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Fall Out Boy - So Much (For) Stardust (March 24,2023) Band • Page 108

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by iCarly Rae Jepsen, Jan 18, 2023.

  1. Micah511

    We reach for the longest shadow

    I’m going to be who I am on this site and compare what’s happening here with Coheed. Both released new albums that brought OG fans back into the fold while not necessarily being a “return to form” so to speak, they just recaptured something (possibly intangible) that seems to resonate more with fans of any era of the band. Better songwriting, better performances, more inspired? Maybe all of the above. While I ride for all Coheed albums, I understand why people might like that one and still not like the 3-4 that precede it. That’s how I am with FOB. I like this one, and really don’t see myself changing my mind about AB/AP and Mania.
  2. 333 GANG


    Kintsugi has been my number one since my first play through and it remains on top for me today
  3. sophos34

    Prestigious Supporter

    Good comparison because I think Vaxis I is the best coheed album and love Vaxis II but wish the previous album got the credit it deserves
  4. Phil507

    Resident NYC snob Supporter

    Just wanted to note that I am typing this in between playing along to Fall Out Boy tab books at the moment on guitar.
    Phantoms, 333 GANG and footiepajamaz like this.
  5. nohandstoholdonto

    problem addict Prestigious

    I feel you, we’ve probably loved them a similar length of time all things considered, I would have been 12 or 13 when Cork Tree came out and it was an instantaneous love. they’re easily one of the most formative bands for me and I have learned a lot from Patrick as a songwriter. I will always check out a new release of theirs, even if they haven’t been on a hot streak for me, simply bc they have earned that kind of respect and open mindedness. to be fair, I really do wish I liked more of the last few records, it’s been a bummer not connecting with their music like I used to for a while now— it brings me no joy!
    there really is something about the verses in Kintsugi that clashes with me, I really do immediately feel like “okay… this again” like it’s such a familiar part but I think it’s just been done to death like you said. but damn do I really like the chorus and the instrumental section before that final verse is one of my favorite moments on the record.
    sophos34 likes this.
  6. DisloyalOrder

    Trusted Prestigious

    The only thing I don’t like about Kintsugi Kid is the Ramones line. An amazing chorus though.
  7. wisdomfordebris

    Moderator Moderator

    Shake things up shake things up shake things up shake things up and see what comes down down down down down down down down down
    sophos34, JulieLynn and ScubaSteve182 like this.
  8. BenSmith94


    Most songs are growers - not just for me, but for everyone. No one hears a song for the first time and goes 'yes, that is my favourite song' ;-)
  9. JulieLynn Apr 3, 2023
    (Last edited: Apr 3, 2023)

    Karma is the Guy On The Chiefs Prestigious

    You can replace it with "all 4 Golden Girls are dead"
  10. JulieLynn

    Karma is the Guy On The Chiefs Prestigious

    I love coming in here on a Monday to lessons on what was
    slimfenix182, Penlab and Greg like this.
  11. Sean Murphy

    juan soto is a met Supporter

    god this thread is so fucking dumb lol
  12. ScubaSteve182


    Patrick's lower register >
  13. Micah511

    We reach for the longest shadow

    It’s why Headfirst Slide has been my favorite FOB song ever since it came out.
  14. Penlab

    Prestigious Supporter

    I don't know about favorite song, but I've absolutely heard songs in my life that wowed me so much on first listen that I was excited to hear more of the artist and give the album my full attention.
    Phantoms and Micah511 like this.
  15. irthesteve

    formerly irthesteve Prestigious

    You've obviously never heard "My Humps"
    Phantoms, BenSmith94, Meerkat and 4 others like this.
  16. slimfenix182


    A grower means you didn't like a song first time and gave it enough chances to find it worth listening to lol. Nothing to do with being a favorite song
  17. DisloyalOrder

    Trusted Prestigious

    Good idea! Except that would make me sad haha
    JulieLynn likes this.
  18. Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's how most music listening goes, isn't it?
    Phantoms, slimfenix182 and Penlab like this.
  19. Penlab

    Prestigious Supporter

    Imagine if the only bands you listen to are ones you had to listen to at least ten times before you appreciated their craft.
    Phantoms likes this.
  20. stockholm syndrome at its finest.
    Phantoms and Penlab like this.
  21. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    Imagine when you first started actively listening to music. Like when it wasn’t what your parents put on, but you got to just pick and explore. Imagine picking an album and thinking that you had to listen to it 10 times before you decided if you liked it.
    Phantoms and bradsonemanband like this.
  22. nohandstoholdonto

    problem addict Prestigious

    I mean my favorite album of all time is The Downward Spiral by Nine Inch Nails and it barely even registered as music to me the first time I heard it lol. in fact I would say a lot of how much I have progressed as a musician has come directly from challenging my tastes and constantly trying new things and coming back to stuff maybe years-on that I didn’t care for before and hearing them with new ears. imo it’s weird to liken it to stockholm syndrome, as if it’s not something that’s genuine for the individual. I think you can absolutely become set in your ways with your tastes in a way that puts you in a rut, at least I spent a few years like that in my twenties. that’s not to say that some stuff just will never be for you no matter how hard you try, but yeah sometimes the absolute best art that exists imo takes time for you to unravel just how great it is. immediacy is great but it ain’t everything and imo one of the most rewarding feelings is when something sinks its hooks in slowly and eventually becomes an obsession. but also obviously different strokes for different folks, there’s nothing wrong with just liking what comes naturally, and it would be silly to expect everyone to keep giving stuff chances on the off chance it sticks eventually.
    Phantoms, Crisp X, macbethfan and 2 others like this.
  23. cricketandclover

    Things have changed.

    Agree! I wish he went even lower on "neon in the nighttime" on "What A Time To Be Alive" like he does on "sniffing model glue again" in "Headfirst Slide"
    Doomsday and ScubaSteve182 like this.
  24. JulieLynn

    Karma is the Guy On The Chiefs Prestigious

    1994. It was Green Day "Dookie". Was the first album I owned (with saved birthday money) and the first album I listened to front to back with no skips.
  25. wisdomfordebris

    Moderator Moderator

    My first front to back listen as well! I believe I was in 3rd grade. It was my sister’s cassette tape.
    JulieLynn likes this.