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General Forum Chat Thread (III) • Page 166

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by Melody Bot, Nov 12, 2016.

  1. Kiana

    Goddamn, man child Prestigious

    Phone still lost. idek how it happened!! I woke up at 7am yesterday and the phone was lost by 9am. That's only a two hour window. The only explanation I can think of is that it somehow fell out of my purse without me noticing. We called and asked the business next to where I park my car, asked the secretary if anyone had found it in the work parking lot... I even looked around the dumpster of my apt in case I accidentally threw it away somehow. Tomorrow I have one more business owner to call and then it's just officially gone. I'm so confused. I walked from my apartment to my car. From my car to my work, which I was only at for about 5-10 minutes. Then I rode in a car to a work thing. I realized it was missing as I got out of the car to the work thing. It had to have fallen out of my purse because idk where it could be. I wanna cry.
  2. CobraKidJon

    Fun must be always. Prestigious

    Obama is at this Dodgers game and it made everything 10x better.
    iCarly Rae Jepsen likes this.
  3. iCarly Rae Jepsen

    run away with me Platinum

    that sucks, I drop my phone constantly but am lucky I somehow never lose it
  4. Kiana

    Goddamn, man child Prestigious

    I do too and I always know when it falls. At worst I have a moment where I freeze and realize I don't have it and I left it in a bathroom or something, but with this I was so sure I left it in the agency car that I didn't fret at all. Then I was so sure it was in my car. Then that somehow I'd left it at home. Cause where else could it be??? I'm so confused I'll never get over it. It had to have been such a quick, random thing. I think tomorrow I'm gonna go to the verizon store and figure out what to do so RIP me cause it always takes hours.
  5. folks, this morning i got my wisdom teeth out, so i have a bunch of vicodin, the first new Brand New album in eight years, and Sonic Mania

  6. Kiana

    Goddamn, man child Prestigious

    I connected my old phone and I'm so sad. My emojis look like blobs and my phone isn't as shiny and new like its an old motorola and my other phone was only a few months old RIP me. No way this old one will last until my other is paid off.
  7. CobraKidJon

    Fun must be always. Prestigious

    I'm trying to enjoy my lowkey vacation and I only told a few family members here in Coachella. I just wanted to chill, do my stuff and leave.

    My dad proceeded to call all my family members over here and tell them I would go visit each one and I'm so angry right now. He literally made plans for me when he is 6 hours away.
    Mr. Serotonin likes this.
  8. Carmen SD


    Applying for a job and I sometimes hate how they ask for phone numbers for employment verification. Not an issue but atm I don't what my boss to know I'm looking for a new job. I want to find something and resign, and that's it
    iCarly Rae Jepsen likes this.
  9. Heartofzinc


    Ditto this..i've actually had a recruitment agency call my place of work before, i didn't give them the number though they must have googled it from the companies name haha
  10. Carmen SD


    I don't know how many company's actually call, unless maybe they're suspicious about something or if it doesn't add up. I put the facility phone number, and if I didn't and they googled the company, they have probably 5 to choose from in my area. My current job is understaffed and chaotic which makes it more stressful than it should be. Which is why I want to leave. I've told very few co workers I'm starting to look elsewhere. If my boss found out I'm trying to leave, they'd probably do whatever they can to get me to stay. I like what I do, but I don't make much over min wage and need a higher paying job.
  11. Heartofzinc


    There's only one company where I am with our name haha I don't have my own phone there though but luckily that's only happened once! I know how you feel, similar reason why I'm looking elsewhere. We do have the staff where I work but it seems all the crappy jobs nobody else wants to do get given to me so I end up with a crazy amount of work! Just makes me feel they must not think I'm good enough to do the better work either.
  12. CobraKidJon

    Fun must be always. Prestigious

    real talk screw LA drivers so much.

