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Fortnite Battle Royale Video Game • Page 124

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by CoffeeEyes17, Jan 19, 2018.

  1. PandaBear!

    Trusted Prestigious

    Same, I'm even playing GTA San Andreas on my PS2 rather than play this lol.

    Lot of talk that the Loot Lake orb will destroy the map. That would hold my attention for sure; the World Cup would be a great event to end this particular map on, then everybody can start fresh for season 10 with a whole new map.
  2. ghostedaway

    bryan Prestigious

    I won't hold my breath for a new map but that'd definitely be nice and long overdue
    PandaBear! likes this.
  3. Marx&Recreation


    Yeah people have been talking about an all new map since like season 4 lol
  4. CobraKidJon

    Fun must be always. Prestigious

    that’s because San Andreas is the GOAT game
    PandaBear! likes this.
  5. Zach

    Trusted Supporter

    You will never get an all new map with fortnite. People still play the same boring ass map, so they won’t make a new one until players stop playing the game
  6. PandaBear!

    Trusted Prestigious

    There's a new Sniper that shows you the next storm zone?
  7. ghostedaway

    bryan Prestigious

    Apparently. I didn't find one yet
  8. yeahrightdude

    Trusted Prestigious

    The storm tracker part is actually kinda cool. Confusing at first but once I figured it out it was nice. Not really sure what I think of advantages like that but at least it's not another explosive. No idea how the actual sniper aspect is. I missed all my shots with it haha
  9. yeahrightdude

    Trusted Prestigious

    Played in these last night and it was easily the most fun I've ever had playing Fortnite. 30-50 like minded people of various skillsets per game. They also have rules against fighting until the first circle closes so you can loot without pressure.

    I highly recommend it if you're around tonight with nothing to do.
    PandaBear! likes this.
  10. yeahrightdude

    Trusted Prestigious

    Lol I just won $18 betting $1 on the World Cup ProAm
    PandaBear! and ghostedaway like this.
  11. ghostedaway

    bryan Prestigious

    Nice lol. Who won that?
  12. yeahrightdude

    Trusted Prestigious

    airwaks and rl grimes. they won the proam a couple weeks back so I knew they had an advantage. I've got a few bets on different people to get top 3 but I'm not as confident in those as I was with the proam bet

    My buddy said he tried to make the same bet I made this morning but they took all the lines down and put them back up with 3-1 odds instead of 18-1. Feeling very good right now haha
  13. ghostedaway

    bryan Prestigious

    Nice dude! haha
    yeahrightdude likes this.
  14. PandaBear!

    Trusted Prestigious

    Quite funny how World Cup is streaming picture-in-picture in-game atm! Makes the game unplayable, but still!
    yeahrightdude likes this.
  15. PandaBear!

    Trusted Prestigious

    $3,000,000 for 6 games of Fortnite. Crazy!
    yeahrightdude likes this.
  16. yeahrightdude

    Trusted Prestigious

    To complete underdogs too! Come from behind out of no where. Wild!
    PandaBear! likes this.
  17. ghostedaway

    bryan Prestigious

    What if we aren't getting a new map but a classic map?
  18. yeahrightdude

    Trusted Prestigious

    Yeah that's what I've seen people say too. That'd be pretty rad. All these kids will finally realize how trash Misty was lol
    johnnyferris and ghostedaway like this.
  19. ghostedaway

    bryan Prestigious

    And how the best landing spot was Flush!!!
    yeahrightdude likes this.
  20. yeahrightdude

    Trusted Prestigious

    We just talked about this in the Chapo World Cup Viewing Party lol
    ghostedaway likes this.
  21. Zach

    Trusted Supporter

    I would play it again if this is true
  22. yeahrightdude

    Trusted Prestigious

    Bugha the god holy shit
    PandaBear! likes this.
  23. johnnyferris

    Sic Parvis Magna Prestigious

    Anarchy Acres come back
  24. PandaBear!

    Trusted Prestigious

    Almost double the points of second place :embarrassed: absolutely dominated from game 1 - $3,000,000 at 16 years old, god damn. Happy for that Argentinian kid King too, made Tfue look like a chump in one game!
    yeahrightdude likes this.
  25. Matt

    Living with the land Supporter

    I said the only way I’d play season 10 is if they brought back the classic map andddd here we goooo