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Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (Gunn, 5/5/2017) Movie • Page 27

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by Melody Bot, Jan 11, 2016.

  1. Vase Full Of Rocks

    Trusted Supporter

    I mean, let's not count our chickens yet, wait for the next movie and then I'm sure your worries will be quelled.
  2. smoke4thecaper

    out of context reference Supporter

    The Directors Roundtable featurette included w/ IW is pretty telling about how much collaboration really went on. From the sounds of it, Gunn was an avid contributor, as were other MCU directors (Coogler & Favreau in particular).
    Vase Full Of Rocks likes this.
  3. Tim

    uh, yeah, I’m down with the clown Supporter

    I'll have to watch it when I get the Bluray. But, if Gunn came up with how Infinity War would handle Peter & Gamora, then maybe my trust in him as a storyteller is misguided?
  4. smoke4thecaper

    out of context reference Supporter

    To be fair, I haven't finished it yet, but they def touch upon how much collaboration they all had, and that the set for IW was very much an "open door" policy, with each director sort of coming in to 'check in' on their stories/characters haha

    Judging solely by Gunn's responses though, he seemed very pleased w/ how everything went in IW. Still need to finish the entire segment myself to see if they dive in a little deeper on that aspect.
    Vase Full Of Rocks likes this.
  5. justin.


    ChaseTx, Raku, Tim and 1 other person like this.
  6. I Am Mick

    @gravebug Prestigious

    Bautista going all in. I don't think it's going to go well for him
    Raku likes this.
  7. flask

    Trusted Supporter

    Drax comes back from the snap but is played by Danny Devito.
  8. Brother Beck

    Trusted Supporter

    I am sure there will be some sort of blowback career wise for Bautista, but all the more reason it is awesome that he has the courage to stand by his convictions. I personally think he'll be fine and if his actions here do mean he misses out on some future potential roles there will be others to replace them. I would like to hope I would have the same integrity and balls in his situation.
    RyanPm40, BornToRun, Raku and 2 others like this.
  9. justin.


    Bautista was great in the small role that he had in Blade Runner. If worse comes to worse and he can only do indie films then I think he’ll still do well.
    BornToRun and Raku like this.
  10. tdlyon

    Most Dope Supporter

    You don't really see a big actor openly fighting the movie industry like this very often, especially someone like Disney. Good for him

    Related to the other conversation, I don't think Gamora will still be dead at the end of the next Avengers. I'll actually be really disappointed if she is
  11. Henry

    Moderator Moderator

    All the Guardians are gonna stay dead lol
    Raku and Brother Beck like this.
  12. Tim

    uh, yeah, I’m down with the clown Supporter

    Love Bautista's loyalty and passion. Hope to see him get some more good roles.

    It is still frustrating to see such passionate defense of a white dude who was genuinely awful, even though I believe (with current information) he isn't the same person and shouldn't have been fired. Would love to see more people in Hollywood make these potentially career-threatening commitments to defend marginalized filmmakers. Like, imagine if a bunch of a-list talent made a pact to not work on any projects completely written and directed by white dudes, and also to seek out and give preference to projects helmed by WOC.

    Anyways, it'll be interesting to see if Chris Pratt, with the weight of Jurassic World, takes a similar stance. I really can't imagine him doing so, but he'd certainly have the highest chance of making a difference.
    Matt Metzler and zigbigwig like this.
  13. Brother Beck

    Trusted Supporter

    I personally hate jokes like the ones James Gunn made on multiple levels, not the least of which being that it takes zero creativity or intelligence or comedic chops to simply say something awful. The things he said were profoundly stupid and terrible and he was decades past the age when such things should have been left far behind.

    I also agree that it would be absolutely wonderful and amazing to see stars across the board refuse to work on projects that are run by all white males and to use their clout to help marginalized filmmakers.

    Disney firing the guy for jokes he made online in the past is their perogative and really not even something I can say I disagree with when you look at it objectively, except for the fact of how the attention was drawn to the tweets by someone like Mike Cernovich. I think ignoring that aspect of the situation leaves out a huge and complex part of where we find ourselves right now in 2018 and how we all go forward from here.

    All of that being said - and I realize it is a lot - I still do not like the fact that James Gunn is being lumped in with people like Harvey Weinstein in the greater conversation. One person made jokes online, the other person actually raped other human beings. James Gunn didn't do anything to anyone else regardless of how awful the shitty the jokes were, and they were very awful and very shitty.

    I don't think anyone intelligent actually believes James Gunn did the things he made jokes about. I think people saying that are being willfully obtuse and playing a politically charged and very partisan game.

    For me personally it would be fun to see Chris Pratt come out swinging and use his star power to support Gunn the way Dave Bautista is because it supports the way I am looking at things. If Chris Pratt is a conservative leaning religious guy who was actually deeply offended by the things his friend and director said, then as much fun as it is for us all to tease him I can recognize that he's in a pretty complex and challenging situation. I have no way of knowing whether any of these things or none are true about Chris Pratt, I am just recognizing that what sounded like a cheesy and canned PR response may actually be the case.
  14. scottlechowicz

    Trusted Supporter

    GotG 3 spoiler:

    Drax decides to return to his home planet and dies along the way.
  15. Brother Beck

    Trusted Supporter

    This is hysterical. Also, it would work.
  16. Tim

    uh, yeah, I’m down with the clown Supporter

    If he's the only one to take this stand, they could easily take the old comic approach of destroying his body and putting his mind in a new body:

  17. Vase Full Of Rocks

    Trusted Supporter

    Ew. I don't want Dwayne Johnson in the Marvel universe.
  18. Nathan

    Always do the right thing. Supporter

    Dwayne Johnson is great but as far as former WWE stars turned actors go, Bautista has a very unique presence and energy that I think I like more than the supremely talented but not particularly discerning Rock.

    Though he was genuinely superb in Pain & Gain.
  19. Brother Beck

    Trusted Supporter

    Dave Bautista has taken on some extremely interesting roles - such as Sapper Morton in Blade Runner 2049 - and turned in some riveting and nuanced and all around impressive performances. To my mind he has also consistently been either the hands down best part of a movie - Marauders - or one of the best, as in Drax in the GOTG films.
  20. I feel like no one has more fun making movies than The Rock since all of his tend to be super ridiculous
  21. Henry

    Moderator Moderator

  22. Cameron

    FKA nowFace Prestigious

    Please let that b real^
  23. Henry

    Moderator Moderator

    it 100% is. Comes out in October.

  24. Is it based off of the ride in Disney?
  25. Nathan

    Always do the right thing. Supporter

    Dwayne Johnson reminds me of Tom Cruise in that I think they’re completely consumed and obsessed with making movies, and work harder than anyone in their field, which combined with their natural talent can be magic, but they also make a lot of duds.

    Cruise has considerably better taste though, even as of recent years
    slimfenix182 and CarpetElf like this.