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Infant Island - Obsidian Wreath (January 12, 2024) Album

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by amorningofsleep, Nov 6, 2023.

  1. amorningofsleep

    No-rope barbed wire Jones


    via Secret Voice


    1. Another Cycle
    2. Fulfilled
    3. Found Hand
    4. Clawing Still
    5. Veil
    6. Amaranthine
    7. With Shadow
    8. Unrelenting
    9. Kindling
    10. Vestigian
  2. amorningofsleep

    No-rope barbed wire Jones

  3. woah
  4. duffe

    I Want To Be There

    I was about to post this in the skramz thread
  5. Love it
  6. Leftandleaving

    I will be okay. everything Supporter

    amorningofsleep and duffe like this.
  7. Leftandleaving

    I will be okay. everything Supporter

    Kistler, duffe and amorningofsleep like this.
  8. This is gonna rip so hard
    Elder Lightning likes this.
  9. duffe

    I Want To Be There

    Kistler likes this.
  10. jordalsh, Elder Lightning and Kistler like this.
  11. Elder Lightning

    A lightning bolt without a cloud in the sky Supporter

    Indeed it does.
    Kistler likes this.
  12. Micah511

    We reach for the longest shadow Supporter

    Their name kept making me think they were indie rock. Maybe I thought I read Future Islands? Anyway, this rips.
    ezmo311, Contender and Kistler like this.
  13. michael_gatto


    Record is sick. Gives me some solid portrayal of guilt vibes but so clearly it's own thing.
    Kistler and amorningofsleep like this.
  14. amorningofsleep

    No-rope barbed wire Jones

    Fuck this is good.
    Kistler likes this.
  15. I know the interview is lengthy - hope y’all enjoyed it
  16. this bumps, obviously
  17. phaynes12 Prestigious

    closing track is nutso
    Friendjamin likes this.
  18. Friendjamin

    Regular Supporter

    This isn’t the kind of thing I normally listen to but I’m digging it. Very cinematic
    stijn_p likes this.
  19. ezmo311

    Regular Supporter

    There are some beautiful, crushing moments on this album. Never listened to Infant Island before but this is great.
  20. bobby_runs

    where would i be if i was my brain Prestigious

    Got the recommendation after hearing the indiecast podcast shit on the Green Day record. Excited they have some other work to dive into.
  21. This is awesome
    Friendjamin likes this.
  22. IMG_1005.jpeg