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Friends TV Show • Page 34

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by Jason Tate, Jan 13, 2016.

  1. domotime2

    Great Googly Moogly Supporter

    James Corden!??!? UGHHHHHHH

    tell me I'm not the only one who yelled that when they found out
  2. emt0853

    Trusted Supporter

    My poor husband. He's playing some game and he can just hear me cackling over his shoulder.
  3. Vase Full Of Rocks

    Trusted Supporter

    What an absolutely terrible choice.
    domotime2 likes this.
  4. domotime2

    Great Googly Moogly Supporter

    This was lovely. I can be a critical asshole too often but this was just lovely. The emotions from this was just too much. Either they're the world's best actors (they are) or wow they all felt so genuine. Idk if they went in trying to be the characters or thats just how they are or I can't separate the two myself... it doesn't matter.

    Home run
  5. Craig Manning

    @FurtherFromSky Moderator

    What a joy this was. I had a huge smile on my face for the duration.
    333 GANG likes this.
  6. chewbacca110

    Gimme light, gimme love, gimme fire

    Overall I thought the reunion special was great.

    The part about the fans around the world was fantastic and provided great context. I hope tween and twenty something fans around the world appreciated the context. Matthew Perry was a damper and a reality check on show biz and superstardom as a whole. Matt Leblanc is so charming and entertaining it should be illegal.
  7. [​IMG]

    me rn
  8. emt0853

    Trusted Supporter

    When Matthew P. was talking about his feelings about jokes failing..that was crushing. I think this reunion was everything I wanted it to be though.
    RyanPm40 likes this.
  9. Gnarly Charlie

    Good guy, but a bad dude

    This was great. People shitting all over Matthew Perry are total assholes.
  10. Kiana

    Goddamn, man child Prestigious

    iCarly Rae Jepsen likes this.
  11. Iain


    I thought this was really well done. Enjoyed it, and probably welled up more than I want to admit I did...
    333 GANG and Gnarly Charlie like this.
  12. popdisaster00

    Moderator Moderator

    Pure comfort food
    Vase Full Of Rocks likes this.
  13. RyanPm40

    The Torment of Existence Supporter

    This was great. Didn't expect to get so emotional. Fucking lost it when Matt Leblanc came out in Chandler's clothes :crylaugh:
    Vase Full Of Rocks likes this.
  14. popdisaster00

    Moderator Moderator

    I very much like that they hit on how Friends, or a show like it, can provide safety and comfort when you’re depressed haha
    chewbacca110, RyanPm40, Iain and 2 others like this.
  15. popdisaster00

    Moderator Moderator

    I was smiling so hard any time Matt LeBlanc spoke.
    chewbacca110, RyanPm40 and Jason Tate like this.
  16. DickyCullz

    I create content for some of your favorite artists

    Feel this would have been much better if it had just been the cast sitting in Monica’s apartment and telling stories/reminiscing with a few guests stopping by

    do not need Corden ever.
    smowashere and RyanPm40 like this.
  17. OhTheWater

    Let it run Supporter

    God James Corden stinks
  18. popdisaster00

    Moderator Moderator

    Yeah Corden was...pointless? Not sure who would have been right to host though
  19. RyanPm40

    The Torment of Existence Supporter

    I could have gone without Bieber or Gaga for sure
    jorbjorb likes this.
  20. Vase Full Of Rocks

    Trusted Supporter

    All the guests like Beckham, Gaga and Bieber were absolutely unnecessary and will make this thing age very strangely. They shouldn't have done it.
    RyanPm40 and awakeohsleeper like this.
  21. Guests will age just fine. They had guest stars in the show since the start.
    333 GANG likes this.
  22. popdisaster00

    Moderator Moderator

    I do wish they were able to pull in more series regulars, like either of the women that played Carol and Susan, or Paul Rudd!
    Vase Full Of Rocks and RyanPm40 like this.
  23. RyanPm40

    The Torment of Existence Supporter

    Yeah I was pretty surprised Rudd wasn't there
    Iain and Vase Full Of Rocks like this.
  24. iCarly Rae Jepsen

    run away with me Platinum

    Matt LeBlanc looks like I would hope Joey would look now haha, Joey's defining characteristics were gluttony as well as lust, look either he would accept aging or have a 22 year old girlfriend at 50 no in between
    Marta looks like how either Carol or Phoebe would look now
    how does David Schwimmer have the same exact hairstyle
    LAX 2194 is one of the fake terrible shows Joey stars on, also Ryan Stiles was also on that show!

    the answer to who should have moderated is Paul Rudd and they never acknowledge that he was Mike , Corden was somehow able to be restrained and let everyone talk even though I know it's hard for him
    The Rembrandts also should have been there

    this didn't seem as bloated as I thought a Friends reunion that is longer than the movie Clueless would be
    EASheartsVinyl likes this.
  25. emt0853

    Trusted Supporter

    This would have been amazing.
    Vase Full Of Rocks likes this.