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Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (Gunn, 5/5/2017) Movie • Page 20

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by Melody Bot, Jan 11, 2016.

  1. Henry

    Moderator Moderator

    Glad I don't use Twitter.
    Raku likes this.
  2. woof that shit is gross - I don't even understand his excuse - it's not being provocative it's just being really fucking gross and not funny in any way
  3. iCarly Rae Jepsen

    run away with me Platinum

    Taika Waititi or bust
    morgantayler and airik625 like this.
  4. oakhurst

    Trusted Supporter

    I wonder if they’ll still use his script for Vol. 3? If not then that movie will be pushed back for sure

    Guardians Vol. 3 with Thor and Taika as the writer/Director.
  5. domotime2

    Great Googly Moogly Supporter

    i just think tweets are weird, and when highlighted in the way they're highlighted here, can make a person out to be someone they're not. Like i said, looking at some of my old tweets, i literally have no idea what i'm talking about or what situation i was in when i said what i said. Now to be fair, i'm not a public figure, and at the time i thought twitter was just something used for "friends" (aka im saying something cause i want a friend to see as a rib)... but regardless, there are a lot of people out there im sure that if we took a bunch of their tweets, and made a collage, i can make that person out to be something "bad" or "fireable" over.

    Like are we accusing Gunn of being a pedofile here?
    Raku likes this.
  6. nomemorial

    you're in a cult, call your dad

    I feel so weirdly about this sort of thing. I know that I said tons of shit that I would never laugh at/be proud of now ten years ago. I also feel like maybe if you've had a realignment of your personal moral compass, it might be prudent to zap the remnants of a questionable past.

    I don't want to say that the guy he is now matches the guy he was then. His statements, in my opinion, make it seem like he is not. Then again, it's important to be self-aware enough to prove you're not this person before some wacko like Mike Cernovich forces your hand.

    I like Gunn's work in GOTG and was excited to see what he'd do with Vol. 3. I think it's a shame that he said this stuff at all and a shame that he's now paying for it in the way he is, but I can also understand it from Marvel/Disney's standpoint.
    Raku likes this.
  7. I mean, did you read them? Are you making tweets like that ... ?

    Do you not see that as an indictment of our current culture? I think it's backward to be mad at "if we look at horrible things people say they may not get to be super famous and rich" instead of "woah, it's fucked up how many people say really horrible things." The issue and problem is what's being said, and the culture being promoted and tolerated, not that people are mad at those things.
  8. Heh, I love that everyones like "just give him all the movies now" ... which is awesome.

    I hope he gets to do some more original stuff though and isn't just in this cog/machine in the industry. He's too talented.
  9. domotime2

    Great Googly Moogly Supporter

    You dont think it matters one bit to the kind of person this guy is though?
  10. How no one he worked with, including himself, thought to do this ... is ... unthinkable. Biggest media company in the world. And it's not like they didn't know his past work. Like, yeesh, wtf are you doing.
    Raku, airik625 and nomemorial like this.
  11. I don't know what you're asking here.
  12. domotime2

    Great Googly Moogly Supporter

    like im saying, are we firing him/ending his career because we think he's a pedofile/bad person, danger to society and the people around him in his line of work...or because he said pedofile jokes?
  13. The statement from Disney says why:

    That seems pretty clear cut to me.
  14. nomemorial

    you're in a cult, call your dad

    That's all I can think here. Hell, I'm just some dude on the internet and I'VE had the foresight to look at my past output with a more discerning eye. Everything on the internet pretty much lives forever. People change and even if only for the sake of self-preservation, it seems like it would have been wise to get rid of this stuff long, long ago.
    Raku, justin. and Jason Tate like this.
  15. same thing with athletes - it's baffling
    Raku, slimfenix182 and nomemorial like this.
  16. domotime2

    Great Googly Moogly Supporter

    I know why Disney fired him. That's a no brainer and can totally understand why Disney would. But i'm talking more of a how WE think of him moving forward as a society
    Raku likes this.
  17. I said it after the Bucks Baseball thing ... if I was that level of famous, I'd have my Twitter account set to delete every tweet I made after one month. No matter what. Fuck it.
    Raku, justin. and scottlechowicz like this.
  18. Sean Murphy

    juan soto is a met Supporter

    to me it's pretty easy to decide how i think about someone who makes jokes about pedophilia, regardless of whether or not they engage in it.
    coleslawed likes this.
  19. Seems like a personal decision.
    domotime2 likes this.
  20. Omni


    jokes that have nothing going for them beyond being edgy and offensive are the worst. i'm offended by how unfunny this dude is just as much as i am the actual content of his tweets.
    chewbacca110 likes this.
  21. And at the very least now when you apologize it seems genuine that you had growth and realized the error. Leaving it up, doesn't make me think you really changed/cared that you said hurtful things. The act of trying to delete it at least shows some remorse/new thinking.
    nomemorial likes this.
  22. nomemorial

    you're in a cult, call your dad

    From my perspective, I don't consider him a "damned" individual as I would so many others who've had trash come out against them. I think he is, quite unfortunately, an example for why better practices should be put into play by people who are better than they maybe once were. In the spotlight or not.

    On the other hand, the deep irony of this coming from the far-right puts an almost hysterical weight on their side of things. The people they endorse daily may not be making constant rape/pedophilia jokes, but are just as bad in many other ways (and some in exactly the same way.) And that's their NOW versus his THEN. They will never follow the standard they've set by this and it only makes it clearer how haphazardly their moral compass spins.
    Raku and domotime2 like this.
  23. scottlechowicz

    Trusted Supporter

    And, like, lest we forget this dude had a “superhero sex poll” almost immediately after he was announced as the director of GotG that was...problematic. And he was forced to apologize for that at the outset.

    Like, he was someone who had scummy instincts. The fact is he probably should never have been hired in the first place because of the shitty things he said.

    It just took some years for that to be corrected.
  24. wordzanddreamz

    and a millions screams...

    I mean I think it’s moderately important that we at least acknowladge the fact that an alt right trump supporter fuck-stick soley did this as retaliation for Gunn standing up against the horrendous shit going on in our country.
  25. Which is even more reason why I don't understand wtf he was doing by not deleting the old tweets. It's just asking to have a target put on you. It's mind blowing to me.
    Raku, dadbolt and nomemorial like this.