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Four Year Strong - Brain Pain (February 28, 2020) Album • Page 5

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by btr, Jan 13, 2020.

  1. DickyCullz

    I create content for some of your favorite artists

    Only had one listen but found it rather forgettable and unremarkable. Will give it a few spins over the weekend
  2. MattNCheeze


    Opener feels like if Maniac had a deranged fucked up cousin that you only see once a year but it’s a hoot n holler every time
  3. MattNCheeze


    Uselessly Useless is a top three fys chorus
    BornToRun and Shaun like this.
  4. koryoreo

    Trusted Supporter

    Yeah this is weak. I like my FYS catchy and this is just meh. Hopefully they don't play more than a few new songs on the Silverstein tour.
  5. AlwaysEvolving21

    Trusted Supporter

    Listened to this and New Found Glory’s new album on my run today. This album kicks NFG’s new albums ass.
    MegT585 likes this.
  6. irthesteve

    formerly irthesteve Prestigious

    Found this enjoyable on first listen, better than expected honestly
  7. skoopy


    Wasn't anticipating how heavy some of these tracks would be given the singles I heard but with putney at the helm I suppose I should have. Idk I'm kinda with you guys that catchy fys is best fys but this is a totally fine addition to the discog. At the very least it's good to hear these dudes firing on all cylinders again.
  8. HelloThisIsDog


    Never really got into them but I’m thoroughly enjoying this album.
    Shaun likes this.
  9. Shaun

    cool dogs

    don't know if you mean writing quality or the quality of the mix but agreed on both fronts. they were really going in on the "no fancy computer shit, just us rippin' bro" mentality with GHID and self-titled which is fine but i like glossy FYS, songs like Learn to Love the Lie benefit that bit more from the cleaner production i think
  10. DannyZach


    I did EXCATLY same thing yesterday haha...Iam probably in the minority on this page saying that I really like new NFG album and Iam huge NFG fanboy and never really got into FYS aside of couple songs on every album.But after yesterday’s run I gotta say this is the first FYS album I really love from the start to the end AND I like it probably more than new NFG which is insane to me.It literally made me spent 40$ on tickets to their show on Tuesday.
  11. Kuri44


    I’be never been a huge FYS fans aside from a few songs here and there, but I think this is the catchiest FYS album, though that doesn’t seem to be the general consensus

    EDIT: actually I forgot about EOTW, just started a re listen of that one and this one may be a bit catchier based off memory
    Colby Searcy likes this.
  12. mattylikesfilms


    Really enjoying this record overall. Also, a big shout out to Will Putney since he totally captured the live energy here.
    BornToRun and 333 GANG like this.
  13. MegT585


    Wasn’t expecting to love this as much as I do. It has been on repeat for me all weekend. Such a fun album
    BornToRun and mattylikesfilms like this.
  14. MattNCheeze


    1:33 delivery on seventeen sounds exactly like some song off RODT and I love it
  15. Micah511

    We reach for the longest shadow

    Will Putney made this sound great. Would’ve loved this production on the last album.
    brad4846 and mattylikesfilms like this.
  16. DannyZach


    Definitely addicted on this album!Great workout music and the chorus in The Worst Part About Me is huge! (Although the melody is excatly same as verses in Crazy Pills haha)
  17. JaytotheGee

    Trusted Prestigious

    Yeah I really love this. Going to be a perfect summer album
    333 GANG likes this.
  18. Is FYS a part time gig for these guys nowadays? I know Alan has a farm and does some producing, but not sure of the others.
  19. brad4846


    Somewhat, they still tour frequently and do the Worcester holiday show every year... but definitely not as much as they used to.
  20. JaytotheGee

    Trusted Prestigious

    I’m assuming they’ll do an Enemy Of The World tour this year
    tyler2tall likes this.
  21. This sounds and feels stuck in the late 00's. Go Down In History was such a return to form and they could've easily build on that Lamb Of God influenced style, which sounded fresh in the genre at the time. At least this is better than whatever the previous album was named, but aside from few slightly "out there" guitar parts and curveballs, it's still not that good. Pop punk might not be a genre that interest me that much anymore, but like... sorry for being sick of hearing the same chord progressions, harmonies and melodies over and over again I guess?

    Plus all the aforementioned reasons concerning JJR and Pure Noise etc. of course
  22. JaytotheGee

    Trusted Prestigious

    I actually always thought Go Down In History was pretty overrated. I think every other song on that EP was better
  23. AlwaysEvolving21

    Trusted Supporter

  24. sawhney[rusted]2

    I'll write you into all of my songs Supporter

    The band will never be able to recapture the absolute laser focus they had on that EP
    Petit nain des Îles likes this.
  25. Shaun

    cool dogs

    after the double fell swoop of letting go of Josh and ISWSOF (which i've slowly came around on but hated for years lol), that EP was the perfect comeback. i still remember how excited i got when they put out an instagram video of Dan playing the So You're Telling Me There's A Chance riff