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Green Day Band • Page 178

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by Melody Bot, Jan 12, 2016.

  1. Craig Manning

    @FurtherFromSky Moderator

    I'm personally of the mind that, with ticket prices being what they are right now, anything under a 2-hour setlist is shortchanging the audience. Especially for bands with really deep catalogs. 90 minutes seems too brief for Blink.
  2. Spoiler: The Blink set was perfect and incredible.
    bradsonemanband and TheJMan like this.
  3. Maddy


    But also short and very expensive
    Joe4th likes this.
  4. I mean... I'd love to watch Blink play for 10+ hours, so yeah, I can agree that 90 minutes isn't as long as I'd like.
  5. But not one single king for a day or hey oh hey oh part. All killer, no filler and back home and in bed by 11. ;-)
    bradsonemanband likes this.
  6. I would pay EXTRA to see a hey oh free Green Day set personally
    bradsonemanband likes this.
  7. Craig Manning

    @FurtherFromSky Moderator

    alkalinexandy and Paulms85 like this.
  8. for real the band playing two of their best albums is awesome

    (but also exhausting and i'm old, the 90 minute blink set was perfect and everyone left so very happy)
  9. Mort Michaels

    Father, Son, and House of Gucci

    I saw them do King for a Day live when I was like 12 and it changed my life. Know Your Enemy on the other hand...
  10. Maddy


    Haha I do feel that too…but also as an old person my money means more to me and therefore want more bang for my buck
    Joe4th likes this.
  11. Craig Manning

    @FurtherFromSky Moderator

    I don't mind that song, actually, but I'd actually be appreciative of one beer/pee break song right smack dab in the middle of the set!
  12. clockwise


    90 minutes is the perfect blink set for me. I could watch Green Day play forever.
  13. That's your racist facebook posting uncle's hell.
    alkalinexandy and clockwise like this.
  14. my worlds....they're colliding......

    chewbacca110 and Serh like this.
  15. mintplusplus


    One Hot Minute is the only RHCP I can listen to. My Friends and Tearjerker are my jams.
  16. tdlyon

    Most Dope Supporter

    This was so fucking sick to see in person. It was actually just a mask a fan threw on stage and not an actual planned part of the set (although it was perfect because they used to do this with Bush on the AI tour) but I got chills

    Also the MAGA people are back at it again in their comments sections lol, it gets me every time
    DaydreamNation likes this.
  17. Oh damn I for sure thought it was planned bc I also remember the bush era masks, that’s actually cool as hell tho
  18. “idiot” is too polite for Trump however
    chewbacca110 likes this.
  19. tdlyon

    Most Dope Supporter

    I definitely thought it was planned in the moment because it happened at the coolest fucking time possible (the "everyone's so full of shit" part of JOS) and BJ looked so sick interacting with it but it did get confirmed late that a fan threw it up
    chewbacca110 and DaydreamNation like this.
  20. WadeCastle

    Trusted Supporter

  21. morte


    tonyt3524 and WadeCastle like this.
  22. btr

    Fan of Hammers Supporter

    Penlab likes this.
  23. neat. that could be cool.
  24. TheJMan


    Yes you can take my money and I will like it.
    Jason Tate likes this.