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Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (Gunn, 5/5/2017) Movie • Page 15

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by Melody Bot, Jan 11, 2016.

  1. tvck

    it's t-vick Supporter

    Loved it. The visuals were enough to make me like it. Some jokes didn't land, but overall I was laughing throughout the whole movie. Emotional moments were great, and the ending definitely had me thinking about possible tears. (shut up, i'm not crying, you're crying) Nebula was probably my least favorite part, not so much her story, but her acting was pretty atrocious for me. But I guess you can only have so much personality when your life has been shit. Just great moments all around. Love the post credit scenes, especially pubescent sarcastic Groot.

    Can't wait to watch again and find some of the nuances now that I'm aware of the big moments.
  2. RyanPm40

    The Torment of Existence Supporter

    I didn't find any of the jokes to be out of place or inappropriate and the movie flowed great for me. I had to go to the bathroom about 2 hours in and was shocked it was almost over when I saw my phone, I wanted it to keep going lol.
    coleslawed and amorningofsleep like this.
  3. Oh also seeing Steve Agee was a nice treat, he wasn't very involved but he's awesome and the more he's in the better imo
    Jake Gyllenhaal likes this.
  4. This is cool.

    RyanPm40, coleslawed and JRGComedy like this.
  5. CoffeeEyes17

    Reclusive-aggressive Prestigious

    Loved it, loved that this movie expands on the characters instead of being a retread of the first. The new additions to the team are great, Mantis and Yondu in particular are fantastic pls Marvel revive Yondu :,( im also shocked that they essentially established the original GOTG team. Stakar, Martinex, Yondu, Charlie-27, Mainfraime, Aleta, Krugarr. Quasar and Adam Warlock also being referenced/strongly hinted at joining the MCU got me very excited.. Star Lord/Quill is probably my favorite of the MCU roster and I cant wait to see how he and the others interact with the Avengers. I just love this branch of the Marvel universe a lot, theres so many possibilities. Maybe soon we'll start getting some hints pointing towards Nova and Ms Marvel joining in, especially since its confirmed Ms Marvel/Carol Danvers is getting a movie.

    To make a long story short ill probably watch this movie hundreds more times like I have the first one. Idk whats going on with all the mixed opinions from reviewers because i think Marvel really knocked it out of the park with this one.
  6. flask

    Trusted Supporter

    I thought the movie did a fantastic job balancing its tone. Jokes were being followed up by emotional moments in quick succession but neither were overshadowed by the other.

    The 700 hyper jumps part had me DYING.
    GrantCloud, RyanPm40 and smowashere like this.
  7. Jake Gyllenhaal

    Wookie of the Year Supporter

    Took me a second to realize it was him, first thought it was Nick Frost without an accent. Afterwards I remembered Agee was also in Super.
  8. sawhney[rusted]2

    I'll write you into all of my songs Supporter

    I think the mixed reviews are more for the technical (story, pacing, sub-par acting moments) shortcomings than anything else.
  9. CoffeeEyes17

    Reclusive-aggressive Prestigious

    yeah and i guess i can see that, especially with the acting, but i thought the story and pacing were pretty decent. I guess the reason I think that is because the characters themselves make the story interesting rather than it being an actually super interesting story
  10. SpyKi

    You must fix your heart Supporter

    I had no issues with the pacing of this at all.
  11. cybele

    set our hearts ablaze

    I think I found my favorite piece of trivia for this movie:

  12. stayillogical

    Kayak, deed, rotator, noon, racecar, Woo Young-woo Prestigious

    I think my only problem with it is the late reveal of the villain. It ruins the pacing and focus of the story. It felt like an episode of a show, more than a movie. Still loved it, but I know it's flawed.
  13. cybele

    set our hearts ablaze

    A Contrarian’s Take: Baby Groot Is Bad

    (Why yes, I did spend my afternoon reading more about the movie.)
  14. JRGComedy

    Trusted Supporter

    Yeah, the whole movie takes place over just a couple of hours, but the pacing is weird because there is very little movement in the Star Lord/Ego plot both character and location wise, but Yondu and Rocket literally hyper jump 500 times and grow as characters while Ego is talking about boning for 10 minutes, haha.
  15. Anthony_

    A (Cancelled) Dork Prestigious

    coleslawed and cybele like this.
  16. Full Effect Ed

    ...In F*cking Full Effect Prestigious

    Saw this again last night, sooooooo goddamn good
  17. I Am Mick

    @gravebug Prestigious

    This may have been covered already, but are we supposed to know Stallones character/care about him reuniting with random characters in the post credits? Are they from the comics
  18. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    Apparently most of the characters shown are the original Guardians of the Galaxy.
  19. thenewmatthewperry

    performative angry DEI black man Prestigious

    I've struggled to understand what makes a late reveal of a villain a flaw in movies. It's a criticism that I hear often from one of my closest friends.

    In life, we sometimes come across people we think are our allies only to have something fundamentally divisive revealed about them. I thought this was a strength of the film because it depicted the allure of absolute power plainly. You don't always see how rotten and destructive it is at first glance.
    FTank, jkauf, aranea and 4 others like this.
  20. stayillogical

    Kayak, deed, rotator, noon, racecar, Woo Young-woo Prestigious

    I definitely don't think that's always the case. For me, it just doesn't work here when the movie is about a team. There was a lack of purpose up until the 3rd act. Everyone was off doing their own thing. If this was about them being a family, they spent most of it apart. Next time, I want to see more dynamics within the team. That may include new or side characters, but don't split them up to tell a story and only have them work together at the end.
    Adrian Villagomez and nl5011 like this.
  21. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    I felt like splitting the team up worked because it allowed them all to feel the absence of the other members. We have gotten to see them work together already, now we needed to see them apart to see how that time together changed them.

    This movie reminded me of the Empire Strikes Back in soooo many ways.
  22. ja1cap


    Henry likes this.
  23. Cameron

    FKA nowFace Prestigious

    This was pretty good. For a huge big budget sequel I feel they didn't go for the usual approach a movie like this would have. Like introducing 10 new characters, tons of different locations, and a way too convoluted plot.

    The plot was definitely the biggest problem I had with this, but still what an enjoyable film.

    I thought Rocket pretty much stole the show last movie, and I didn't really care for Drax. This time Drax was easily my favorite. Loved his moments remembering his family too.
    coleslawed likes this.
  24. tvck

    it's t-vick Supporter

    Mantis feeling Drax's pain as he sits, appearing content, was pretty powerful stuff. Drax has been my favorite between both. Bautista plays the overly literal character really well.
  25. CoffeeEyes17

    Reclusive-aggressive Prestigious

    saw this again, loved it even more. this movie is so very funny. idk if anyone else is like this but im the kind of person that can not laugh out loud once and still find a movie funny, but there were a few moments that made me burst out laughing like the duct tape scene and most of the things Drax said.

    Mantis is a really great addition, her actress has really good timing and shes very good at portraying emotions with just her face.

    theres also some straight up badass and cool moments, i love that Quill is taken out of his trance Ego put him in once Ego mentions that he planted the brain tumor in his mothers head. i love that it wasnt gamora and the other guardians trying to shake him out of it or something corny like that. i love that Quill loved his mother so much that a celestial being couldnt control him. also obligatory "welcome to the frickin guardians of the galaxy!"