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General Forum Chat Thread (II) [ARCHIVED] • Page 526

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by Jason Tate, Apr 5, 2016.

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  1. Kiana

    Goddamn, man child Prestigious

    But I thought fire made the chemicals go into the air and then it rained down and caused more zombies. So technically it kills them but also causes more.
  2. DarkHotline

    Stuck In Evil Mode For 31 Days Prestigious

    That movie needs to be on that intro list we've discussed in the horror thread. It's one of the best horror films of the 80's by a mile and still stands the test of time. I could throw it on right now and still be repulsed by the gore effects of that movie.
    AelNire likes this.
  3. DarkHotline

    Stuck In Evil Mode For 31 Days Prestigious

    Correct but that was the only way to truly get rid of them. Hence the ending of the movie, with the military firing a nuke at the town.
  4. Kiana

    Goddamn, man child Prestigious

    But I thought it did kill them but then the chemicals from the fire caused more which is what the ending of the movie implied? So it gets rid of the ones who are active but also can make the problem worse unless the whole world is nuked. Lol idk. Speaking of that movie tho, are there any others where the zombies can talk? That was always an unusual aspect
  5. AelNire

    @RiotGrlErin Prestigious

    Adele worships the illuminati..thanks Obama.

  6. DarkHotline

    Stuck In Evil Mode For 31 Days Prestigious

    I meant more in the physical sense of it, obviously it backfired on them but that's the only way to truly destroy the body. As far as talking zombies, I'm not sure. I know the sequel did it too but I can't really think of others. I'd have to look up on that.
    Kiana likes this.
  7. DarkHotline

    Stuck In Evil Mode For 31 Days Prestigious

    People who honestly buy into Illuminati stuff fascinate me. Like in the sense of believing in something that you can't ever prove actually exists, evidence that somehow revolves around social media and YouTube clips, and the ramblings of people who are most likely mentally ill. Plus, if you knew all these secrets and all that, what's to stop them from like imprisoning you or even killing you for knowing too much? That doesn't make sense for this secret organization that secretly controls the world to just let people know it's secrets, that like defeats the whole purpose of it being a secret. Same with FEMA camps and all that other related shlock.
  8. ComedownMachine

    Prestigious Prestigious

    I always thought if the illuminati actually existed someone in it would probably go crazy and rant about all the details with proof but that's never happened sooo.
  9. AelNire

    @RiotGrlErin Prestigious

    Just a bad joke.
    ComedownMachine likes this.
  10. DarkHotline

    Stuck In Evil Mode For 31 Days Prestigious

    It's cool, I was just running away with a thought.
  11. ComedownMachine

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Like for example Kanye is extremely influential so if the illuminati was real he'd probably be in it, but he'd also be most likely to rant about it and expose it which makes me believe it isn't true.
  12. Garrett

    i tore a hole in the fabric of time Moderator

    Idk, the Illuminati is historically racist if Dan Brown is to be believed.
    yourfaveweapon likes this.
  13. Fucking Dustin

    I'll always edit a post Supporter

    The Illuminati is real they're the only place that still makes credit cards without the chip now
  14. Fucking Dustin

    I'll always edit a post Supporter

    The Illuminati knows the whereabouts of the real life Crash Bandicoot and each member gets a copy of Silent Hills
    Dirty Sanchez likes this.
  15. Fucking Dustin

    I'll always edit a post Supporter

    I had a 30 day trial but I cancelled before day 29, didn't wanna have to pay yet another monthly subscription
    Dirty Sanchez likes this.
  16. Dirty Sanchez

    Prestigious Prestigious

    I bought my freezer from the Illuminati.
  17. Fucking Dustin

    I'll always edit a post Supporter

    It's definitely the freezer that has the cameras in it isn't it
    Dirty Sanchez likes this.
  18. Kiana

    Goddamn, man child Prestigious

    My mom lives in a town that had a pretty big cult. Isn't that dude from 10 things I hate about you a cult leader now or something??
  19. Dirty Sanchez

    Prestigious Prestigious

  20. Fucking Dustin

    I'll always edit a post Supporter

    I have no idea but now I'm in a Wikipedia black hole that may never end to find out

    Dallas had David Koresh nearby that's the only notable one I know of around here
  21. DarkHotline

    Stuck In Evil Mode For 31 Days Prestigious

    I'd commit whatever horrible initiation ritual just for that.
  22. Fucking Dustin

    I'll always edit a post Supporter

    Prepaid 5 year subscription to Tidal
    ChaseTx likes this.
  23. Dirty Sanchez

    Prestigious Prestigious

    That took it one step too far.
  24. DarkHotline

    Stuck In Evil Mode For 31 Days Prestigious

  25. JessLeigh

    just keep your head above; swim.

    Which guy?
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