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Final Fantasy Video Game • Page 164

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by aranea, Mar 15, 2016.

  1. Joe4th

    Memories are nice, but that's all they are. Prestigious

    Just made it to Nibelheim last night. I’m gonna be so sad when this game ends.
    Freud likes this.
  2. Freud

    Immortals with no morals, and no hang ups Prestigious

    Aerith's speech at Cosmo Canyon.

    Fuck, man :(
    solxace likes this.
  3. Freud

    Immortals with no morals, and no hang ups Prestigious


  4. billyboatman

    Garden Eyes - Movements

    I know we’ve all been saying it, but this game is amazing.

    They don’t make ‘em like this anymore. This was an absolute labor of love and it’s blowing me away at every turn.

    I love how much they kept under wraps. I thought they spoiled so much with those last few trailers.. absolutely not.
    solxace, Joe4th and Freud like this.
  5. Freud

    Immortals with no morals, and no hang ups Prestigious

    This game is fucking amazing. So much love was out into it, and it shows in every category. The music, the battles, the exploration, EVERYTHING. You can easily say they don't make games like this anymore. There's just SO MUCH stuff to do. I honestly thought they were exaggerating I previews when they said you can easily sink over 100 hours into it......I'm at 80 hours and haven't even left Cosmo Canyon yet. This game does such a great job at letting you explore each character individually so you can play them and use their specific skills, it's fun. Another small thing I enjoy is how the entire party travels with you.....not like other RPGs where only your current party members are visible or even games where they disappear into the main character. It really plays into the idea of its "our journey". I also appreciate them on the sidelines still participating in the fight, even if it's not a lot it's still such a nice feature.

    As much as Aerith is best girl that must be protected at all costs, Yuffie is most definitely the highlight of the game for me. She's HILARIOUS. Her chocobo/materia jingles are hilarious. (It doesn't hurt that her VA is also one of my favorite characters in Genshin)
    solxace, Joe4th and billyboatman like this.
  6. Joe4th

    Memories are nice, but that's all they are. Prestigious

    Yeah, seeing the party members in the field with you in fights is such a small detail that adds so much. I’m in chapter 12 now and a bunch of side stuff opened up again that I’m working through, I’m at like 65 hours. Game is just everything I could’ve dreamed of. Genuinely impressed at the scale of this thing and how well everything works. I’m so curious where the plot goes at the end, I’m fully in and am just overjoyed with this game. I don’t see anything topping this for me this year.
  7. thenewmatthewperry

    performative angry DEI black man Prestigious

    I'm at Chapter 9 now and before heading to the reactor I'm trying to do as much of the map as possible. I'm overwhelmed by how much I love this game, its one of those pieces of media to me that is so stimulating I don't even think I'm like clicking with everything. Like the music and art direction is so strong that it distracts me from being hyper efficient with the combat, I make mistakes all the time because of this. The banter and dialogue is just simply the best this series has ever had with party dynamics.

    I'm hoping the story gets weird and goes off the rails, so far through Corel I feel like the story is in depth versions of events from the original game with Aerith speaking like she knows what's gonna happen similar to Remake. I've loved these moments a lot but I want to be thrown for some loops
  8. solxace

    oh word?

    going to be moving forward with chapter 12 since one of the quests are lowkey testing me lmao
    Freud likes this.
  9. solxace

    oh word?

    only gets more crazy and wacky from here heh
    Freud, thenewmatthewperry and Joe4th like this.
  10. Freud

    Immortals with no morals, and no hang ups Prestigious

    Do the reactor! Lol

    Was it as bad as chocobo flying lol that was testing me forreal
    solxace likes this.
  11. solxace

    oh word?

    THAT was driving me mad too but nah it was the combat simulator in the shinra manor
    Freud likes this.
  12. morgantayler

    Pink Pony Club Prestigious

    I'm bummed I haven't been able to play as much as I'd like and I probably won't get to do any this weekend unless I can get remote play to work at my parents house. I'm still on Chapter 4 in Junon.
    Freud and solxace like this.
  13. billyboatman

    Garden Eyes - Movements

    Finish everything in Corel or head to the Gold Saucer.. I’ll be playing this game until June haha or longer.
    Freud and solxace like this.
  14. Freud

    Immortals with no morals, and no hang ups Prestigious

    Ok....that doesn't sound toooooo bad I guess. Not like the MANDATORY FLYING that left me scratching my head why. But still if you're someone like me wanting to at least complete everything.......I guess I'll find out when I get there heh. All I have left in Cosmo Canyon is the QB matches and then I'm off!
    solxace likes this.
  15. GBlades


    I'm the same. I'm enjoying it but I can't play as much as I'd like to.
    morgantayler likes this.
  16. morgantayler

    Pink Pony Club Prestigious

    Amazing lol

    solxace, Joe4th and WanderingSquall like this.
  17. chris

    Trusted Supporter

    I wish the segways you can ride around Costa Del Sol appeared for your whole party like chocobos do
    billyboatman and Freud like this.
  18. Freud

    Immortals with no morals, and no hang ups Prestigious

    101 hours and just got to Shinra manor in nibelheim
    solxace likes this.
  19. Freud

    Immortals with no morals, and no hang ups Prestigious

    God bless you Nomura, making Glenn look like he's straight outta Organization XIII.
    billyboatman and solxace like this.
  20. thenewmatthewperry

    performative angry DEI black man Prestigious

    just finished the chapter 9 reactor and i simply cannot do side content now i have to know what happens
    Tides and Freud like this.
  21. billyboatman

    Garden Eyes - Movements

    Some of the music sounds like it’s ripped straight out of KH as well.
  22. billyboatman

    Garden Eyes - Movements

    Approaching the Gold Saucer. I hope they have Roy.
    solxace and Freud like this.
  23. Freud

    Immortals with no morals, and no hang ups Prestigious

    Chapter 12 baby.
    solxace likes this.
  24. Matt

    Living with the land Supporter

    Saw this while walking around at PAX East and had to buy it

  25. Freud

    Immortals with no morals, and no hang ups Prestigious
