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Even the Trees - If Only Every Day Could Be Like This (December 7th, 2018) Album • Page 3

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by Colin Your Enthusiasm, Dec 6, 2018.

  1. K0ta

    wrap yourself in petals for armor.

    I haven't stopped listening to this album since I saw @teebs41 talking about it in an other thread. Such an impressive debut album, now I'm just hoping you'll come touring to New York. :) I can't find much on your band online - can you speak a bit to how you formed and where your band name comes from? If this dates back to 2005 I'd love to know what that process looked like.
  2. Nate_Johnson

    CCRN, MSN Prestigious

    I spoke to them about touring and they are only doing local shows in Canada right now unfortunately.
    beachdude, Nick_ETT, Davjs and 2 others like this.
  3. K0ta

    wrap yourself in petals for armor.

    @Nate_Johnson I'm sad :verysad: But understandable given their circumstance. Hopefully they can get on the radar with touring+this album drop.
    beachdude, Nick_ETT, Davjs and 2 others like this.
  4. Nick_ETT


    Amazing, I dig a quick dig and found that thread, stoked on the mentions in it :D

    Thank you so much for the kind words and support :)

    New York isn't that far away! I wish the only logistics involved was just simply driving there! haha.
    It's a much more involved and costly process for Canadian bands to venture into the states than it is vice versa.
    We're doing all this on our own and it gets costly quick and to go to the states we nee to apply for work Visa's which...cost money! All I mean by pointing that out is that we're investing into ourselves a step at a time through each process instead of everything all at once and overwhelming everything.

    We most definitely want to venture and tour in the US and elsewhere, ultimately a goal. I remember we had an opportunity to open for He is Legend here on their Heavy Fruit touring cycle, one of my favourite bands :D Their guitarist really enjoyed our set, called us "intelligent rock" and really spoke to me for awhile and encouraged that we would translate really well in the US market. It was really inspiring, but ultimately our first priority was to create a formal release and not just go in fully unknown. Now that the music exists it's time to make moves on everything else !

    We're working on our google profile thing to make our search results more easily visible, we try to exist on the main socials and stay most active on Instagram and YouTube. If you have any suggestions on where else we should have information about us discoverable we'd love to hear it :)

    I've already written a lot but a bit of background on the project....I'll try keep this brief!

    I started writing songs at a young age and was always more drawn to big song structures, riffs and melodies rather than aspiring to be a shredder - way back when I was writing and recording songs even if it was guitar only with a dollar store microphone. Through the learning process, I made some fun Instrumental EP's/Albums and posting them online. It's shame the history is gone now, but back in Myspace's glory days, the Even the Trees page had about 5k followers, some of those fans carried over though :) - During all this time I was always trying to form a full band, always either just had a drummer or a couple buddies involved etc. For a few years we had a 4 piece instrumental line up, but were always 50/50 on playing shows instrumentally but never did, IIRC that existed in various forms from 2006-7ish to 2010-11 ish?. We never found a vocalist, there were some close calls but nothing that stuck. One by one everyone quit until it was just me again - at that point I was almost discouraged to the point of simply quitting, selling my gear and go to school for something totally different. Thankfully somehow I got back on track to go to school for Audio Production, reignited my flame to pursue this. In those years, mutually and organically found the line up we have now since about 2014. Started gigging and getting really good feedback and then we quickly went to work on this album. Technical issues, followed by life issues, followed by technical issues, followed by more issues etc etc. It was a bumpy ride getting this album to fruition but all that time allowed me to continually get better and better at mixing. Some of the early bounces that may have become the album had we released it way sooner sounded ....very...poop compared to this right now. In hindsight I'm glad the process took the time it needed, that being said future releases we know what to expect and plan to work faster!

    In regards to the old instrumental stuff, I'm still proud of it, but during the creation of this album I kinda slowly removed that presence online to give a chance to formally reinvent the project. Myspace and PureVolume vanishing kinda made that easier hahaha. Maybe it'll resurface one day in some way just for fun if people are curious, but shows, touring and growth and moving forward is our priority now :)

    SORRY for such a long post - you've unlocked the floodgates ahahaha.
  5. Nick_ETT


    OH! Missed a question. Origin of the band name....simply funny story.
    One of those aforementioned instrumental releases, it was released on 4/20, as a joke to make people think the name was a weed reference of sorts, which its not. Not knocking weed though! I just get a kick out of 4/20 weed jokes.

    Clerks 2 - the film. The scene where they are talking about Lord of the Rings and then Star Wars/Star Trek and he goes on to make such vulgar jokes he makes the character vomit (pretty sure it was a Cameo from a LOTR actor haha).
    As their talking about the LOTR movies, he's jokingly mocking n reenacting the 3 movies and made a quick comment "That movie was so boring, Even the fucking Trees walked in it!" after laughing I was like Hey!!! that sounds cool. Initially it was going to be Even the Trees Walked. But then resorted to a "_____ the _____" type name, easier to remember.
  6. BTDandFeelingThis

    Now I Know This World Isn’t Spinning Just For Me Prestigious

    Thank you for all of this, such a damn good read. I really hope you guys get big from this album. I want to see you guys in Nashville by next year
  7. K0ta

    wrap yourself in petals for armor.

    Thank you for taking the time to give us so much information! Hopefully you can gain exposure now that the album has dropped! It makes sense to wait for that moment, I mean here we are talking about you because of that right? I did the very least I could do and bought the album off of bandcamp.

