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Fall Out Boy Announce New Album • Page 2

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Melody Bot, Apr 27, 2017.

  1. SEANoftheDEAD


    I can't even pretend that I enjoyed that. Literally did not enjoy even 5 seconds of it.
  2. FloatThroughMe

    Regular Supporter

    Yeah not into this at all. Chorus sounds like something I'd hear in a club on a saturday night.
    bptky and CMilliken like this.
  3. tyramail

    Trusted Supporter

    Just listened....yikes.
    Awksome likes this.
  4. Awksome


    Well, that was disappointing.
  5. SoundwaveUproar

    Regular Prestigious

    I'm not disappointed, just really confused. I think I like it but who knows at this point

    I can't imagine this live at all
    Butinsmallsteps likes this.
  6. Snoblin

    Goblin Person Prestigious

    0:00 - 1:01
    1:37 - 2:21
    3:33 - 3:43

    Keep this stuff.

    Ditch the rest.
  7. sebastianrcgr


    All I could think of when that chorus hits, I kinda like the song though?
    Bayside 182 and Butinsmallsteps like this.
  8. CMilliken


    Is it possible to kinda like/really hate a song at the same time?

    Asking for a friend....
  9. fbrrocks


    Idk what to think of this
    Mr. Serotonin likes this.
  10. Craig Ismaili

    @tgscraig Prestigious

    There's literally live drums all over this song and nerds are still gonna say they're underutlizing the drummer. Hilarious.

    This song is a mess but I actually really like the chorus. Think this thing might grow on me.
  11. josh-

    Twitter: @joshcaraballin

    Worst song I've heard all year. Jesus christ
    Stevangelion likes this.
  12. aniafc


    really didn't think they could get worse after american beauty. but here we are
  13. felipecardel

    formless in the night Prestigious

  14. Arry

    it was all a dream Prestigious

    like a weird almost future bassy kind of drop... i can't get into it... patrick sounds great tho
  15. scottlechowicz

    Trusted Supporter

    He is obviously not going to be singing the chorus live. Just like with some recent Bieber songs or that Kiiara song "Gold", the chorus is gonna be handled via a backing track.

    Pretty standard. And something FOB has utilized before (see: "I'm on fiiiiiiiiiiiire").
  16. Butinsmallsteps


    Glad to know I'm not the only one who hears pretty awesome drums all over the song
    truelovewaits and BigMouth like this.
  17. chuwaay


    Different kind of song from them...not bad...not that great either.
  18. Orla

    little old lady Prestigious

    Wow. Haven't been too stoked on FOB post-reunion but this song rips
  19. CheapPop


    I loved Save Rock and Roll, Liked American Beauty, but it didn't have much replay value for me besides a few songs.

    Idk what this is. I mean, I guess it might grow on me, but it just seems all over the place. Weird choice for a first single. Still excited for the album.
    RileyWitiw and Awksome like this.
  20. i think i was pretty close:

    Screen Shot 2017-04-27 at 9.49.50 AM.png
  21. red8ge


  22. SmithBerryCrunch

    Trusted Prestigious

    I actually don't hate this haha. It's going to be fun to watch people lose their shit about this song.
  23. chewbacca110

    Gimme light, gimme love, gimme fire

    Completely obnoxious. Not in a good way.
    Schooner likes this.
  24. Bonesaw


    September is a long ways away.
  25. finnyscott


    I actually like this a lot. It's definitely chaotic but I'm all about that. Glad they're trying something new.
    Butinsmallsteps likes this.