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Fenix TX Band • Page 4

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by Fox83, Sep 30, 2016.

  1. tomdelonge


    Explicit version should be there if you scroll down to “3 more releases” on the listing
  2. Daniel

    Party Mom Supporter

    Weird, I don't see anything. Only things listed in their discography is Lechuza, S/T, and CRE EP. Even checked that I had Allow Explicit Content on. This is on my phone, maybe it shows on desktop.

  3. That one looks labeled E to me.
    bradsonemanband likes this.
  4. tomdelonge


    it might not be there on mobile, I can’t remember, but its def on desktop. You could also try searching for Lechuza under albums, and all the versions will come up
    Daniel likes this.
  5. Daniel

    Party Mom Supporter

    Searching for the album worked, thanks! I had to hear those "fucks".
    Paulms85 likes this.
  6. tomdelonge


    Some of the best fucks out there
    mattylikesfilms and Daniel like this.
  7. WadeCastle

    Trusted Supporter

    i love darker and riffier it was compared to their first album! solid follow up, unfortunately it was their last album but what a record to go out on! the creep EP was just alright imo.
    Daniel likes this.
  8. NJPunkMusic

    Die rad.

    20230805_084307.jpg Figured I'd drop a pic in here of my work from home station since yall are Fenix TX fans.
  9. NJPunkMusic

    Die rad.

    Raku and WasEmoRocknowImjustold like this.
  10. Zilla

    Prestigious Supporter

    “Will has his own things going on” is a strange way to just wave off that the frontman won’t be a part of the reunion.
    Raku, Phantoms, ARX39 and 2 others like this.
  11. domotime2

    Great Googly Moogly Supporter

    Bummer. Sigh
    Raku likes this.
  12. Heron182


    Raku and NJPunkMusic like this.
  13. NJPunkMusic

    Die rad.

    No interest
    Raku likes this.
  14. D_Ream84


    Wills wife contacted me regarding the show they did with Lit stating

    “Hi, thought I would let you know that Will is not singing, or any part, of Fenix TX. The guys will not announce it and I feel bad for the old school fans. I have no idea who is singing for them now”

    she also said that Will wanted nothing to do with them.

    which they should have announced that Will was not singing for them before announcing any shows in my opinion.

    that band is dead to me, and i loved them but nah, it will never be the same
    Raku likes this.
  15. mattylikesfilms


    Really breaks my heart to hear Will saying he wants nothing to do with the guys. I’m sure he has his reasons, and that they’re valid, but there’s no Fenix without Will in my eyes.

    I wish the rest of the guys the absolute best (especially Adam) but I have zero interest in seeing them without Will. Doesn’t feel right.
  16. Penlab

    Prestigious Supporter

    I don't have any personal attachment to this band, and it sounds like we don't have a clear picture of what actually is happening, so forgive me if this turns out to not age well, but...

    I do feel bad for the rest of the band, if say they want to continue on in some form and Will wasn't up for it. To use an example that might be on people's minds, it's not really any different than Mark and Travis having continued Blink without Tom, and I know there are people that felt some kind of way about that, but...

    I dunno, I think when a group of people invest in a project and one person decides they want out, that shouldn't prevent the rest of the group from moving on. It's unfair to them, frankly.
    Raku and Paulms85 like this.
  17. Zilla

    Prestigious Supporter

    Yeah, I don’t necessarily begrudge them for wanting to get a quick check. I think it’s they way they’ve gone about it. While we all figured it was the case, they made no explicit indication that Will wasn’t gonna be involved until now and they just kind of casually stated that the voice and main songwriter has no involvement, with no mention if this has his blessing or anything.

    The band was always a pretty volatile group. I think from “Lechuza” and on, they didn’t really get along. Even though it’s none of my business, I wonder if it’s a Third Eye Blind situation, where someone in the band owns the band name and iced him out or just doesn’t want his involvement. Either way, it sucks. Will has such a unique voice. A different singer basically means it’s a different band.
    Phantoms and Raku like this.
  18. They didn’t ask him. Then deleted and blocked his daughter when she pointed that out on social media.

    leaves a super bad taste in my mouth
    Phantoms, Raku, D_Ream84 and 2 others like this.
  19. Fox83


    This was their last album. I will be not be taking questions at this time.

    WadeCastle, Phantoms, Raku and 4 others like this.
  20. Fox83


    Does anyone remember when Will was uploading a bunch of demos online? I think it was through Soundcloud or maybe Bandcamp. I just remember thinking some of those songs showed promise. I'm pretty sure he took them down years ago, and I've never been able to find them anywhere since.
    mattylikesfilms likes this.
  21. Fox83


    Been hunting online since this crossed my mind. No luck, of course. But I did find this acoustic performance of A Song For Everyone, which I'd never seen/heard before:

  22. mattylikesfilms


    Would love to know about this too
  23. Fox83


    It might have even been reported here as news at one point, but this was probably during the absolutepunk days. Maybe 10 years ago? The Soundcloud (?) page was definitely run by Will. It was mostly solo acoustic demos that he was sharing, if I remember correctly. I've searched just about everywhere with no luck...

    Edit: Curious if @Jason Tate remember any of this
  24. Zilla

    Prestigious Supporter

    Okay. That truly sucks.
    Phantoms and mattylikesfilms like this.
  25. Tobias

    Newbie Supporter

    I remember one called Coming Home that I really liked.
    Phantoms, Raku and Fox83 like this.