

    Framey and falafelmywaffle like this.
  5. kpatrickwood

    Give what you can.

    Would totally jump on this but I can't tell if this collection would be considered iconic or not. Anyone who buys anything that isn't curated and iconic is a complete fucking idiot.
    paythetab likes this.
  6. paythetab likes this.
  7. joey-wan kenobi

    Happiness is a warm gun mama

    Hate this. Love this.

    Please be kind. Rewind.
    falafelmywaffle likes this.
  8. AlwaysEvolving21

    Trusted Supporter

    This makes me miss my cousin’s local video rental store. Till this day he swears that’s the best job/business he ever owned. He’s retired now. Lucky guy.
  9. Framey


    Love stuff like this. Also their live show at Lincoln Hall Friday night was awesome.
  10. tyler_pifer


    Awesome! New alum is amazing.
  11. CyberInferno

    Line below my username Supporter

    This new album is the best KP album IMO by far. This is cool and all, but I'm not down with a VHS revival. Let VHS be dead. No one needs to resurrect 480i resolution.
    koryoreo and falafelmywaffle like this.