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General Politics Discussion (IX) [ARCHIVED] • Page 129

Discussion in 'Politics Forum' started by Melody Bot, May 8, 2021.

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  1. iCarly Rae Jepsen

    run away with me Platinum

  2. iCarly Rae Jepsen

    run away with me Platinum

  3. iCarly Rae Jepsen

    run away with me Platinum

  4. Jake Gyllenhaal

    Wookie of the Year Supporter

  5. bigmike

    Trusted Prestigious

    Lmao stone brewing have always had such a suburban white boy pop punk energy about them their entire existence. Corporation dressed up as for the craft and the little guys.
  6. David87

    Prestigious Prestigious

    The Simple Plan of craft breweries!
    imthesheriff and bigmike like this.
  7. MysteryKnight

    Prestigious Prestigious

    I passed the post office in my town today and there’s a group of people in front of it with signs that say “Crush the Green New Deal” and “More Nukes, Less Kooks”
  8. bigmike

    Trusted Prestigious

    Honestly, I was trying to think of a band that fit, and that’s a pretty damn good one
    neo506 and David87 like this.
  9. David87

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Between that and the right wing pro-life protestors at Kamala's arrival it Guatemala, I'm convinced it's just all paid protestors right now
  10. David87

    Prestigious Prestigious

    I've really never been a big fan of Stone. Can't think of too many beers of theirs I've liked
    bigmike likes this.
  11. David87

    Prestigious Prestigious

  12. Jake Gyllenhaal

    Wookie of the Year Supporter

    Blink182Bouncer and Ferrari333SP like this.
  13. David87

    Prestigious Prestigious

    RyanPm40 and neo506 like this.
  14. SmashRipsaw

    Outcast Tape Infirmary

    The Slim Jim guy is showing his age.

  16. Nathan

    Always do the right thing. Supporter

    They did that to me and I thought I was going insane
    Grapevine_Twine likes this.
  17. TheGuyfkaFringeofLunacy

    Trusted Supporter

    I have never done it but have looked at it. I was not aware that they have mileage limits on most cars, though you can filter cars by mileage limits now and they do have cars with unlimited mileage but how many depends on location of course.
  18. Elder Lightning

    A lightning bolt without a cloud in the sky Supporter

    Context collapse strikes again.

    It should be noted that beer is no longer brewed, it was brewed once a few years ago and Stone dropped their relationship with NOFX and stopped brewing the beer after the terrible comments NOFX made about the Las Vegas Shooting. The foundation they donated the proceeds to provides trauma counseling to first responders (yes, including police).
    stars143 and bigmike like this.
  19. clucky

    Trusted Supporter

    originally I had thought movie pass was just a ploy by some clever tech guy to fleece angel investors into letting people see cheap movies but I guess it was really just a ploy by some tech guy to fleece angel investors into lining his own pockets
  20. bigmike

    Trusted Prestigious

    Fuck, I didn't even notice the NOFX connection. Good call.
    Elder Lightning likes this.
  21. Elder Lightning

    A lightning bolt without a cloud in the sky Supporter

    Yeah, there's enough to criticize Stone about (though they do make some good beers) but there they at least tried to do something good when faced with a bad situation.
    bigmike likes this.
  22. Importer/Exporter

    he’ll live forever in the sound of broken glass Supporter

  23. Victor Eremita

    Not here. Isn't happening. Supporter

    Why Senate Democrats reversed few of Trump's 'midnight rules'

    “The Congressional Review Act allows lawmakers to eliminate recently finalized regulations quickly, requiring only simple majorities in both the House and the Senate. (Such resolutions cannot be filibustered in the Senate.) But it allows a limited time to act: After a rule is finalized, lawmakers must introduce a resolution of disapproval within 60 days that Congress is in session. In the early months of the Trump administration, the Republican-controlled Congress used the law to eliminate 14 Obama-era rules.

    During the Biden administration, Senate Democrats passed resolutions to eliminate only three Trump rules during the same period — and the deadline for Senate action closed the last week of May. The resolutions would halt the Trump administration's rollback of methane emissions standards, repeal a rule that gives employers certain advantages when workers file bias claimsagainst them and stop lenders from circumventing caps on high interest rates. The resolutions still need the House's approval and President Joe Biden's signature to become law, although there is no deadline, and they are expected to be successful.”

    This party is just pathetic.
  24. incognitojones

    Some Freak Supporter

    bigmike, David87, neo506 and 2 others like this.
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