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Hundredth - Rare (June 16, 2017) Album • Page 2

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by indecipherable, Jun 17, 2017.

  1. Always saw this band as just some faceless hardcore band that I'd never give a shit about. Randomly heard they'd made a huge change in sound and got curious, admittedly was mostly prepared for just like a "oh they bought delay pedals and started singing". Did not expect this haha. Haven't heard the record yet but I'm excited to now.
    Petit nain des Îles likes this.
  2. atlas


    that this kinda seems to be the prevailing opinion should all but confirm to the band that they made the right decision
  3. indecipherable

    levitate levitate levitate levitate Prestigious

    bold move not playing any of their hardcore stuff at shows. im sure they had big fans of that genre that they're alienating, but oh well
  4. johnnyferris

    Sic Parvis Magna Prestigious

    Warped Tour no less as their first shows back
  5. Noradrenaline


    Anyone got a setlist from Warped?
  6. I like their hardcore stuff so it would be nice to have a mix.
  7. Yeah I thought I'd give this a shot but idk, feels like a Citizen/Nothing rip-off to me. Even the titles, "Vertigo," "Youth," etc. I appreciate the commitment to changing gears and I hope they're happy with what they're playing now but I'm not really feeling it. It's more RFC-style grunge revival than shoegaze/dream-pop
  8. TheBaroness

    a burst and I'm awake now Supporter

    The guitar tones are cool but I feel like the songwriting is a bit lacking, like they're definitely still coming to grips with how to effectively use melody. They certainly don't have the hooks of a band like Nothing. That said, I enjoyed this a lot more the second time I listened to it so maybe it'll be a grower.
  9. flask

    Trusted Supporter

    It has enough promise that I think their next album in this style will be fantastic.
  10. Has anyone seen videos of their Warped tour set? I'd like to see how they sound and are being received.
  11. SamLevi11

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Really enjoy this. White Squall is my favourite so far.

    Only enjoyed the occasional part of what they released for far but this is all great.
  12. Elder Lightning

    With metal in my bones and punk in my heart Supporter

    Gave this a listen the other day, it was like a heavier version of Silversun Pickups. I enjoyed it.
  13. buttsfamtbh


    Yeah I really dig this. Props to these dudes for fully committing
  14. Micah511

    We reach for the longest shadow

    this is cool. it all kind of runs together, but i can see it growing and me learning to differentiate better between it all.
  15. josh-

    Twitter: @joshcaraballin

    Sounds too much like a rip off, as many of you have been saying. Also, if they weren't happy being a hardcore band then why did they do it? They literally say they did it for the money, but I know hardcores not too lucrative. I don't know, they seem kinda douchey.
  16. SamLevi11

    Prestigious Prestigious

    On the Lead Singer Syndrome podcast he explained it pretty well and made it seem more reasonable. Said he got into hardcore when the band started but they grew tired of it and just fell out of love with playing it. They put out the last album in the hardcore style but didn't feel happy or excited about it and realised they either had to break up or try something new.

    Been listening to this and it's decent but not amazing. Thinking it might grow on me though.
  17. They played hardcore music because they wanted to be in a band and at 18, 19 years old that's what they felt like they could play and actually tour. They were into the music but grew out of it. I respect them for doing what they did and the change they made.
  18. SamLevi11

    Prestigious Prestigious

    To be fair, I'm not into exactly the same music I listened to in 2009, and I wouldn't expect to be into all the same music as I am now in 2025. Whilst this is a big change, I totally get it and I actually think it's cool that they have took such a big risk with their career.
    coleslawed and trevorshmevor like this.
  19. josh-

    Twitter: @joshcaraballin

    Yeah except they made a hardcore record two years ago
  20. SamLevi11

    Prestigious Prestigious

    One which they have stated they weren't infused by. And besides, they had to change some time, I fail to see how this is in any way logical haha.
  21. Joe4th

    Memories are nice, but that's all they are. Prestigious

    Why is it a problem that a band changed and progressed? They literally admitted to falling out of love playing hardcore, I don't see what's inauthentic about this.
  22. That's interesting and not surprising. I always wondered how many bands I listened to felt the same way, but continued to write the same thing over and over again because this is what they've been known for and because well it pays their bills. This is a bold move and I applaud them for that. They were a mediocre band for me until now.
  23. Yeah, if anything their last few releases were probably forced judging from that interview. Glad to see them branch out and do something they're actually proud of.
    beachdude42 and Joe4th like this.
  24. SamLevi11

    Prestigious Prestigious

    I know I moan about how I dislike new Fall Out Boy (as an example), but I would always rather have the members of a band I have enjoyed be happy and create music that leaves them feeling fulfilled., it's the least you can do as a fan of a band. You might not be happy with the new direction but I'd rather that, than the band members remain unhappy then break up.
  25. I think you've missed the links to interviews and articles about this band and album. Read those and it completely explains everything.