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General Forum Chat Thread (III) • Page 158

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by Melody Bot, Nov 12, 2016.

  1. St. Nate

    LGBTQ Supporter (Lets Go Bomb TelAviv Quickly) Prestigious

    So apparently I may be able to do invisalign, at least that's what my dentist said.

    I thought my teeth were too bad to be able to do that, but the consultation is free so why not?

    Also the X-Ray tech asked me if I was Filipino because of course she did.
  2. Kiana

    Goddamn, man child Prestigious

    That is inspiring (minus the Filipino part) because I always think my teeth are too bad for invisalign. My biggest issue is an overbite tho so idk what that means for me but I haaaate my teeth because of it
  3. Carmen SD


    This lady I work with is something else and is always hella extra. For one she tries to make it sound like I never help out to management. I help when I can but she expects it, and when you can't because you have your job to do and it actually has to be done by a certain time, she calls it not helping. She wants you do drop what youre doing and do her job so she can wander around the building doing nothing. Half the time I'm doing my job and hers and I never get a thank you or it's never appreciated. But apparently doing half of her duties is not helping. She always disappears and never communicate over the radio. She gives attitude when you tell her to do something and will refuse half the time. Umm excuse me when the managers aren't here I'm one of the 2-3 supervisors. She doesn't like being told what to do and she's been there for like 9 months and constantly needs reminders over and over about the same things. So frustrating. I'm at the point where I want to be snappy with her.
  4. St. Nate

    LGBTQ Supporter (Lets Go Bomb TelAviv Quickly) Prestigious

    so bored
    ChrisCantWrite and Mr. Serotonin like this.
  5. ChrisCantWrite

    Trusted Prestigious

    Explore the depths of YouTube. Possibilities are endless.
    Colby Searcy likes this.
  6. Colby Searcy

    Is admired for his impeccable (food) tastes Prestigious

    Porn Hub is another good one
    ChaseTx and ChrisCantWrite like this.
  7. marsupial jones

    make a bagel without the hole Prestigious

    I feel like I'm pretty good at using Excel but probably am only scratching the surface on what that beast of a program can do.

    putting together SOP's for all the monthly reports i and others in the company have to do and the latest one is a goddamn doozy. i literally have 25+ pages of notes that has come out to over 175 steps for completing a single report. granted, it's only done quarterly which is why it's so daunting and has so many steps but still, i'm shocked no one before me hasn't said, "isn't there a faster way to do this" or "do we really need this?". i'm pulling data from like, 12 different workbooks and it's just formulas galore. no idea how i'm actually going to update this beast in October for Q3.

    i love you Excel but goddamn, give it a rest.
    Colby Searcy likes this.
  8. ReginaPhilange

    Trusted Prestigious

    I got pretty good with excel in my labs. The cumulative error equations you had to derive were monstrous ugly things so you didn’t have a choice. It can do some neat shit I didn’t know about before
    Colby Searcy likes this.
  9. ReginaPhilange

    Trusted Prestigious

    Fun fact I got a C on my lab presentation because I misplaced a fucking decimal point and couldnt explain why the error didn’t line up with the other errors (in the moment, one of those things you realize right after the test type situations).
  10. Kiana

    Goddamn, man child Prestigious

    2 weeks after my coworker gave birth she was running a mile everyday and playing soccer twice a week and I'm over here like ....somedays I get out of bed
    CarpetElf and iCarly Rae Jepsen like this.
  11. So someone placed an order earlier. They made some comment about how they got a new card cause they all expire so quickly and I was like "whatever, okay." Then I asked for the new card information and this motherfucker tells me the 21st of July.
  12. iCarly Rae Jepsen

    run away with me Platinum

    What the hell kinda credit card is this
  13. It isn't haha. It's a dumb person who thought 07/21 meant the the 21st of July.
  14. Kiana

    Goddamn, man child Prestigious

    I can't set up my directv and I'm really whiiiiiny about it. I plugged in the thing and it still doesn't wooooork. How am I supposed to watch 90 Day Fiance?!

  15. CobraKidJon

    Fun must be always. Prestigious

    my parents are in Oregon for the week and all they are doing is bragging about all the stuff they are buying. They are also wanting pictures of the dogs daily.

    I'm like WHY
    CarpetElf likes this.
  16. Kiana

    Goddamn, man child Prestigious

    Omg so I shouldn't complain cause it's free (well I don't pay for it monthly but I'm sure they build it into my rent) but this directv package kinda sucks. I don't even get the lifetime movie channel, chiller, and a lot of the Spanish channels. I get HBO and Showtime but not the other movie channels. Like Friday the 13th part 3 aka the best one is on and I have to know without being able to watch it!!
    Colby Searcy likes this.
  17. Jams


    Just bought tickets to see Stevie Nicks! She's playing like 30 mins from me which rarely happens so I had to buy tickets bc I've never seen her before. Now hopefully my friend pays me what she owes me soon bc that will pay for almost the whole price for both tickets (yeah righttttttttttt)
  18. Mr. Serotonin

    I'm still staring down the sun Prestigious

    I saw some scary interview the other day where she talked about her cocaine use. She basically widened her nasal passages to the point where she could have a brain hemorrhage at any given "bump". It was quite the PSA, without actually being a PSA.
  19. MysteryKnight

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Random question that I need someone's opinion on: I want to buy this CD on Amazon. The price has continuously fluctuated over the last few days. It was $11.77 a few days ago, then it went up to $13, yesterday it went back to $12.08, and now it is down to $11.98. Should I just go ahead and buy it now or wait to see if it gets cheaper? There is also only one left in stock so probably shouldn't wait too long. I am overthinking this way too much, but I just know I'll be mad at myself if the price goes down a lot again after I buy it, but I'll also be mad if I wait another day and the price goes up again.
  20. Each message is a printed piece of paper that I have to print and reply via POS message.

    "We made a mistake on our part. Please deliver the order on Monday."
    "This Monday?"
    "Monday the 24th?"
    "That's correct."
    "July the 24th?"
    "So don't take this today?"
    "No, take it Monday."
    "Not today?"
    "This order is to be delivered on Monday, the 24th day of the month of July in the year of our lord 2017 before 12pm Eastern Standard Time. Do not deliver this order today, July the 21st. Do not deliver this tomorrow, July the 22nd. Do not deliver this the following day, July the 23rd. I see you are closed on Sunday, July the 23rd. Please do not open up to special deliver this order on Sunday, July the 23rd. This order is to be delivered on the 24th. That day, the 24th, is a Monday. A Monday in the month of July in the year 2017."

    Ask me again.
    Colby Searcy likes this.
  21. Colby Searcy

    Is admired for his impeccable (food) tastes Prestigious

    But what about tonight?
  22. Kiana

    Goddamn, man child Prestigious

    I got a cold last night too late for me to get medicine or do anything about it. I had a feeling i would but without warning my throat started hurting and now I'm a sniffling mess. I am attending a small class today so I'm the annoying gross germy sniffly mouthbreather. In addition to that, we're in eating lunch now and it's kinda quiet so of course I have the super crunchy celery
  23. "I'd like to get 300 pieces of chocolate and could you put it in a basket?"
    "We don't have chocolate here, I'm sorry."
    "Well could you go and buy some and I'll pay you?"
    "No, sir, we don't really do that kind of work."
    "I don't get it, I'll pay you though."

    I just...
  24. iCarly Rae Jepsen

    run away with me Platinum

    That seems like an excessive amount of chocolate
    Colby Searcy and CarpetElf like this.
  25. He literally just called again and told me he didn't just talk to me.