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Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (Gunn, 5/5/2017) Movie • Page 22

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by Melody Bot, Jan 11, 2016.

  1. justin.


    Does this mean that Sean Gunn is most likely not going to do motion capture for Rocket or continue the Kraglin role?
    Raku likes this.
  2. Brother Beck

    Trusted Supporter

    I would guess it does mean that, but who knows at this point. I know if it were my brother I would no longer be involved with the movie.
    Raku likes this.
  3. oakhurst

    Trusted Supporter

    Bradley Cooper will probably do the motion capture.
    Raku likes this.
  4. Raku


    This is disappointing news... I was really looking forward to what James Gunn was gonna do with volume 3, and to see what he would do with the cosmic realm of the MCU because he was originally supposed to oversee that after he was done with/while working on GOTG =/

    On the bright side, they can at least do the Nova Corps properly... From what I heard by other comic fans is that he butchered the Nova police force when adapting them because he wasn't a fan of them so it would be great to see someone do them justice (I'm just trying to be optimistic here, and find the silver lining out of this terrible news).

    I'd do you one step further...

    Have a public, and private account. Hide/set your old account to private, and then have a public account to have a squeaky clean appearance.

    Just saying that because 1) there is no way to go through all of one's tweets with a fine-comb (it would be a waste of time) especially if they have at least 1,000. 2) It would be great to have a private account to blow off steam for those days you want to vent.
  5. Sean Murphy

    juan soto is a met Supporter

    How about just dont tweet about fucking little boys? Idk man. It seems simple.
  6. Zilla

    Prestigious Supporter

    I think some celebs do have some locked-down, anonymous accounts they use for Twitter (John Mayer was known to use one back in the day), in addition to their official accounts.

    Anyone can pay someone to delete every tweet they made past a certain point. I know comedian Joe Mande had it done when he realized he used to tweet a bunch of borderline bad stuff that he no longer agreed with.
    Raku likes this.
  7. Raku


    True, I'd probably have someone look through my history (if they had the time to do it) to see if I had any questionable tweets. I just can't comb through all of it on my own, and that looks like the best option. As other's have said, it's better to take of the problem now than have someone bring it up later cause bringing it up later could cost you... As we are seeing now with James Gunn, and other people who have lost jobs/deals because they didn't think about what may happen in the future when posting messages to the internet..
  8. There are online services that’ll do it for you. Like 25 bucks or something and you can pick the dates to delete from and do in mass.

    (Or just run some basic searches yourself.)
    Zilla likes this.
  9. Marx&Recreation


    How young are these tweets, exactly? Like, he was a grown man regardless, so the fact that the jokes are so juvenile is embarrassing regardless. But whenever something like this happens I always have such a confusing time trying to make heads or tails of how people genuinely think we should assess these kinds of situations. He’s not accused of being a rapist, abuser, committing any actual crimes, etc.. This isn’t over something he *genuinely* believes, like how Roseanne got fired for tweeting out racist shit. As such, I don’t think (or hope) that anyone is suggesting this dude should get blackballed permanently for it. Cause I’m more so afraid that acting as if what he did is on the same scale of badness or deserving of the same punishment as actual abusers will just trivialize/conflate it with those that fall in the latter group, which I don’t at all think is fair to both him and, far more importantly, the victims of abusers.

    It is genuinely offensive, though, and intended as such, so that’s a pretty big knock against him on the “well wtf did you expect here” side. But most confusing to me is the element of time here. That Jerkloose tweet, at least, was from 2010, and even if the “PC culture” started getting bigger around the time Obama was elected, around the turn of the decade there was still plenty of stuff like The Hangover movies completely dominating popular culture, even though half the jokes in them would never fly today. Most of us are probably lucky that AP was completely wiped from the Internet. I can’t imagine the shit I signed off on back then. It was only several years ago but it feels as if it was a different world lol

    It’s obviously one thing if he was saying these kinds of things today. But even if that were the case, I wouldn’t really be a fan of trying to dig up his old shit as evidence that he’s still bad. Nobody is using Eddie Murphy’s (or [any of the countless famous people who are now woke but had tons of socially accepted, problematic material up until like 5 years ago]) old stand up specials as evidence that he is *currently* a piece of shit.

    Idk, as someone who doesn’t really give much of a shit about this guy and his work anyway, and who personally isn’t all that offended by his tweets (not saying they aren’t objectively offensive (that’s literlaly the whole point of them) or that you shouldn’t be offended by them, just that I didn’t have any personal, visceral reaction to them or whatever), I’m curious how seriously his/Guardian’s bigger fans feel something like this impacts their larger perception of him or his work.

    Idk it’s late and I’m rambling so hopefully any of that made sense. Srry y’all
  10. DeathOrGlory

    Just a friendly reminder

    Apparently the tweets WERE deleted. People just went digging through archives.
  11. airik625

    we've seen the shadow of the axe before Supporter

  12. justin.


    I’m pretty sure Dave is on contract for a third film so..might have to get over it.
  13. the rural juror

    carried in the arms of cheerleaders

    I hate every aspect of this.
  14. justin.


    Michael Rooker and David Dastmalchian (Ant-Man films) also share Dave’s feelings. It will be interested to see what the other Guardians say. Hopefully this doesn’t split the actors/actresses apart.
    Raku likes this.
  15. Vase Full Of Rocks

    Trusted Supporter

    I just think it's super shitty of Disney, who clearly knew about the tweets because he was hired the same year that he made them and publicly apologized for them, to fire him and say they give two shits one way or another about what Gunn said when they clearly don't. He made them tons of money, now because of the bad press and the environment since Weinstein, he's expendable.

    The actors coming out in defense of him is certainly interesting.
    Helloelloallo and Raku like this.
  16. James Gunn fired from Guardians of the Galaxy 3 over offensive tweets

    Man we are living shitty shitty times.
  17. justin.


    Raku and Why Bother? like this.
  18. Tim

    uh, yeah, I’m down with the clown Supporter

  19. Sean Murphy

    juan soto is a met Supporter

    Brother Beck likes this.
  20. Brother Beck

    Trusted Supporter

    This is a very good point.
    Kingjohn_654 likes this.
  21. justin.


  22. Henry

    Moderator Moderator

    Yeah, there is no way they change their mind on this one.
  23. Vase Full Of Rocks

    Trusted Supporter

    A shame. Disney were idiots for firing him. The hypocrisy is astounding with them.
  24. Kingjohn_654

    Longtime Sunshine Prestigious

  25. I Am Mick

    @gravebug Prestigious

    It would have been so easy for Disney to acknowledge he's had an "edgy" past and through the years working with him, they can see he's no longer the same guy who would make such unbelievably shitty jokes and they will stand with him. But they caved into some alt-right shit heads who wanted to ruin him.

    Fucking Johnny Depp goes to comic con and still stars in harry potter movies despite recent violence against women and being a class A shitbird, Gunn gets fired for a stupid joke he made 10 years ago
    ChaseTx, Raku, zigbigwig and 4 others like this.