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From Indian Lakes Band • Page 6

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by cwhit, Apr 4, 2016.

  1. Gooddayz

    always and forever

    When she played Father Complex those lyrics got me. She was super real and down to earth. Great addition to an already stellar lineup and funny enough she's from Houston. Her family was their to support and she dedicated a song to her mom, it was so sweet.
    coleslawed likes this.
  2. contra11mundum

    I hate spoilers. Supporter

    Revisiting them today for the first time in a while.

    Forgot how much I love all their records.

    Stoked to see them with Copeland in April!!
    coleslawed, Gooddayz and Lucas27 like this.
  3. Lucas27


    Already said this in the Copeland thread, but they OWNED it live.

    So excited to hear the new record that I can't stand it. I thought Joey would have announced something long before now.
    contra11mundum likes this.
  4. contra11mundum

    I hate spoilers. Supporter

    Man. It’s probably been a couple years since I listened to Absent Sounds.

    Really great album. Forgot how much I enjoyed it.
    Gooddayz, trevorshmevor and Lucas27 like this.
  5. Darth Amory

    Sith Lord.

    I love Able Bodies and Absent Sounds but just CAN'T get into the other 2.. I don't know why.
  6. Lucas27


    Wooden Legs is super underrated but I’d get why people wouldn’t love it. EFBN is more atmospheric and a slower listen. I take that album in differently than Absent Sounds and especially Able Bodies but I love it. I love all things FIL though.
    Gooddayz likes this.
  7. Yeah I threw on Absent Sounds the other day and fell in love all over again too. I pretty much always reach for EFBN when I go to this band anymore but that’s definitely gotta change, I forgot just how much I loved their earlier stuff
  8. Gooddayz

    always and forever

    I don't return to Wooden Legs often, but there really isn't even a bad song on there and the lyrics pack a punch. Crazy to think it'll turn ten this year
  9. Gooddayz

    always and forever

    I need dates on new music.. ughhh
    azzy01 likes this.
  10. Gooddayz

    always and forever

    For a second I thought you said you heard the new record and hated it. I was so confused, but desperately wanted you to share haha
    Lucas27 likes this.
  11. Lucas27


    Lol. Who’s excited to hear a record they can’t stand? Or maybe I’m so excited to hear the record that I literally can’t stand up.
    Gooddayz and sonder like this.
  12. ramres

    Next Show: Wasia Project -- 5/11


    sonder, Joe, johnnyutes and 3 others like this.
  13. mattav152

    Release My Mind, My Garden Grows

    I feel like he’s been teasing us for months. Assuming we’re getting a new song/video soon based on what seemed to be a music video shoot (I think) earlier this year. I’m so ready for new FIL!
    ramres and beachdude like this.
  14. ramres

    Next Show: Wasia Project -- 5/11

    I think he's been done/teasing us for over a year lol, this is from May 2018

    mattav152, awakeohsleeper and Lucas27 like this.
  15. contra11mundum

    I hate spoilers. Supporter

    I’m ready
  16. contra11mundum

    I hate spoilers. Supporter

    They were so good on the Copeland tour.
  17. Can't believe they've not announced a new record yet??
  18. awakeohsleeper

    I do not exist.

    Announcement must be coming and I am so ready for it.
    beachdude likes this.
  19. Lucas27


    It is about time. Most anticipated of the year for me.
    awakeohsleeper likes this.
  20. Gooddayz

    always and forever

    I need this.
    awakeohsleeper likes this.
  21. ramres

    Next Show: Wasia Project -- 5/11

  22. Gooddayz

    always and forever

    I see the light.
  23. beachdude

    I'm not brave Prestigious

    coleslawed and teebs41 like this.
  24. socklord


    I am v excited
    coleslawed likes this.
  25. coleslawed

    Eat Pizza

    new songs they played this spring were bomb
    Gooddayz and beachdude like this.