    Everyone is so aggressive there and im super passive.
  13. Kiana

    Goddamn, man child Prestigious

    I'm at this bar and a country band is playing and its legit all these old white ppl line dancing. its fascinating. They just go round and round repeating it over and over. Amazing. Living their best life!!!
  14. Kiana

    Goddamn, man child Prestigious

    So the band finished and the bar ended up playing the original Despacito twice and these old line dancing couples slow danced to it and it was the most amazing thing I've ever seen. They played a lil Latin music block and whoever is responsible is my fave person
    iCarly Rae Jepsen likes this.
  15. Carmen SD


    I can never avoid my boss on my days off. For the first time ever it was small group message the schedule for the first few days of the week (those of us that have the days off while it was posted)- late at night it was sent. Was thinking about pretending I didn't see it and come in at my normal time (scheduled to come in early but it goes against doctors orders). Then today she text me asking for a co workers number (they've been without a phone and she knows were friends) >:-( Now I feel like I can't really avoid, because now I have to say I can't come in early and last time I said I can't stay late, she flipped her shit, yet she lets others not come in or whatever when the can't. So messed up
  16. iCarly Rae Jepsen

    run away with me Platinum

    seeing Mariah Carey and Lionel Richie tonight because I have a brand to protect
    Bloodsucker II and Kiana like this.
  17. Kiana

    Goddamn, man child Prestigious

    I always want to start playing a video game but they're such a commitment. They take so long to complete and if I stop and can't play it for a while I can never remember where I am in the game or what I was doing. In college I'd play all day and it wasn't an issue but now with these awful things called "responsibilities" I can't stay up playing until like 3am. Such problems!
    scott, ChaseTx and Joe4th like this.
  18. CobraKidJon

    Fun must be always. Prestigious

    real talk I jam Niall's Slow Hands a lot but Liam's Strip That Down or whatever it's called is just so bad.
  19. Kiana

    Goddamn, man child Prestigious

    Earlier today a couple was fighting behind my apartment building and yelling loudly enough that I could hear it from the third floor. The woman stormed off and left. Then hours later in the evening they were fighting again and once more she stormed off. I'm so confused tho because idk why they're fighting here. They don't live here, and they're fighting in the back parking lot of a local hardware store. Does one of them work there? Do they go there just to fight? Why go there twice in a day?

    On a similar note, at the bar yesterday there was one woman sitting alone at a giant table eating a tub of movie theater popcorn. I kind of wanted to befriend her because I need to know everything about her life.

    People are fascinating.
    iCarly Rae Jepsen likes this.
  20. Jams


    I think when anyone is on their period they should get paid time off work. Someone make this a law immediately so I can blow off the rest of my shift and curl up on my couch with my heating pad and dog. And someone send me ice cream bc I'm out and that is just not right!!
    Kiana likes this.
  21. Kiana

    Goddamn, man child Prestigious

    I've said that a few times and women with easy periods always roll their eyes at me and say no smh!! They don't even know!! Before birth control I'd have to miss class and work all the time cause I was throwing up and in too much pain. I hope u feel better, bb!
    Jams likes this.
  22. Kiana

    Goddamn, man child Prestigious

    Omg. I'm house sitting at my dad's/watching my 17 yr old sister while he's in California. My sister always tries it when I'm here in place of my dad. I pull up in the driveway for my first day of sitting and her friends car is in the driveway. He's a guy friend she claims she's not dating, but there have been ~rumors of things. Anyway regardless if they're dating or not, she would never do it if my dad was here. Never. And she conveniently forgot to put the spare key back so I couldn't just come into the house. I had to wait for her to let me in. Whhhhhhy. I hate when ppl put me in awkward positions.
  23. Kiana

    Goddamn, man child Prestigious

    The conversation went approximately like this:


    And then she stormed out of the house. She's so full of bs. I asked her if she would've done it if my dad wasnt here and she said yes. Lmao she barely lets the guy on the front porch when my dad is here. Also the irony of her saying our other sister would be cool when she's the one who told me to say something and be real with her. I'm like fuming. This is why I get so annoyed. She pulls bs, I have to be the bad guy, and then I get screamed at and dumped all over when I've done nothing but be put into an awkward situation. Reason #13747271 to not have kids.
  24. CobraKidJon

    Fun must be always. Prestigious

    I think I might be even more blind after peeking at the solar eclipse and seeing nothing.
  25. CobraKidJon

    Fun must be always. Prestigious

    I feel like my work is personally hurting me by scheduling me two closing shifts until 11 pm followed by an opening shift at 8 am.