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Eighth Grade (Bo Burnham, July 13, 2018) Movie • Page 7

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by OhTheWater, Mar 14, 2018.

  1. Jake Gyllenhaal

    Wookie of the Year Supporter

    Up until after I saw this I thought Elsie was a younger sister of Isla Fisher but nope.
  2. Lucas27


    Hailee Steinfeld was sooo good in True Grit. Basically stole the show from Jeff Bridges and Matt Damon, both in top form.

    Noah Schnapp’s performance in Stranger Things 2 really blew my mind. Also really loved Millicent Simmons performance in A Quiet Place.

    I think Elsie Fisher’s performance is immediately my favorite from someone that age though. Unbelievably good.
  3. Night Channels


    This was so good.

    I loved the scene with Gabe. No idea how anyone wouldn’t want it.
  4. LuigiPeppercorn

    Trusted Prestigious

    She didn't even get cast in her school play!!
  5. primavera

    big baller brand Supporter

    the middle of this was a horror film
    sawhney[rusted]2 likes this.
  6. This was fantastic. Wasn’t expecting it to be as profoundly sad as it gets but I loved it for that

    I think the scene with Gabe at the end played in contrast to the car scene and worked really well to that end, can’t imagine the film without either of those scenes

    Felt a lot of Bo’s fingerprints. The musical cues (like the first time you see Aidan) and the abrupt pacing reminded me a lot of how his standup specials operate. So much of the out-of-focus dialogue, like the older boy talking about how the dead kid didn’t deserve his own triathalon when Kayla is walking up to Olivia’s friends at the food court was pure gold.

    the Rick and Morty reference at the end had my whole theater howling
  7. Professor Plumbob

    Trusted Supporter

    Liked it, sad that I didn’t love it, super relatable.
  8. iCarly Rae Jepsen Aug 6, 2018
    (Last edited: Aug 6, 2018)
    iCarly Rae Jepsen

    run away with me Platinum

  9. ImAMetaphor

    one with the riverbed Prestigious

    This movie is absolutely wonderful
  10. midnightxtaylor


    Had a half day at work last Friday, so I took myself to see this. It was great, but holy shit was I feeling exposed like I was watching my life. Everything from being "most quiet" to that tunnel vision feeling when her crush walks in. If I had a cell phone/social media back then, it would have been scary accurate.
  11. Jake Gyllenhaal

    Wookie of the Year Supporter

    The one thing that felt out of place was in the beginning the kid caught jerking off under his shirt in class
  12. ImAMetaphor

    one with the riverbed Prestigious

    Ive been in a class where almost that exact scenario happened so it was very real for me, lmao
    zigbigwig likes this.
  13. incognitojones

    Some Freak Supporter

    Insane that that’s happened but then I remember the world is shit
  14. zigbigwig

    I Miss Jake W Prestigious

    I was class president of the room that had this so I had to handle that shit at times

    Shit is cray
  15. OhTheWater

    Let it run Supporter

    As a student you had to handle other students jerking off? The fuck kinda school did you go to
  16. zigbigwig

    I Miss Jake W Prestigious

    Not a very good one for sure. I have more stories, unfortunately.
  17. fowruok

    Trusted Supporter

    Movie was terrific. As an eighth grade teacher, I found it to be pretty representative of that awkward age group, too.

    Just wish it had gotten a PG-13 rating - there really wasn't much at all that warranted an R. It'll miss out on a potential audience (teenagers) who really should be able to see it.
    ChaseTx and Mrplum5089 like this.
  18. AWasteOfATime

    @awasteofatime Supporter

    This movie is fucking incredible and keeps climbing my favorites of 2018 list. currently tied for the top spot with First Reformed. A24 continues to CRUSH IT.
    Jake Gyllenhaal likes this.
  19. Signifire

    Headphones blaring three stacks Prestigious

    It’s funny you say that, that’s Bo’s favorite movie this year according to his AMA on Reddit haha.
    Dog with a Blog likes this.
  20. TJ Wells

    Trusted Prestigious

    Did not expect Bo to have such a natural cinematic eye holy shit.
  21. Jake Gyllenhaal

    Wookie of the Year Supporter

    Bo knows cinema.
  22. TJ Wells

    Trusted Prestigious

  23. iCarly Rae Jepsen

    run away with me Platinum

    Bo don't know Jack cause Bo can't rap

    I guess he technically can rap I just wanted to reference Scenario
  24. Lucas27


    Saw this by myself for the second time yesterday afternoon in an empty theater. Very different experience. The quiet made the awkward moments so much more awkward cause there was no nervous laughter to cut the tension. Either way, love this movie and it’s officially battling it out with A Quiet Place as my favorite of the year so far.
  25. eight30


    I got to see this today and I'm so happy. It was great!
    Jake Gyllenhaal likes this.