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Jimmy Eat World Band • Page 114

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by futures, Apr 6, 2016.

  1. Benjamin Lee


    These pre-orders are currently up in the JEW store.

    Attached Files:

    Onlyadirector likes this.
  2. Kevin360

    Someday I’ll find me Prestigious

    Saw that as well. Just placeholders?
  3. sophos34

    Prestigious Supporter

    this is really good
  4. Onlyadirector

    Trusted Supporter

    I'm getting Futures vibes from this kind of. I like it. The song feels a little cramped and needed an intro or a solo to space things out but I love it.
  5. Benjamin Lee


    I think so. I'm gonna wait to order until there is product info just to be sure there's no issues. haha
  6. Onlyadirector

    Trusted Supporter

    Listening to BBC1 Radio:

    Album was recorded from November to April. The producer we all suspected was confirmed. They want to come to the UK and surrounding areas more. He said they have a release date but they're not ready to discuss it because they don't want to potentially have to backtrack at a later date.
    Jason Tate likes this.
  7. Benjamin Lee


    Really like this song. Its kind of standard for a JEW first single, but it's still just as solid as you'd expect a JEW song to be.
    Onlyadirector likes this.
  8. Benjamin Lee


    Also, here's the single art. Came with the free download on their site.

    Attached Files:

    JRGComedy and Onlyadirector like this.
  9. Kevin360

    Someday I’ll find me Prestigious

    It says that placing the order now guarantees the most limited variant.
    Benjamin Lee likes this.
  10. SpyKi

    You must fix your heart Supporter

    Love the single artwork.
  11. Leftandleaving

    I will be okay. everything Supporter

    I think it's actually really different for them. Like it a lot
  12. Benjamin Lee


    I'm doing CD due to being too poor for vinyl. haha Would kinda doubt there would be a CD variant, but that's a cool detail I missed.
    Kevin360 likes this.
  13. Onlyadirector

    Trusted Supporter

    Looks like the confirmed tracks we have for the new album are Get Right, Sure and Certain, and My Enemy.

    Guy on a music forum said Sure and Certain was rated AAA and is getting added to radio rotation on September 7th.
    Kevin360 likes this.
  14. Every time they release a new song I go on a huge JEW binge and realize they basically have to be my favorite band.
  15. Kevin360

    Someday I’ll find me Prestigious

    Been really digging into their discography for the first time, I'm really liking it. I've only been through Chase This Light (twice) and Bleed American (once). Giving Futures a spin at some point today.
    Zac Djamoos likes this.
  16. In play for my favorite album of all time. Love 'Futures' so much.
  17. nickyeatworld


    Get Right is amazing. The only think I can complain about is that sonically chorus could be bigger and louder, instead it just kinda continue the verse in some way.
    But I still love it. It really has some Futures vibe, but to me it sounds more like My Best Theory
  18. Callum Macleod

    Do or do not, there is no try. Supporter

    Easily the most consistent band in my favourite bands list and also high up in my favourite live shows list. Definitely my favourite band.
    Augustus Jordal and Jason Tate like this.
  19. Kevin360

    Someday I’ll find me Prestigious

    Decided to spin it right after I posted, and as soon as it started I literally thought, "Frick. This is good. Like, really really good."
    fenway89 likes this.
  20. AlwaysEvolving21

    Trusted Supporter

    New song isn't bad. Hopefully it grows on me, but the song has no high point or low point to make me come back to it. Futures meets Invented is what it reminds me of. Still looking forward to new JEW!
  21. iam1bearcat

    i'm writing a book, leave me alone.

    Jesus, I don't want to over exaggerate or anything, but fuck, "Get Right" might be a top 10 favorite JEW song really, really quickly. maybe i'm just too excited for new JEW, but I loooooooooove this.
  22. Onlyadirector

    Trusted Supporter

    To me this almost feels like the album that would come after CTL if Invented and Damages never happened

    Also damn I am a fan for the aesthetic of this album so far.
    ChiliTacos likes this.
  23. CoffeeEyes17

    Reclusive-aggressive Prestigious

    just the sheer volume of great music theyve released is more than enough to put them in a favorite/best band conversation.

    i love love love this new song
    inwaves likes this.
  24. EngineDown

    formerly known as chill yoshi

    Yeah, like this a lot more than the initial impression of the riff. High hopes. Mentioned it in the album thread, but I haven't loved an album of theirs all the way through since Futures. Hoping this changes that.
    JM95 likes this.
  25. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    Without Damage I would have said the same thing. Though I do like good bits of CTL and Invented is okay. But I love Damage front to back.
    fenway89 likes this.