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"Do You Listen to the Movielife?" - Chat Thread [ARCHIVED] • Page 82

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by Dirty Sanchez, Nov 12, 2017.

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  1. Connor

    we're all a bunch of weirdos on a quest to belong Prestigious

    I haaaate people haha
  2. Elder Lightning

    With metal in my bones and punk in my heart Supporter

  3. jean-luc davis


    When people do shit like this my fiancee and I always start giving death glares to whoever's being dumb. Nothing too obvious or direct but like, extended side-eye over the shoulder, enough for them to notice. It usually works!

    Speaking of terrible people in crowds, I had to straight up elbow/push someone who kept jumping around into me and other people around him throughout a set. He got the (strong) hint and moved to a different spot lol
  4. BTDandFeelingThis

    Now I Know This World Isn’t Spinning Just For Me Prestigious

    People in movie theaters can be stupid. I still love going to the movies but I have experienced:

    The talkers (during Jurassic World)
    Someone bringing in fucking Subway and crinkling the wrappers obnoxiously (during The Boy. theater staff made them throw it out.)

    Talking kids that won’t shut up( almost every movie I’ve ever been to where someone brought their kids)

    Children crying(well that’s what happens when you have moron parents that bring kids to movies like IT and Annabelle. No I am not joking)

    Teens who sit there and rip on the movie like they’re on an episode of trackriffs or something
  5. Dog with a Blog



    I listened to that song and was like, “wow, The Story So Far has really changed up their sound” and then I realized I am an idiot. Truthfully, it wasn’t for me, but I didn’t think it was bad. I probably would have loved it if I had heard it was I first listened to Artist in the Ambulance. It reminded me of that era of Thrice
  6. Colin Your Enthusiasm

    It's nobody's battle but your own. Prestigious

    New eppy from our boys:

    These never get old lol
  7. BTDandFeelingThis

    Now I Know This World Isn’t Spinning Just For Me Prestigious

    Oh you listened to the song! I meant the abum. The Antidote is the best song on that album I should have just said that
    The Mysterious and fenway89 like this.
  8. Dog with a Blog


    Was that the name of the album? I only saw the song, my bad. I’ll check out more then
  9. Larry David

    I'll see you again in 25 years Prestigious

    Angel In The Swamp?!
  10. bachna84 Nov 16, 2017
    (Last edited: Nov 16, 2017)

    we are nothing more than mannequins Prestigious

    1) would you rather have cheeto fingers for the rest of your life and there is nothing you can do about it (like how your fingers are after youve eaten a whole bag of cheetos), or would you rather have Oreo teeth the rest of your life with nothing you can do about it? so you either always have nasty cheese hands, or everytime you open your mouth it looks like you just ate a whole box of Oreos.

    I've given this one a lot of thought and I decided that I would rather have Oreo teeth for the rest of my life. Yes, I could hide my hands during most social interactions, while it would be hard to hide my teeth. Having said that, I couldn't handle the dirty feeling of having Cheeto fingers for the rest of my life. Everything I touch would get dirty. Maybe I'd wear gloves all the time, I don't know...I'm still going to stick with having Oreo teeth for the rest of eternity.

    2) would you rather everytime you introduce yourself to someone knew you let out a huge loud stinky belch, or a huge loud stinky fart?

    Both of these are pretty unbecoming. I guess I'd rather let out a huge loud stinky belch every time.

    3) would you rather pound a goat and nobody know you did it, or not pound a goat but everyone on earth thinks youre that person that had sex with a goat and nothing you can say makes people think otherwise. when youre kids are in school other kids are like "ooooh your dad/mom pounded that goat right?"

    I would rather not, but have everybody think that I did. I don't want to catch some weird disease from a goat. Then I'd have to go get it taken care of and I'd probably have to disclose the fact that I was intimate with a goat. Then in that scenario I'd have been with a goat AND people would know about it. Seems like the worst of both worlds there.

    4) would you rather everytime you hear something sad or bad, you smile - OR, would you rather just totally not have the ability to smile at all. people would think youre a total jerk either way, but pick your poison.

    I would rather not have the ability to smile at all. People might think that I'm unfriendly and/or antisocial, but the alternative is much worse to me.

    5) think back to highschool. would you rather in highschool have a nude photo leak around to a bunch of kids at school, or would you accidently send a nude photo of your significant other at the time to you mom or dad?

