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He Is Legend Band • Page 20

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by inwaves, Apr 3, 2016.

  1. Bryan Diem


    I don't know, and I don't have the apparatus to rip it.
  2. inwaves

    the ships have all sailed to the sea

    Eastern Locust rips. That is all.
  3. Bryan Diem


    Saw it live once. Banged
  4. inwaves

    the ships have all sailed to the sea

    Last time I saw them was like a month before Few dropped, so the only new song we got was Sand. I really want to see Beaufort, Jordan, and Eastern Locust live.
  5. Bryan Diem


    As far as I can tell, Jordan is a staple now. They've played it every show ive seen since Few dropped
    mattylikesfilms and inwaves like this.
  6. inwaves

    the ships have all sailed to the sea

    I’m just happy I got to see Dinner with a Gypsy live a couple of years ago. I honestly never thought they’d bust that one out again.
  7. LightWithoutHeat

    You're not a teammate on my team

  8. mattylikesfilms


    It Hates You will probably forever remain as the band’s best record... and I ain’t mad at that!
  9. awakeohsleeper

    I do not exist.

  10. Bryan Diem


    Ok fine I'll go see HIL again you don't have to tell me twice
  11. There's a countdown on their website. What do we think will be on the end of it?
    Bryan Diem likes this.
  12. estebanwaseaten


    new jam new jam new jam new jam
  13. estebanwaseaten


    although given their penchant for gaps between albums, that seems unlikely
    coleslawed likes this.
  14. mattylikesfilms


    They wiped their Instagram clean and removed their FB profile pic- it has to be something big. My guess is a new EP. They wouldn't do this all for a single or a tour in my opinion.
  15. AllenRicketts


    I'm so excited for whatever this is. They're so goddamn consistently good. Heavy Fruit is the only album I don't think they've topped, it's just phenomenal. Few is fantastic though. Call Ins -> Eastern Locust is so sick. The Vampyre is one of their best songs too.

    I haven't missed a single Dallas show since they came back. Feed me moar HIL.
  16. Bryan Diem


    My prediction: covers ep
    inwaves likes this.
  17. AllenRicketts


    Heavy as fuck

    Edit: I guess it's the title track for an album or EP given the "Coming Soon" at the end. This is so sick.

  18. Bryan Diem


    Super raw, almost punk vocals/production.
    And yah, heavy. Adam is just a god
  19. B.G.


    The song is available on iTunes. Also, according the Adam’s instagram, this is the title track on a new album!
  20. Dog with a Blog


    Holy shittttt this is dope
    mattylikesfilms likes this.
  21. Dog with a Blog


    That fucking ending is so old school HIL I love it. And that clean section is so pretty. I was pretty disappointed with Few but this has me incredibly hyped
  22. I liked both Heavy Fruit and Few but it feels like something has been missing since they came back, I don't know what exactly but something that made It Hates You their masterpiece. This song has the southern riffs mixed with the urgency that I craved. The chorus is so catchy. More of this please.
    beachdude and mattylikesfilms like this.
  23. Bryan Diem


    Few maybe but HF is missing nothing, that record is damn near perfect, it's just different
  24. mattylikesfilms


    I've been playing this nonstop since it dropped last night. The song is a fucking certified BANGER. I love it so much.
  25. mattylikesfilms


    I love Heavy Fruit and Few but White Bat is like the best parts of every album thrown into one beautiful banger and if this is an indicator of how the new record will sound overall?

    We might have an album that finally tops It Hates You as the best HIL record.
    Petit nain des Îles likes this.