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Enter Shikari - Nothing is True & Everything is Possible (April 17, 2020) Album • Page 13

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by amorningofsleep, Feb 10, 2020.

  1. Really? What don't you like about it? It felt like it was their most critically acclaimed album by far too.
  2. Vase Full Of Rocks

    Trusted Supporter

    Well, I'll start of with what I do like first. It has one of my favorite singles they've released. "Anaesthetist" is a downright banger. It's got a great message and a brutal hook. I like the chorus of "The Last Garrison" a ton. "Torn Apart" gets pretty good once it gets going. "The Bank of England" is probably my favorite off the album. It's just so good.

    The other songs I find mostly forgettable. "Myopia" however might be my least favorite song they've ever written. I just can't stand to listen to it. The lyrics feel so forced. "There's A Price On Your Head" is just a SOAD song masquerading as an Enter Shikari song. It's alright, but just feels so bizarrely out of place from the rest of the album.

    The more I think about it though, I may like The Spark less haha.
  3. Rowan5215

    An inconsequential shift as the continents drift.

    not gonna rank but The Spark and Common Dreads are always duking it out for my faves, AFFOC is always dead last, everything is great
    Petit nain des Îles likes this.
  4. Jake W

    oh my god, I'm back on my bullshit Prestigious

    I remember being so disappointed in The Mindsweep after AFFOC(easily my favourite ES album these days). It's got a few decent songs but also a load that I really don't like at all
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  6. MexicanGuitars

    Chorus’ Expert on OTIP Track #8 Supporter

    Mates, what are you on about with this Mindsweep shade?

    Appeal and the Mindsweep are mad openers and closers, One True Colour is arguably the best song they have written, Price on Your Head among the heaviest, I could go on and on.
  7. Jake W

    oh my god, I'm back on my bullshit Prestigious

    Crazy that people can have different opinions right
    MexicanGuitars likes this.
  8. DannyZach


    Common Dreads,Flash,Mindsweep + all the EPs and singles in between is just incredible run...The Spark is easily the weakest but it still has bunch of fine songs.I like the new one more then debut and Spark but it still doesn’t,and probably even won’t in future,touch that legendary trio for me.Thats it.
  9. tvck

    it's t-vick Supporter

    I need to do another solid listen this week before I rank effectively, but preliminary rankings:

    Common Dreads (might be nostalgia talking, but I find I go back to these songs more than others)
    The Spark

    Think Mindsweep and The Spark are interchangeable as I don't find a whole lot memorable from them, and could just be where I was at that point in time in my life that they didn't hit. TTTS was great at the time but it's hard to listen to now.
    SpyKi likes this.
  10. tvck

    it's t-vick Supporter

    fuck it, time for a full discog run
    Petit nain des Îles likes this.
  11. I think this band doesn't have a bad album, although TTTS is dated and I almost never listen to it. Clearly a lot of people have love for each album.

    Honestly though, Common Dreads and this new one are easily my favs at the moment.
  12. Tomozaurus


    I always automatically read AFFOC as A Feast For Crows.
  13. Rowan5215

    An inconsequential shift as the continents drift.

    A Fucking Feast for Crows
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  15. Blainer93

    Prestigious Supporter

    Common Dreads
    Nothing Is True
    Take to the Skies
    Flash Flood
    The Spark
  16. Vase Full Of Rocks

    Trusted Supporter

    Their best song is Destabilize, not The One True Color.
  17. SpyKi

    You must fix your heart Supporter

  18. Vase Full Of Rocks

    Trusted Supporter

    System... Meltdown
  19. The Feast
    MFA likes this.
  20. Vase Full Of Rocks

    Trusted Supporter

  21. estebanwaseaten


    It's so wild to me how impressionable I was when I was younger. My friend and I both absolutely loved TTTS when it first came out and then he heard CD before me and told me it was garbage so I like, always had that tiny little seed of doubt in my mind and avoided it for so long as a result. I truthfully love AFFOC and TS (shrug) but CD and Mindsweep are two that I just never spent enough time with. I think this week I'm gonna dive into those two hard.
  22. sawhney[rusted]2

    I'll write you into all of my songs Supporter

    TS is spectacular don’t let the divisiveness get you down. Everyone looks for different things from this band and it’s fantastic
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  24. tvck

    it's t-vick Supporter

    I agree with the last statement. Really cool that they've developed such a unique sound over the course of their career that you can pick and choose this way. I'll say I should probably go back to The Spark since I enjoy this album.
    estebanwaseaten likes this.
  25. SpyKi

    You must fix your heart Supporter

    I can't imagine thinking CD is garbage compared to TTTS. crazy talk.
  26. estebanwaseaten


    Yeah, we were young at the time and I definitely don't believe it now. It's just funny to me how something like that has stuck in my memory for so long.
  27. ChampsMusic

    I didn’t like CD because I thought it was a huge departure from their TTTS sound and incorporated too much talking and antics. I’ve come around to it over the years but the nostalgia keeps TTTS up there for me.
  28. I had a hard time with Common Dreads at first because I was that obsessive fan who would listen to live versions on my crappy mp3 player for almost one year, then the track by track snippets, and who also couldn't get over the tuning change. That means I had got Enter Shikari fatigue by the point the album came out.

    The day the album leaked, I listened to the first three songs over and over again, as a treat because I just couldn't wait any longer. Two days later, I had listened to the full thing even though I initially planned to do it on the way back from buying the physical album. I just ruined it all by myself. Guess I had things to learn about patience.
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