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Fall Out Boy Band • Page 127

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by Melody Bot, Jan 9, 2016.

  1. bobby_runs

    where would i be if i was my brain Prestigious

    Someone I know through friends got herself into some trouble because she flipped off her camera/band when they played American Beauty/American Psycho. It created weird online drama with people accusing her of poor actions up front.
  2. Kiana

    Goddamn, man child Prestigious

    One tree hill got my lil sis into some of my music taste when she watched it for the first time a few years back and it was a fun bonding thing. 23 played during a climactic scene so it made her like that song which is fun! Pete wentz's acting is so atrocious in it lmao
    The Lucky Moose likes this.
  3. Zoshchenko

    Trusted Supporter

    Despite ‘So Much (For) Stardust’ only being released earlier this year, and with many hours spent dusting off golden oldies for the live show, Wentz said that he already has an idea of what will come next.

    “There’s potential for us to do the occasional single here and there, but I’ve really been thinking about the next big thing Fall Out Boy does,” he admitted. “It’s extremely difficult to come up with something that feels new, that also feels clever, that doesn’t feel like it’s chasing something. With ‘So Much (For) Stardust’, we had COVID to push back against and it gave us a new perspective on the band.

    “Whatever comes next, it could go anywhere, but it has to be something that’s a little bit beyond what we’ve done before. It could be a musical, but I don’t think we can just get together in a studio in Los Angeles and follow this record up. That just can’t happen for us to be creatively satisfied.“
    Crisp X and Paulms85 like this.
  4. SpeckledSouls


    If it's more like SRAR and less SMFS I'm all about it.

    Let's get super weird.

    Do a whole fucking play.
  5. The weirder the better
    SpeckledSouls likes this.
  6. Jivin2709

    @CorkRockingham Supporter

    Mark my words. Headlining summer festivals? They're 100% headlining When We Were Young next year.
  7. heymattrick

    Sending my love

    SMFS was such a great album and this tour is the best I’ve seen them do in 15 years. I don’t need another album right away. Would love to see a full Magic 8 Ball tour with more deep cuts like they’ve been breaking out.

    Seeing FOB and MCR back to back at WWWY next year is going to be a life moment for me for sure. I was supposed to see them both at Music Midtown in 2022 (although on different days) but it was canceled
    Paulms85 and sawhney[rusted]2 like this.
  8. bobby_runs

    where would i be if i was my brain Prestigious

    Why do people act as if the magic 8 ball is truly a random thing?Like not to burst your bubble but it's probably decided at soundcheck at the latest
    Paulms85 likes this.
  9. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    Haha they absolutely practice it before it’s played in a show. Pete will sometimes say something that reveals it before the 8 ball “decides.” The band is choosing it each night or a randomizer does before the show. The 8 ball bit is for the fans, not the band.
  10. heymattrick

    Sending my love

    I mean, it’s on the setlist with a code name so they definitely decide ahead of time (and had to rehearse, and build a click trick and all that). I don’t think anybody indicated that they were just randomly choosing them. But they are still big surprises when they start to play them since many of them were either live debuts or something that hasn’t been played in like 10 years. They’ve never switched up their setlists before like they have this year, and I hope those rare songs are getting good enough reactions for them to realize they can play songs like that more often. They previously said they stick to what they think the crowd wants to hear, and anytime in the past they tried a rotating slot, they didn’t get good reactions. I don’t think that’s the case anymore.
    DisloyalOrder likes this.
  11. DickyCullz

    I create content for some of your favorite artists

    Personally I love hearing songs outside of the obvious and it makes going to multiple shows more fun. I hope they keep doing it
    TEGCRocco likes this.
  12. DisloyalOrder

    Trusted Prestigious

    The tweet is gone but they opened up their Discord again for a second, teasing something Folie related being announced soon. 15th anniversary is coming up.
    FrankieThe4th and scottlechowicz like this.
  13. sawhney[rusted]2

    I'll write you into all of my songs Supporter

    After the reaction to those songs on this tour, if there's a Folie 15th anniversary tour lets effin go

    probably just dipping into the vinyl repress well again lol
    DisloyalOrder likes this.
  14. DisloyalOrder

    Trusted Prestigious

    Likely lol. Hopefully it’s something cool like the TTTYG release with the coffee book but it feels too soon.
  15. ComedownMachine

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Play Folie at WWWY cowards
  16. DisloyalOrder

    Trusted Prestigious

  17. sawhney[rusted]2

    I'll write you into all of my songs Supporter

    You effin genius - that seems likely
  18. FrankieThe4th

    things have never been stranger Prestigious

  19. DisloyalOrder

    Trusted Prestigious

    FrankieThe4th likes this.
  20. angel paste

    grey hairs, get out of me zoots! Prestigious

    It's a reprint of the flashing bear hoodie
  21. Blink182Bouncer



    "Introducing Folie à Bleu, the 15th anniversary vinyl edition.

    the label changed the color of the album cover to blue without asking us & we didn’t want it all to go to waste. only 2,500 of these were pressed. once they’re gone, they're gone!

    we set aside a limited amount of vinyl *just* for the Discord, and you'll also get access to merch 30 minutes before everyone else at 9am PT we’ll post the link and password on Monday.

    - Fall Out Bot"
  22. DisloyalOrder

    Trusted Prestigious

    Okay but it needs to have Pavlove on it.
  23. FrankieThe4th

    things have never been stranger Prestigious

    For folks not in the discord, from FOB Twitter: "The vinyl along with Folie à Deux anniversary merch will drop on monday, the 11th at 9:30am PST"

    Replies are full of folks asking for Pavlove on streaming... fingers crossed.
  24. Had it on Apple Music forever like a real fan.
    heymattrick likes this.