    Oh man. Both of these sound pretty rough. I GUESS I'd rather accidentally send a nude photo of my significant other to my mom or my dad. If it was to my dad he probably wouldn't be able to figure out how to view it anyway :P But seriously, having it circulating throughout the school would be rough. Ultimately, one of the parents would find out about it and it'd get back to my parents. I guess I'd rather be in trouble with my parents and hope that'd blow over than having the entire school involved. Good question!

    6) would you rather your parents walk in on you, or you walk in on your parents?

    Both of these are pretty undesirable options (hence the question)...I guess I would say that I'd rather walk in on them. I'd be able to recognize what's going on pretty much immediately and I would get out of there right away. Then I'd never bring that up again. Knowing my parents, there would be too many questions if they walked in on me.

    7) would you rather have the worst BO or terrible breath for the rest of your life?

    I'd definitely rather have terrible breath for the rest of my life. At least I'm not going to affect people all around me, just the ones that get super close to me (who would be affected by the BO anyway).

    8) would you rather be rich and absolutely hideous, or sexy as frick but poor as frick

    Honestly, I'd rather be sexy but poor. I know that's a very superficial answer.

    9) would you burn everything you own for $1Mill?

    Is this $1 million after taxes? If so, I probably would. There's no way that all of my assets total $1 million so I'd be coming out ahead there. Yes, it would be a pain to replace everything, but it'd also be a good opportunity to get rid of some stuff that I don't really need. As far as keepsakes, etc. I don't really have a ton. Pictures are important, but I have those backed up. In a hypothetical situation where my backed up pictures are destroyed in the fire (how???) I probably would still burn everything. My parents and in-laws have a ton of pictures of my kids.

    10) would you leave your family without telling them why / without saying goodbye / without them even knowing youre alive for $5 million per year. you have to go at least 1 full year, and then after that you can keep going as many years as you want and getting more money. you only get paid 5mill after a FULL year. if you do like 350 days, you get 0 dollars. if youre reading this question and youre married and or have kids - your direct family goes with you. but parents, in laws, your siblings, your wifes siblings cousins AND FRIENDS you cannot speak to

    This is a fascinating hypothetical. At first I thought my answer would be yes. I just thought that $5 million would go a long way toward making my family financially secure - paying off my wife's student loans, paying off the mortgage, other various loans, college for kids, etc.

    But then I thought about the obvious downside - missing out on a year of my family's lives. My son is 10 months old and my daughter is almost 3. I don't want to miss out on a year of their lives at such formative ages. And the fact that they wouldn't know where I was, whether I was alive or not, I couldn't do that to them. And not to get morbid, but if somebody that I was close to died during that year that I was away I would feel even more terrible.

    My final answer is that I would not do this $5 million per year deal.
  11. vidiviciveni


    The Mysterious and fenway89 like this.
  12. circasurviver


    I’m going to stop liking your posts, you’ve had enough.
  13. BTDandFeelingThis

    Now I Know This World Isn’t Spinning Just For Me Prestigious

  14. Larry David

    I'll see you again in 25 years Prestigious

  15. BTDandFeelingThis

    Now I Know This World Isn’t Spinning Just For Me Prestigious

    As you should! If any check out:

    Angel In The Swamp
    The Antidote
  16. bachna84

    we are nothing more than mannequins Prestigious

    His anti-glassjaw stance has me questioning just how good of a dude he actually is
  17. Dog with a Blog


  18. Larry David

    I'll see you again in 25 years Prestigious

    He forgives me for not liking Fear Before, so it is what it is! We all make mistakes sometimes!
  19. bachna84

    we are nothing more than mannequins Prestigious

    yeah, but glassjaw is actually good though
  20. Connor

    we're all a bunch of weirdos on a quest to belong Prestigious

    shots fired!!
  21. bachna84

    we are nothing more than mannequins Prestigious

  22. Larry David

    I'll see you again in 25 years Prestigious

    10 minutes. Get your questions prepared. I'll start by answering @dadbolt question to get it going
  23. Dog with a Blog


    You’re a fucking embarrassment. The Always Open Mouth is a GOAT album.

    All love here
  24. Kingjohn_654

    Longtime Sunshine Prestigious

    First, you have to buy clothes that fit you perfectly as you are right now. Maybe even buy a new suit.

    Once you've bought clothes that fit perfectly, you will gain ten pounds immediately.
  25. Larry David

    I'll see you again in 25 years Prestigious

    For me it's a way I can laugh off awful takes as I read them, instead of telling people they're wrong for having an opinion that differs from mine.

    I also have gladly taken on my nomination as the "reporter" of this site. I get a few notifications daily of people saying "you know what to do @Larry David. I'm glad I can do God's work for the people.
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