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Hum - Inlet (June 23, 2020) Album • Page 12

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by cherrywaves, Sep 22, 2018.

  1. christsizedshoes


    Take back most of what I said initially about the same-y-ness potentially limiting this... I've listened almost daily for a month straight, sometimes 2-3x. Helps that it works as background mood just as well as listening intently.

    I think it's gonna end up where I still see some element that's objectively more impressive about DIH and YPaA, and yet I return to this the most often.
    Nick likes this.

  2. If we're talking favorite Hum moments, mine starts right around the 2:00 mark in "Ms. Lazarus." (Also probably my favorite Hum track.)
    TheBaroness and JM95 like this.
  3. phaynes12 Prestigious

  4. phaynes12 Prestigious

    this band is the most Big Ten band ever
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  6. Nick

    @fangclubb Prestigious

    Man this is so so good. I think I’ve listened to something off this every day since it dropped.
  7. sophos34

    Prestigious Supporter

    unwinged and flightless and difficult to see
    you collect me
    coleslawed and waking season like this.
  8. I think this is a perfect record lol can't think of anything I would change
    coleslawed, TheBaroness and phaynes12 like this.
  9. Cameron

    FKA nowFace Prestigious

    Not a single thing
    phaynes12 likes this.
  10. phaynes12 Prestigious

    more of it
  11. JM95


    I mean there's not much evolution of sound or experimentation but it's an excellent record. Almost certainly in my top twenty by the end of the year.
  12. This may just be me, but of all bands I wish would experiment and evolve sonically, Hum isn't one of them. I think this is easily their heaviest record (at least since Electra2000), and I think moments of "Folding" and "Shapeshifter" are fresh, but otherwise, yeah. This does exactly what I want/need it to. Couldn't have asked for anything more.
    Crisp X, TheBaroness and Ben like this.
  13. phaynes12 Prestigious

    it’s kinda interesting, this is instrumentally pretty heavy but it’s easily the lightest their vocals have ever been. there isn’t a single scream on the record.
    Crisp X, sophos34 and waking season like this.
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  15. JM95


    Oh yeah I broadly agree. I was more or less playing devil's advocate - if I have to find fault, then in a year that Underneath by Code Orange was released, I could maybe pick at this not being that much of an evolvement.

    But yeah, it doesn't really bother me because the record is really good.
    Aaron Mook likes this.
  16. Was there screaming on YPAA or DIH? Having trouble recalling
  17. phaynes12 Prestigious

    not, like, screaming screaming i guess. but definitely “punk” raw vocals/shouting or whatever. in a few places on both, and also electra. “the pod” comes to mind
    waking season likes this.
  18. JRGComedy

    Trusted Supporter

    The end of Comin' Home too
    waking season and phaynes12 like this.
  19. atlas


    The Pod rips so hard. Nonstop incredible riffage
  20. christsizedshoes


    Vox are definitely flatter here, even if screaming per se was never Matt's thing. Chorus of In the Den is really the only time he pushes the intensity at all, which happened quite a bit on DiH.
  21. sophos34 Jul 28, 2020
    (Last edited: Jul 28, 2020)

    Prestigious Supporter

    why arent their first two albums on apple music? would like to check them out

    anyway i havent listened to downward is heavenward or youd prefer an astronaut all that many times but this to me seems like a much, much bigger and slower record that's somehow simultaneously eternally chill and extremely unforgiving and unrelenting. idk, maybe its not a massive leap or evolution but it sounds like a hum record in 2020, not a hum record from say 2000, which is enough of a differentiation between their original run of albums and this record to make it seem like a pretty big gap. i mean just the difference in production quality is insane.
  22. Yeah, the production on this one is immense
    Crisp X and waking season like this.
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  24. sophos34

    Prestigious Supporter

    one of the best sounding rock records in recent memory. the guitar tones, the rhythm section, the way the vocals lay over all of it in the mix, its fucking immaculate. literally everything my dumb production nerd side wants in a record. im still picking up background guitars doing atmospheric shit over the monster riffs every time i listen.
    Crisp X, waking season and Mary V like this.
  25. atlas


    Matt Talbott got really into stoner/doom metal at some point along the line there, he’s always having heavy bands play at his bar. You can tell that colored in this record a lot, like Desert Rambler and The Summoning aren’t way too far from the old stuff but they’ve never sounded quite like that before either
  26. So... I've seen a band named Sleep mentioned in the last page. Guess I should check them?

    Extra points if they have sludgy or crushing riffs. That's all I'm constantly craving.
    flask and waking season like this.
  27. phaynes12 Prestigious

    lol yes check out sleep
  28. Cameron

    FKA nowFace Prestigious

    This, and Phoebe have been my summer soundtracks
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