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Hopeless Records Announces New Compilation

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Melody Bot, Jun 13, 2024.

  1. Melody Bot

    Your friendly little forum bot. Staff Member

    This article has been imported from for discussion. All of the forum rules still apply.

    Hopeless Records has announced the 30th anniversary of their Hopelessly Devote to You series. Today they’ve shared The Wonder Years covering Thrice’s “Deadbolt” and Point North covering Avenged Sevenfold’s “Unholy Confessions.”

    Hopeless Records is celebrating 30 years of independent music in a big way. Today, the California-based label announces one of their most special projects to date: a massive cover series where members of their current roster put their own spin on the label’s most-iconic hits to date. The series sees modern day Hopeless Records artists like The Wonder Years, Bayside, PVRIS, Stand Atlantic, and more cover hits from the likes of Avenged Sevenfold, Thrice, Yellowcard, All Time Low, The Used, Neck Deep, and more!
    The Wonder Years “Deadbolt” (Thrice) 
    Point North “Unholy Confessions” (Avenged Sevenfold)
    NOAHFINNCE “I Miss Having Sex But At Least I Don’t Wanna Die Anymore” (Waterparks)
    Pinkshift “Knead” (Illuminati Hotties)
    Bayside “Aside” (The Weakerthans)
    LØLØ “Vicious Love” (New Found Glory)
    Sincere Engineer “I Hate Myself” (88 Fingers Louie)
    TX2 “Cry” (The Used)
    Sweet Pill “There, There” (The Wonder Years)
    Scene Queen “Best Thing (That Never Happened)” (We Are The In Crowd)
    Hey Violet x Jayden Seeley “Hang You Up” (Yellowcard)
    Illuminati Hotties “December” (Neck Deep)
    Fame on Fire “Dear Maria, Count Me In” (All Time Low)
    PVRIS x Stand Atlantic “Good Mood” (DE'WAYNE)

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  2. SuNDaYSTaR

    Regular Prestigious

    Somehow, I think Bayside covering The Weakerthans makes perfect sense.
    benschuyler likes this.
  3. Alex DiVincenzo

    TWY's Thrice cover goes hard
    SuNDaYSTaR likes this.
  4. BradBradley


    It really does. I’ve been listening to it nonstop. They did great.
    SuNDaYSTaR likes this.
  5. benschuyler

    Regular Prestigious

    That TWY cover of "Deadbolt" is SO good.
  6. SoundwaveUproar

    Regular Prestigious

    That Unholy Confessions cover deserves some love two, both songs were great today
  7. IATAvalanche


    scene queen -_-
  8. heymynameisjoe

    when the days have no numbers Prestigious

    sweet pill doing there, there should be good. they were a great opener on that GG anniversary tour for TWY.
  9. gbuffers


    Wow that Deadbolt cover is something I never expected and never knew I needed
  10. punkermd


    Had no idea, it was a thing, was a killer nugget on my release radar. I was in my car saying out loud "what is happening?" "wait, what?" lol good times!
  11. Blazecc

    Newbie Supporter

    TWY being the only act to show up on both covering and covered sides of this project really says something about them IMO