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Julien Baker - Turn Out The Lights (October 27, 2017) Album • Page 19

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by Firefly, Aug 17, 2017.

  1. Firefly

    emotional motion sickness

    Apparently she also has Sprained Ankle LP on vinyl, CD, and Cassette & Distant Solar Systems EP on vinyl.
  2. ImAMetaphor

    one with the riverbed Prestigious

    I am going to be super irresponsible with money at the show, aren't I?
    coleslawed, RyanRyan and Firefly like this.
  3. Firefly

    emotional motion sickness

    Yeah I just want everything.
    ImAMetaphor and RyanRyan like this.
  4. maryp1603

    Hey. Supporter

    I want every shirt that's available so I feel you on that. My credit card will be crying.
    ImAMetaphor, Sean Murphy and RyanRyan like this.
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  6. ImAMetaphor

    one with the riverbed Prestigious

    I need the fox shirt, but I also would love the long sleeve and a Sprained Ankle LP.
    maryp1603 likes this.
  7. maryp1603

    Hey. Supporter

    Looks like we're getting Tiny Desk round 2!

  8. Professor Plumbob

    Trusted Supporter

    Saw her last night, new songs sound incredible.
  9. Professor Plumbob

    Trusted Supporter

    The long sleeve is super soft, do recommend
    ImAMetaphor likes this.
  10. austingordon

    your local curmudgeon

  11. ImAMetaphor

    one with the riverbed Prestigious

    I know you should never go into a show with an expectation like this, but I really hope I’ll have a chance to meet her again on Sunday. I was able to meet her briefly at a show in the spring and give her a letter I wrote her, but I was too nervous to ask for a picture or an autograph. It would mean the world to me to be able to have another chance to do that.

    Also, it’s Monday, and I’m already getting emotional thinking about the show. Man.
    coleslawed and Barresi like this.
  12. Ryan G

    Moderator Moderator

    I went to a SXSW house show in 2016 and had the chance to talk with her and Cam from Sorority Noise for like 30 min before the show due to mutual peers. Super, super nice people.
    ImAMetaphor likes this.
  13. maryp1603

    Hey. Supporter

    We should meet up before the show. I don't know of anyone else going. Shoot me a message if interested.
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  15. ImAMetaphor

    one with the riverbed Prestigious

    I’ll PM you. I’m going with my girlfriend, but I’d be down to meet up. We want to line up early weather-permitting to get a spot close to the stage.
    maryp1603 likes this.
  16. RyanRyan


    Ready to jump on tickets for the Banquet in-store show. I live nowhere near London, but sod it. Found out train tickets there are actually mad cheap, so that’s made my day.
  17. softanimal

    It's my mum's dodge caravan

    I'm seeing her in London the day before but tempted to get some tickets for Banquet too, can't see her enough haha
    RyanRyan likes this.
  18. RyanRyan


    Got a ticket awwww yea. I can't wait. Then a week later I see Brand New...what a month November will be.
    Firefly likes this.
  19. Firefly

    emotional motion sickness

    So jel. Make sure you film anything special! The fact I'm seeing BN the following week is why I couldn't justify seeing her again at Banquet.
    RyanRyan likes this.
  20. Night_Sky Oct 17, 2017
    (Last edited: Oct 17, 2017)


    I've been to all three of her London shows so far, have a ticket for Union Chapel so there is no way I'm missing the Banquet in-store (and I don't even live in London anymore), will probably be the most intimate setting you'll get to see her play in London again.

    EDIT: Also going to the Brand New show too, cannot wait to finally see them!
    RyanRyan likes this.
  21. RyanRyan


    Yeah the whole intimacy/stripped back aspect of it was kinda what sold me, especially with the new album coming out. I’ve never been to an in-store show before, but I’m hoping I may potentially get to meet her. That would be unreal.

    I’m completely addicted to intimate shows now; seeing Brand New in 2015 in a tiny comedy club was a religious experience for me, as was getting to see Keaton Henson play to a crowd of 100 in a museum.

    In fact, not that it would interest a lot of you here mind, I saw Pale Waves last night in the most ridiculously intimate setting, where I had to DUCK so Heather’s guitar wouldn’t knock me out or jam me in the ribs. It’s very rare you get to see bands so up-close and personal, and I nerded out looking at all their pedals, intently studying the way they play their instruments. Seeing them again tonight, because it was 6 quid a ticket, and it’s cool getting to see bands in these settings before they take off. They played a new song for the first time too, which was neat!

    TL;DR - I am excited and enjoy intimate shows ~~~~ tangents.
    Mrplum5089 likes this.
  22. Professor Plumbob

    Trusted Supporter

    Stoked it was 40 degrees out this morning so I could rock my new longsleeve. IT'S SO SOFT.
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  24. Madmod


    I was able to see Julien and KevDev in a crowd of 100. There were maybe 20 of us in the crowd who knew Juilen's music at the time so there was very little singing along. The crowed was so quiet and well behaved that it made the entire set amazing.

    I pretty sure I will never get to see her in that perfect setup ever again.
    ImAMetaphor and RyanRyan like this.
  25. Night_Sky


    I've been to several Banquet in-stores (Into It. Over It, AJJ, Pity Sex full band to name a few) and there probably is between 50-75 people that can fit in the space max (however I'm fairly certain they hired out the store space next door for in-store recently, not sure if that is still the case however). But they are all surreal in how intimate they feel. Chances are she might be around before or after for a chat, absolutely humbling to meet her in person too! Banquet are fantastic for drawing a wide variety of artists and putting on intimate shows with them.

    First UK Julien show was at St Pancras Church which I'm think is about 150 cap and that was astounding (also fitting for her music), but to see Brand New in a comedy club must have been something else!

    Been meaning to check out Pale Waves live for a while now but some many tours so little time and money, sounds like a hell of a show though!
    RyanRyan likes this.
  26. maryp1603

    Hey. Supporter

    I got to attend the SoFar show last month in Chicago with Julien. 30 people in an apartment. The best show I have and probably will ever see. A truly religious experience.
  27. RyanRyan


    Oh wow...okay now you’ve gotten me even more excited haha! This month needs to hurry on by! Cannot wait for the album, and with that in mind about the Banquet show, I’m so hyped!

    Yeah, Brand New played the Glee Club in Birmingham, capacity was like 150/200 or something according to a staff email I got before the show. Managed to snag the setlist too! Couldn’t believe I got tickets for that.

    They’re brilliant! A lot of people know them because of The 1975, but I’m hoping their fan base will be a bit more varied and less neurotic haha. They’re so catchy and fun, despite what their aesthetic may imply. Sadly missed out on getting a setlist last night because I was too polite and intended on asking the crew for one, while some girl pushed past me, leaned over the amp and snatched it off the floor. I shan’t let that happen tonight...
  28. RyanRyan


    Bloody hell that’s mad. Seriously jealous.
    maryp1603 likes this.
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