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General Forum Chat Thread (I) [ARCHIVED] • Page 10

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by Melody Bot, Jan 9, 2016.

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  1. TheVandyMan

    Please stop deleting my custom title Prestigious

    I also really like how the alert system works on here. It does its job without being obtrusive, and makes it super easy to stay on top of threads.
    Jason Tate likes this.
  2. I remember playing around with making a Sidekick version of a website.

    Hahah, I thought the Sidekick was the best gadget ever made.
  3. noxee

    Regular Prestigious

    Could you imagine trying to support a Sidekick version of a site today... I really dislike trying to develop for anything that's not up with current standards (I'm looking at you IE)...
  4. It's what I've wanted to evolve the "who quoted me" stuff to for like 5 years. That and at-replies and better private messages were what I started with. Those three things were the foundation of basically all this.
  5. HAHAHAHA. I can't even imagine. You had to fit each page into a specific size back in the WAP days basically it was insane. I was more strict then I have ever been on just being like "fuck it" with older browsers. Like if the iPhone can do more than your desktop browser I'm sorry, I'm bailin on you.
  6. AelNire

    @RiotGrlErin Prestigious

    Say there are lots of users posting at once in the same thread. Do you get notified every single time someone posts in the thread or is there a way to turn off that specific alert?
  7. noxee

    Regular Prestigious

    I've actually gotten really bad lately and I'm just like "well it works in all the browsers I have access to so screw it". I think one of the things I love/hate about web technologies (and technology in general) is just how quickly it moves and trying to keep on top of it all.
  8. nfdv2

    Trusted Prestigious

    suggestion: if two or more people post in the same thread before you check the alert, the alert gets updated to "User 1, User 2, and User 3 replied to the thread" instead of having separate alerts for each of their posts?
  9. The alert is only for the first "new" post per thread. So you won't get ten if ten people post. And you can change all those alerts in the notification section of settings. You can, for example, just ask to be alerted to quotes or @replies if you want and not new posts in followed threads.
    AelNire likes this.
  10. It's set to one per thread, so you will only get an alert for the first new and unread post in a thread.

    So if you haven't been there for a few days it won't give you a million. But if it's unread and a fast thread you could get a new as you're reading for those new posts. It's also a feature you can disable if you post a whole lot in lots of threads and check your followed threads page a lot (like how I usually use this). Then notifications come in for like at-replies and quoted posts only. And new posts per thread I check via followed threads.
  11. I still really like the like feature. Haha. It's such an easy "thanks/saw this" move.
    stnewton, TheVandyMan and schlotty like this.
  12. nfdv2

    Trusted Prestigious

    cool that makes a lot more sense

    also i like the "messages have been posted since you loaded this page" feature
    schlotty likes this.
  13. AelNire

    @RiotGrlErin Prestigious

    Do post counts not show unless you go to their profile?
  14. It's crazy because sometimes it's incredible what you can do now, and it blows my mind. Like one example is the animation stuff you can do with CSS is like laughably cool compared to what you had to do in the past. But then there's also the "I wrote an entire function to do this one thing and now these two browsers can do it with this one line of code" that is always fun.

    I run a few virtual machines to test stuff, and I do a lot of mobile emulation and screen sizes, but I definitely am more of the "can latest chrome and safari handle it well enough? Ok I'm good" -- the constant update of those browsers makes me more confident with them. I think it's like 80+% that are on the latest of those two on AP these days too.
  15. Correct. It's only on a profile or it shows on the mini profile (when you click a username) on the desktop version (but not mobile). I did that on purpose.
    stnewton likes this.
  16. Me too!

    Haha, every time someone notices one of the little things like that I smile like a buffoon.
  17. noxee

    Regular Prestigious

    Have you played around much with the ES6 version of javascript? I'm actually really enjoying it and I feel kind of sad ever time I step away from it. Speaking of come functions I recently learnt about the debounce function that people use in JS and I feel like a complete idiot for not knowing about it...

    CSS is scary. I'd like to think I'm pretty proficient and then I come across something new (but years old) and I'm like "what the hell have I been doing..."
  18. TheVandyMan

    Please stop deleting my custom title Prestigious

    On a small note, if I highlight the entire forum homepage, there's a message just left of my profile info that says "I worked." Just thought I'd mention it in case it's not supposed to be visible!
  19. AelNire

    @RiotGrlErin Prestigious

    I can't get the email alerts to stop!
  20. AndrewSoup

    It's A Secret To Everyone Prestigious

    hahaha, i was VERY sure to turn off all email notifications before i started posting

    edit; although not fast enough, apparently. i just checked my inbox and there's a couple dozen email notifications, haha :cringe:
  21. AelNire

    @RiotGrlErin Prestigious

    I finally fixed it but sheesh.
  22. I had a show last night and missed all the fun. And here I was thinking I had a bit of a head start.
  23. Craig Manning

    @FurtherFromSky Moderator

    I'm doing my taxes today. Someone shoot me now.
    AelNire likes this.
  24. bummed I missed the party last night! I drank a bunch of bourbon and played video games.

    tbh I love doing them because it means I get a bonus, I'd imagine it's much less exciting if you owe money haha
  25. My refund came to a grand total of $3 this year. Can't complain, I guess.
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