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Fargo (FX) TV Show • Page 45

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by kbeef2, May 20, 2016.

  1. Rowan5215

    An inconsequential shift as the continents drift.

    finale was pretty bad but I think I disagree on the Ebal reveal at the end there. feels like we were seeing him as the most rational/levelheaded of the Fadda crew (which is... a low bar to clear lol) but that wouldn't mean he doesn't have ambitions of his own. Rock's face when he realised he'd taken out Josto just to create an even bigger monster was great, probably the only beat I actually really liked in the whole episode

    anyway... you know your season was rough when one minute of Bokeem Woodbine silently loading a gun got me more hyped than any of the actual main plot. Chekhov's Gun Zelmare was insanely predictable and pretty much pointless, Ethelrida was just a device to deliver Loy the Deux Ex Machina Ring and not an actual character like she should have been, all the buildup with Roach was for absolutely nothing

    would recommend anyone who didn't like s3 rewatch it and give it another chance over watching this season once any day
    trevorshmevor likes this.
  2. Ferrari333SP

    Prestigious Supporter

    Ethelrida was completely wasted; should have given her something more to do that last episode, than just sit in a chair and stare at the camera
    Rowan5215 likes this.
  3. Not a reddit guy but went snooping around just to see what others were saying. Anybody else catch the Snowman standing behind Oraetta while she looked into her own reflection before being shot? Had to go back and check it out, he’s definitely there. Still think that whole thing was a pretty needless addition to the show but kinda cool to throw him in there one last time.
    Rowan5215 likes this.
  4. I Am Mick

    @gravebug Prestigious

    I already said this, but they filmed an alternate ending with Milligan working in the Kansas City Mob and ending the season in a monologue but Hawley cut it.

    'Fargo' Season 4 Finale: How That Final Twist Came to Life | Hollywood Reporter

    Can’t really blame COVID, Hawley is just losing it.
    Rowan5215 and trevorshmevor like this.
  5. angel paste

    grey hairs, get out of me zoots! Prestigious

    Well with the way they've been writing this season i'm glad they didn't get a chance to ruin mike lol
  6. Rowan5215

    An inconsequential shift as the continents drift.

    what were we even supposed to get from this shot? was it like a generic suggestion that Ethelrida goes on to be a successful businesswoman or did it have some significance I missed?? so baffling lol

    I saw it literally just before they cut away and showed her getting killed haha. was a very cool shot but I still don't understand Mr Snowman's function at all - he went from haunting the Smutneys to haunting Swanee to haunting Oraetta for no discernible reason, and he didn't.... do anything
    trevorshmevor likes this.
  7. Rowan5215

    An inconsequential shift as the continents drift.

    also it wasn't until I read the AV Club's comment section that I realised the tall guy who shoots Josto and Oraetta was intended to be Brad Garrett's character from s2 lmao

    shows how much attention I was paying or how well this season clarified its characters (or both)
    trevorshmevor likes this.
  8. Zilla

    Trusted Supporter

    I appreciate how prolific Hawley is. But I think between this and Lucy In The Sky sucking shit, he needs to either take a break or quit overextending himself. I think the critical success of Fargo and Legion gave him a long rope to do what he wanted creatively. But I think that’s turning to be a bad thing.
  9. angel paste

    grey hairs, get out of me zoots! Prestigious

    maybe this is a hot take but I liked Lucy In The Sky much more than this lol
  10. Oh wow, yeah this completely went over my head as well. I honestly didn’t even remember that guy from any previous episodes and was curious why he suddenly had such an important role. Ebal mentioning Kansas City perked my ears up, makes sense now why he mentioned it.
    Rowan5215 likes this.
  11. I Am Mick

    @gravebug Prestigious

    Season 3 of Legion was pretty bad too, with maybe the dumbest villain resolution I’ve ever seen.
  12. phaynes12 Prestigious

    his movie is absolutely awful too. i think it’s pretty safe to say we overrated him because of three and a half good seasons of tv
  13. kbeef2

    Trusted Supporter

    I thought season 3 of Legion was miles better than this, even with the underwhelming ending
  14. Serenity Now

    deliver us from e-mail Supporter

    3 good seasons of TV, plus a good book.

  15. I still need to read that, it’s literally been sitting on the side table next to my bed for like two years. Just keep going to other ones first
  16. Serenity Now

    deliver us from e-mail Supporter

    it's a breeze! very entertaining
    trevorshmevor likes this.
  17. irthesteve

    formerly irthesteve Prestigious

    I gotta admit, I'm struggling to finish. I stalled out with 3 episodes left a while bank and decided to finish it off yesterday. The black and white episode was... Fine, but I'm on the second to last right now and having a lot of trouble paying attention and following the show anymore, just totally not engaged anymore
    imthesheriff likes this.
  18. I Am Mick

    @gravebug Prestigious

    New ‘Alien’ TV Series Will Be Class Warfare With Xenomorphs

    New interview with Hawley, some interesting tidbits

    And about his Alien series

    Ferrari333SP likes this.
  19. ncarrab

    Prestigious Supporter

    'knowing it's the last one'

    Has that been made public before?
  20. I Am Mick

    @gravebug Prestigious

    I don't think so, I was surprised to read it
  21. angel paste

    grey hairs, get out of me zoots! Prestigious

    Bokeem Woodbine in the 80s picking up after season 2 would instantly restore my faith in this show
    Serenity Now and Jusscali like this.
  22. Ferrari333SP

    Prestigious Supporter

    Brent and Serenity Now like this.
  23. Night Channels


    Set in 2019...

    I'm back in
  24. Anthony_

    A (Cancelled) Dork Prestigious

    1 weak season isn’t gonna turn me off. The idea sounds intriguing as hell, I’m in.
    airik625 likes this.