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It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia (FXX) TV Show • Page 39

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by Melody Bot, Jan 9, 2016.

  1. Mrk_Brdshw

    Dusted Groove

    "Where'd you go to law school again?"
    "....Well, I could ask you that very same question."
    "I went to Harvard. How about you?"
    "...........I plead the fifth."
  2. Mr. Serotonin

    I'm still staring down the sun Prestigious

    Uhh, filibuster
  3. christsizedshoes


    The gang leaving his office that first time and him going "Jesus Christ..." sets the tone for their relationship so perfectly.
  4. Full Effect Ed

    ...In F*cking Full Effect Prestigious

    It does! That scene is one of the funniest moments of the series.

    "I'll tell you what, you son of a bitch. I am very disappointed in you today, VERY upset with you! You tell her from me that I will be in touch with her somehow!

    Yeah, tell her she's a bitch!!"
    mad likes this.
  5. Mr. Serotonin

    I'm still staring down the sun Prestigious

    I just remembered that scene with Dennis exploding and yelling at Dee "I will cut you up into a million tiny pieces! I will put you into a box and place you in the freezer!"

    :crylaugh: :crylaugh: :crylaugh:
    Kingjohn_654 and Anthony_D'Elia like this.
  6. Mrk_Brdshw

    Dusted Groove

    Dennis has a ton of quality moments, especially when he rage quits. Almost every one of his best quotes has the word "bitch" in it somehow, and it's almost always directed at Dee.
  7. shea

    RIP Supporter

  8. Mrk_Brdshw

    Dusted Groove

    haha my personal favorite. "Dee, you gangly, uncoordinated bitch. I am not getting hogtied over your lack of grace."
  9. Anthony_

    A (Cancelled) Dork Prestigious

    One of my favorite, if not my favorite, Dennis calling Dee a bitch lines is in The ANTI-Social Network, when his delivery of the following line is so perfect I have to pause the episode every time.

    "Hell, and look people are showing up to a bar that doesn't even have a sign, and serves only one old-timey disgusting drink that nobody likes. Goddamn I hate gin. Dee, y-y-you bitch."

    The stutter at the end when it's like he's trying to think of something more clever to say but then just settles on "You bitch" is what really puts it over the top.
    mad and Ken like this.
  10. chris-wrecker

    Trusted Supporter

    The whole golden god scene when Dennis is trying to sell his car, and the guy says its the perfect vehicle for his daugheter, may be my favorite Dennis freak out
    mad, coleslawed, cybele and 3 others like this.
  11. Anthony_

    A (Cancelled) Dork Prestigious

    That one is all-time.
    chris-wrecker likes this.
  12. Mrk_Brdshw

    Dusted Groove

    hahaha my friends and I say that all the time for some reason. "...Starter car? This is a FINISHER car! A transporter of gods...the GOLDEN god!"
  14. Mr. Serotonin

    I'm still staring down the sun Prestigious

    My friends and I can speak for hours in Sunny quotes alone. We get strange looks :crylaugh:
  15. Ken

    entrusted Prestigious

    This might be my favorite Dennis exchange:

    "We don't need a coupon. Frankly, I'm disappointed in you people. This is Gugino's. You're supposed to be the nicest restaurant in Philadelphia. Here I am, a regular, a full-paying customer, and I'm sat by the kitchen on the wobbliest chair in Philadelphia. You know, forced to eat dinner with this swarm of coupon-waving trash. This is crazy! You know what? Forget it, doesn't matter. Get me a pile of matches to sit on-- that'll be fine."


    "No, wait, wait, wait. There's more. There's an old, short, fat man here. He's sat with his young sleeping partner. Bring them a glass of the house red from us."

    "Of course. Although the table did just order cocktails, so maybe..."

    "I don't need their entire life story. Just go get the wine."

    The part about "coupon-waving trash" kills me every time.
  16. Davjs


    I'm catching up on this show, was pretty far behind. Just got to The Gang Broke Dee, the one where she does her stand up with The Joke's On Dee punch line. Man.....I think that ending is the darkest I've seen so far. I love it.
  17. Anthony_

    A (Cancelled) Dork Prestigious

    Calling Charlie Frank's "young sleeping partner" is what always does it for me in that one haha
    coleslawed and Ken like this.
  18. Kingjohn_654

    Longtime Sunshine Prestigious

    Still no Emmy nods.
  19. itsmesean0630

    There's no "I" in team but there's an "i" in pizza Prestigious

    Even in weak seasons, IASIP has put out better material that Modern Family in the last 6 years.
    jorbjorb, kyle, Anthony_ and 2 others like this.
  20. JRGComedy

    Trusted Supporter

    They got one Emmy nod for stunt coordination a few years back.

    The Gang Turns Black should have earned them something
    Kingjohn_654 likes this.
  21. Anthony_

    A (Cancelled) Dork Prestigious

    Yeah it's a travesty that they haven't ever gotten any nominations in Best Comedy Series, but they clapped back effectively enough so it's alright in a way. They're going to go down as one of the greatest comedy series of all time when it's all said and done and they don't need an award to signify that.
  22. Your Milkshake

    Prestigious Prestigious

    It's almost like that ep was their form of Emmy bate
    JRGComedy likes this.
  23. itsmesean0630

    There's no "I" in team but there's an "i" in pizza Prestigious

    Yeah, the episode "The Gang Tries Desperately to Win an Award" was such a perfect metaphor for the show and its lack of nominations.
  24. Davjs


    Was it Charlie Work where a lot of the ep was done in one shot?
  25. Matt

    Living with the land Supporter

    My favorite episode. I'm reading this on a call right now and I'm stifling laughter