    Do you have a twitter? I find that the interaction with artists feels more direct on twitter than FB and insta. I ran a street team for a band wayyy back in the day (myspace era, sigh I miss it) that eventually got signed so what I learned was that while the platform is certainly important, it's often the level of personal engagement that makes all of the difference. Which is why I find twitter very easy to use for that purpose - a like, retweet, or reply feels like meaningful engagement on the fan level and is fairly straightforward and easy on the artist's level. FB feels the worst for this for me personally, but I know that there are active communities so my word may not be best on this - while insta and youtube (YT now with the like and update feature where you can like comments and basically post updates from your account) has a lot of cool features to get info out there and interact on a personal level.

    I would also suggest posting your music to reddit if you haven't - there is a post-hardcore subreddit that is pretty active.

    I know you said it took a long time to get to this point, but just know that you can hear it in the music - it sounds damn impressive and like a band that has developed a sound over several album cycles. It sounds like you know what you wanted out of the music and it really delivers. You made fans out of this group here!!
  8. beachdude

    I'm not brave Prestigious

    Yeah, just wanted to also add that the time the band took developing their sound really does stand out when listening to the album. That’s one of the first things that struck me while listening, it sounds really polished and refined for such a “new” band.
    K0ta, teebs41, Nick_ETT and 2 others like this.
  9. Nick_ETT


    I was very stoked when I saw your order, that's so rad to us, we're shipping cd's worldwide literally, it's crazy, but amazing :D

    Yes, our twitter is -
    That's good to know, we're still growing twitter too, I gotta get more fluent with it myself and how to keep with retweets n all that, duly noted that it's a good way to interact :)

    Haha, we have posted ourselves in that reddit and got crickets or removed for self promotion. A weekish ago someone posted the album stream to like 9 upvotes and someone recently posted Hole in the Ice part 2 to like 6 upvotes. It's an active community but reddit works in mysterious ways...They're all on a nostalgia kick or something this month. Which is fine haha.

    Thank you both of you for this sort of comment :) In a way saying this a few albums down the line is "technically" true with all the instrumental efforts. Everyone combing their talents n effort on this one helped really bring it to it's full potential. A bulk of the songs are re-worked/re-structured/patterns re-riffed etc. from old material. Though all that we essentially consider demo's/pre-pro and this as our official first release as a real band :)
  10. sawhney[rusted]2

    I'll write you into all of my songs Supporter

    This Ends Now is such a winner of a track
  11. teebs41

    Prestigious Prestigious

    this album rips so damn hard. So much to dive into
  12. Nick_ETT


    Hey Chorus FM family! [​IMG] Quick little bump here with something maybe some of you would find interesting!

    About a month ago we were somehow mentioned as a recommendation on a Metal Australian Podcast and we caught wind of it, we simply thanked them for the mention and that somehow turned into a really in-depth interview podcast episode. If you're interested in hearing a lot more background insight to the making of the album/band and just love BTS kind of stories like that, feel free to check it out! It was a lot of fun to do and technically our first interview following the album release!

    22. Even The Trees
  13. teebs41

    Prestigious Prestigious

    oh yea, nice reminder to play this record!! haha best of luck, hope things continue to go well for you guys!!
  14. BTDandFeelingThis

    Now I Know This World Isn’t Spinning Just For Me Prestigious

    I’ll be checking this out ASAP! Thank you Nick!
    teebs41 likes this.
  15. Nick_ETT


    Hope you guys don't mind me posting this here!

    We have our album release show coming up!!!
    Where we're going to play this thing in its ENTIRETY!
    Not sure how many people from Southern Ontario are on here but it would be awesome if you came out to the show!

    Apparently we're unsure of the Wi-Fi situation to stream the show but we will take video and possibly release some clips from the show afterward!

    Attached the flyer with details. It's on Saturday February 16th!
    Thank you :)

    Attached Files:

  16. BTDandFeelingThis

    Now I Know This World Isn’t Spinning Just For Me Prestigious

  17. teebs41

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Bad Frequencies likes this.
  18. Nick_ETT


    Made a fun little video to Promote the show too :)

  19. Davjs


    Sweet video!
    Nick_ETT likes this.
  20. K0ta

    wrap yourself in petals for armor.

    *cries in American* Wish I could be there but have a great time dudes, and congrats. Hope we get some content from the show!
    Nick_ETT, Bad Frequencies and Davjs like this.
  21. Nick_ETT


    Hey guys!
    Another quick update, we got some Hats for sale in our merch in case you're interested!

    They're really rad, comfy n one size fits all! :)

    Beanies/Tuques from Even the Trees
    K0ta, beachdude and Bad Frequencies like this.
  22. teebs41

    Prestigious Prestigious

  23. Nick_ETT


    We're talking about it slowly but surely. Don't you all worry tho, you know I'll be posting about it here asap ;)
  24. BTDandFeelingThis

    Now I Know This World Isn’t Spinning Just For Me Prestigious

    I am so down for this
    Colin Your Enthusiasm likes this.
  25. Nick_ETT


    Hey all!

    We've posted a playthrough video for Second Chances recently and we have another video coming soon this Saturday!
    Also if you're living in the East Coast Canada we have a quick little tour coming your way the week of Aug 22nd-28th! Check it out on our FB/IG