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Fall Out Boy Announce New Album • Page 9

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Melody Bot, Apr 27, 2017.

  1. Drew Baldy


    What that an album that came out in 2003 sounds like it was made in 2003?
    scottlechowicz likes this.
  2. scottlechowicz

    Trusted Supporter

    Im not sure I understand what you mean by "dated" but if you are asking if those songs sound like a product of their time...then yes they do.
  3. Jason Tate Apr 27, 2017
    (Last edited: Apr 27, 2017)
    Yeah, music from almost a decade ago sounds like music from almost a decade ago.

    I've criticized the band plenty, you're quoting a post of me doing so about TTTYG!
    Zoshchenko likes this.
  4. Butinsmallsteps


    This is the most Follie thing they've ever released besides follie in my opinion
  5. Yes. It's like the definition of 2003-2005 scene music.
    Dan O'Neill and bradpetrik like this.
  6. Drew Baldy


    What are you talking about? All my post did was point out invalid arguments about the song and then I went on to say that the only criticism I had seen that makes any sense is that they rely on hooks a little bit. I'm not saying people can't have their reasons for not liking it. I was just trying to point out the fact that those arguments about no real instruments aren't the best arguments because they are factually incorrect.
  7. Dan O'Neill


    The verses are cool. Why would you hide Patrick's awesome voice under that weird ass effect in the chorus though?

    I haven't loved an FOB album since Folie (my favorite by a mile), so maybe I should just get used to not "getting" them anymore.
  8. delvec19


    The worst songs on their last album were the singles in my opinion (Title track, Immortals, Irresistible). So here's hoping the rest of MANIA is enjoyable.
  9. SkyGrowsBigger


    I mean, people are commenting on the instrumentation but I don't think anyone here has said that zero real instrumentation is present on the track. It's just a more sample/electronic heavy song. And to account for this, there probably is less actual real instrumentation.

    Lots of people have criticized the song for reasons separate from the ones in your last post.
  10. scottlechowicz

    Trusted Supporter

    I just don't really understand the term "dated" as a criticism.

    I am just not certain what it is trying to say, and why it would be a bad thing.

    If you mean derivative, I would understand that. Even if I don't necessarily agree. But pointing out that something produced in 2017 will sound like and reflect 2017 to listeners at some future point seems pretty obvious and not something worthy of derision.
    Jason Tate likes this.
  11. Mr. Serotonin

    I'm still staring down the sun Prestigious

    Who the fuck is eating buttered toast for breakfast EVERY day? :crylaugh:
    Butinsmallsteps likes this.
  12. Brewmont


    It's a way to say that what they're doing now is very much trying to be popular, and what's popular always fades away with the trends....not like the "real" music they used to make which was UNDERGROUND and authentic!!
    Butinsmallsteps likes this.
  13. SuNDaYSTaR

    Trusted Prestigious

  14. thisisacting__

    Regular Supporter

    I really dislike the oops I did it again line. The lyrics as a whole are pretty bad.
    Mr. Serotonin likes this.
  15. jorbjorb

    7 rings Prestigious

    rip fob lol
  16. scottlechowicz

    Trusted Supporter

    They should have written a PROPER chorus like "Light em up, up, up, up...
  17. Drew Baldy


    I think seeing the posts along the lines of "how will they play this song live" definitely shows that people are making that argument.

    Also, it's a big forum I may have missed some of the other criticisms. So, for that, I apologize for not bringing up the other criticisms.
  18. Drew Baldy


    Odd comment considering they literally just released a new song, announced an album, and a new tour. Usually comments like this would be held for a band that is either going on hiatus, breaking up, or in which a member may have passed away.
    sawhney[rusted]2 likes this.
  19. somethingliketj

    And that's why you always leave a note.

    Really? I'm in the total opposite boat. To me it just sounds like their last two records mixed in a blender with some cocaine.
  20. Ellite25


    This is weird for me. I've enjoyed every FOB album and I appreciate the changes they've made over the years. Them going in a more pop direction never really bothered me. But after a first couple listens this just doesn't even seem like a good pop song. It feels very disjointed. I'll listen some more because it's FOB, maybe it'll click later. As of right now I'm not finding any hook in the song that would make me want to keep listening.
  21. Heh, been seeing those posts since FUTCT. Feel like it's a bad prediction to make with this band.
  22. thisisacting__

    Regular Supporter

    You gotta admit this thread is insufferable. I mean all sides of the discussion. Damn.
    GEM37 likes this.
  23. earthlight

    Trusted Supporter

    This is a narrow minded view. Seems to me like many people on one side of the argument take the time to say "Hey, I get why some people would like this, I just don't". While people on the other side go with "People who don't like it just wish they would make their old stuff again".

    Give it a rest. I think it sounds like shit. I wish they would grow and expand more within a sound that doesn't drift so far away from why I liked them in the first place. And there is totally room for that growth without going so far in the other direction. I don't know why that's so difficult to see.
    kait_whiteside, GEM37, Arry and 2 others like this.
  24. earthlight

    Trusted Supporter

    The most insufferable part about it is the complete unwillingness of some folks to see how people could have a different opinion than their own.
    Dan O'Neill and jorbjorb like this.
  25. ZeoVGM


    New song is absolutely awesome. The chorus hits so hard.

    Both Fall Out Boy and Paramore proved this week why they're two of the only bands from the 2000s scene to have longevity. I'm so happy they don't listen to the fans who want them to remake the same album over and over.
    DearCory likes this.