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Frank Ocean Band • Page 32

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by beachdude, Mar 15, 2016.

  1. GrantCloud

    Prestigious Prestigious

    oncenowagain likes this.
  2. paperlung

    there's no place like my room Supporter

    if it happened during a rehearsal wouldn't they have had more notice than day of to get things fixed...and not show up an hour late??
  3. irthesteve

    formerly irthesteve Prestigious

    Well that definitely explains absolutely nothing that he did last night
  4. DarkHotline

    Stuck In Evil Mode For 31 Days Prestigious

    Dude had like three years to back out on that if that was the case.
    Phantoms likes this.
  5. oncenowagain

    “the whole world’s ending” “honey it already did” Prestigious

  6. DarkHotline

    Stuck In Evil Mode For 31 Days Prestigious

    So that’s why they decided to just throw shit at the wall at the last second? Nah, that’s a bad excuse.
  7. CobraKidJon

    Fun must be always. Prestigious

    I want to believe Frank but the person I know that works on the polo grounds today called me all pissed saying that Frank screwed the production crew over with his last minute changes

    which echoes what we heard from a lot of people on the interweb and I know the dude I talk to doesn’t stay on this side of the internet to care that much lol
  8. GrantCloud

    Prestigious Prestigious

    yeah... if the ankle injury happened earlier this week like the story made it sound like, dude should have called an audible much earlier than an hour before his set lol
  9. irthesteve

    formerly irthesteve Prestigious

    I believe he hurt his ankle, but that doesn't affect other people's ability to skate, it doesn's affect the existence of a ice rink that was being built yesterday, it doesn't make you show up an hour late to a set, it doesn't force you to play your music off an ipod, it doesn't require a dj to play in the middle of your set, etc etc etc
  10. mattfreaksmeout

    Trusted Supporter

    He could’ve sat on a stool and just sang his songs and sure some people would be like eh it was boring but his die hards would’ve been fine.
  11. imthegrimace

    I am protesting Josh being a mod Supporter

    Ahh yes when you injure your ankle you cannot sing. Checks out.
  12. irthesteve

    formerly irthesteve Prestigious

    well, he could sing, but it would have just be OUCH OH GOD THIS HURTS OWWIE MY FOOT OUCHIE the whole time
    Phantoms, zmtr, Daniel and 4 others like this.
  13. CobraKidJon

    Fun must be always. Prestigious

    listen this isn’t about that exactly but it’s kinda funny how many DJ’s at Coachella who seemed like they were just pressing play on like Spotify and Apple and vibing lol
    imthesheriff likes this.
  14. irthesteve

    formerly irthesteve Prestigious

    oh for sure haha. I've been to a couple sets at Coachella where the DJ is just running around the stage, obviously doing nothing musical, and I gues to an extent I understand it in just a general party sense... but it's not really my kind of show
  15. Blainer93

    Prestigious Supporter

    No ankle support, he was standing a bit, dancing and walking around during Nikes and Nights. But sure! Lol
  16. ghostedaway

    itchy, tasty Prestigious

    Phantoms, zmtr, Serenity Now and 2 others like this.
  17. irthesteve

    formerly irthesteve Prestigious

    Phantoms, zmtr, Serenity Now and 2 others like this.
  18. irthesteve

    formerly irthesteve Prestigious

    Phantoms, coleslawed, zmtr and 4 others like this.
  19. irthesteve Apr 17, 2023
    (Last edited: Apr 17, 2023)

    formerly irthesteve Prestigious

    Phantoms, zmtr, Serenity Now and 2 others like this.
  20. neo506

    2001-2022 Prestigious

  21. [​IMG]
    Phantoms, coleslawed, zmtr and 5 others like this.
  22. cshadows2887

    Hailey, It Happens @haileyithappens Supporter

    Frank doesn't owe us music, public appearances, merch, interviews, etc. if he doesn't want to. He is free to fuck off and Salinger himself away. That artist's prerogative is inviolable. But the minute you commit to a huge show like this and people buy tickets to see you, you do owe something.
  23. Surfwax

    bring on the major leagues Supporter

    quoting every pic above was going to make for an obnoxiously long post but exceptional bit
  24. atlas


    I was at the Rage show ZDLR tore his achilles and then crushed the rest of the set sitting on the monitor. Most baller shit I've ever seen
    Phantoms, coleslawed, Cameron and 3 others like this.
  25. Blainer93

    Prestigious Supporter

    Zack sitting down put on the best show I’ve ever seen.
    Phantoms and neo506 like this.