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Fast Food (Official Thread) • Page 4

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by angrycandy, Oct 12, 2019.

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  1. Ken

    entrusted Prestigious

    I'm really excited that in 10 days I'll be eating Culver's and a few days after that, I'll be eating in-n-out.
  2. angrycandy

    I’m drama in these khaki towns Supporter

    Ken likes this.
  3. Ken

    entrusted Prestigious

    I get to enjoy those two restaurants about once a year. So I'm very, very ready.
    GrantCloud likes this.
  4. Fucking Dustin

    I'll always edit a post Supporter

    I've had fast food like 2-3 times this year

    Culvers rules In N Out sucks
    GrantCloud and Your Milkshake like this.
  5. angrycandy

    I’m drama in these khaki towns Supporter

    shots fired!
    coleslawed and Ken like this.
  6. Colby Searcy

    Is admired for his impeccable (food) tastes Prestigious

    Do you just starve?
    Ken, Fucking Dustin and angrycandy like this.
  7. angrycandy

    I’m drama in these khaki towns Supporter

    I eat fast food so much less than I used to

    now I just look at it as a treat, which is what one should do imo
  8. Fucking Dustin

    I'll always edit a post Supporter

  9. Ken

    entrusted Prestigious

    IMO In-N-Out easily has the best fast food burger. Culver's is up there. Shake Shack and Elevation Burger are up there too if you count them as fast food and not fast casual. Five Guys, I go back and forth on, I find that sometimes their burgers are really dry and overcooked, but the topping selection is awesome. If you have the right people working at a Five Guys, it can be incredible, as good as the others I've mentioned. But I don't typically have those same concerns when I go to somewhere like In-N-Out, where I know the food is pretty consistent.
    coleslawed and angrycandy like this.
  10. Fucking Dustin

    I'll always edit a post Supporter

    Culver's >>>>

    Shake Shack >>>>>>>>> but yeah I count them as fast casual or else they'd dominate every conversation
    iCarly Rae Jepsen, angrycandy and Ken like this.
  11. Colby Searcy

    Is admired for his impeccable (food) tastes Prestigious

    We're lucky if we go an entire week without eating out
  12. Fucking Dustin

    I'll always edit a post Supporter

    Oh I definitely eat out a bunch just not fast food very often hahaha
    Ken, Colby Searcy and angrycandy like this.
  13. Ken

    entrusted Prestigious

    I'm forever grateful that this forum introduced me to Culver's.
  14. angrycandy

    I’m drama in these khaki towns Supporter

    I eat pizza a lot more than your typical fast food places most of the time
  15. Fucking Dustin

    I'll always edit a post Supporter

    Whataburger has gone down a massive decline to shit and while it's shit I enjoy still it's no longer in the conversation objectively
    Ken likes this.
  16. Ken

    entrusted Prestigious

    I eat out way too often. Like tonight.
    Sean Murphy and Colby Searcy like this.
  17. angrycandy

    I’m drama in these khaki towns Supporter

    shout-out to the dude, @ChiliTacos

    changing lives out here
    Ken and ChiliTacos like this.
  18. Fucking Dustin

    I'll always edit a post Supporter

    It's one of like 3 good things about growing up in Rockwall TX

    The random Culver's that I got to experience
    Colby Searcy and Ken like this.
  19. angrycandy

    I’m drama in these khaki towns Supporter

    you think so? like they as a company are just shit now or is it more of a location situation?
  20. Ken

    entrusted Prestigious

    I've only had it a few times, but when people rave to me about it, I never understand why.
  21. Fucking Dustin

    I'll always edit a post Supporter

    I think it's as a company; people will start to blame the Chicago move but I do think it started plenty before then and I don't really know what's to blame, maybe overexpansion or maybe just bad corporate decisions resulting in worse food

    I'll still have a patty melt here and there
    Ken, Colby Searcy and angrycandy like this.
  22. Fucking Dustin

    I'll always edit a post Supporter

    I promise once upon a time it was well worth raving about
    Ken and Colby Searcy like this.
  23. angrycandy

    I’m drama in these khaki towns Supporter

    I was the same exact way until I started customizing all my burgers to exactly how I wanted them tbh but I still get it if someone isn't as into it
    Ken likes this.
  24. Colby Searcy

    Is admired for his impeccable (food) tastes Prestigious

    You don't consider pizza places fast food?
    Ken and angrycandy like this.
  25. angrycandy

    I’m drama in these khaki towns Supporter

    oh, I do, just somewhat removed from the general lineup if that makes sense. like, Pizza Hut is def fast food but not as much as something like McDonald's is just the paradigm of fast food, if that makes sense
    Ken and Colby Searcy like this.
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