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Destiny 2: The Final Shape (June 4, 2024) Video Game • Page 183

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by Anthony_, Aug 22, 2016.

  1. failinginplace


    HELL yeah awesome man. I got mine recently too, feels good! only wish i could lock down tha tVoG carries emblem, but im 3 shy of it.

    Looking forward to the Showcase on the 23rd!
    dylan and kupe like this.
  2. I never take fatebreaker off my warlock. Congrats!
    failinginplace and kupe like this.
  3. failinginplace


    There's definitely leaks out now that confirm the returning raid next season as well as some info about the name of the next season (i know the raid but purposely avoided any season/story info).

    The one thing I will share is a potential crossover that is seemingly confirmed: Destiny 2 and Fortnite crossover leaked ahead of Bungie event which is really just like ok sure. doesn't affect the story or anything at all, it's just a thing.
  5. VanMastaIteHab

    Trusted Prestigious

  6. failinginplace


    Lightfall looks ABSOLUTELY INSANE and im here for it
    Onlyadirector likes this.
  7. chris

    Trusted Supporter

    Let’s goooo
  8. Supernova

    Prayers/Triangles Prestigious

    I had an itch to play after not logging in since March 13th. Played for a few hours yesterday and got the haunted machine gun and shotgun. Just goofed around on the Leviathan and did random stuff to kill some time. Lightfall looks siiiiick. I'll prob jump in tonight after work to start Plunder.
  9. Onlyadirector

    Trusted Supporter

    I think I'm gonna jump back in to this when I get a console later this year. I plugged 1200 hours into the first one and I'm impressed with how Bungie has been able to turn this title around. Lightfall looks real promising and I love that the game is constantly evolving in terms of environment and map design. Stoked.
    dylan likes this.
  10. kupe


    All of it looks so good
  11. Last season was a bit light on content but everything they showed today looks amazing. I'm excited to jump back in.
  12. failinginplace


    look im not saying im turned on by her even more now... but i totally am.

    dylan, SteveLikesMusic and Cameron like this.
  13. Cameron

    FKA nowFace Prestigious

    pretty cool
  14. failinginplace


    i love that dirtyeffinhippy already reached out to her and had a little back and forth. always nice to have a high profile person come into the game
    dylan likes this.
  15. ragnarokstar


    Im digging Lightfall so far, but im coming back from a pretty long Destiny Exodus. Lots of stuff im really lost on lol. Weapon patterns and the mod system is all new to me.
  16. failinginplace


    in fairness there's a LOT of new stuff and some pretty massive changes that released with Lightfall, so even someone like me who plays all the time, it's still taking a bit to figure everything out haha

    I'm halfway through the campaign and diggin it so far. Neomuna looks insanely gorgeous.
    ragnarokstar likes this.
  17. Cgarnsay


    I am looking for people to play with, same here in being behind.
    ragnarokstar likes this.
  18. ragnarokstar


    im on xbox, ragnok999
  19. drewinseries


    Campaign story is getting pretty horrific reception right now, seems combat changes and strand are doing well though.
    SteveLikesMusic likes this.
  20. tvck

    it's t-vick Supporter

    It's just rushed and really just feels like a long Strand tutorial
    sophos34 likes this.
  21. This is probably my least favorite expansion by a large, large margin. This feels like it should’ve been $20.

    pretty bad stuff imo
  22. VanMastaIteHab

    Trusted Prestigious

    Yeah I can’t help but be a little let down. I think the story and characters are all fine and good, and I’m having fun with strand, I was just expecting a little more. Still would rate this higher than Shadowkeep personally. Idk, hopefully the raid is neat.
  23. tvck

    it's t-vick Supporter

    Sounds like post-campaign stuff is doing some heavy lifting story wise, from what I've heard.
  24. failinginplace


    if you run titan you'd better be after that new exotic heavy glaive. that paired with synthocepts is like pssssssh insanity.
  25. oh hey, forgot there was a thread. Yeah, campaign story was clearly a last minute pivot to extend the story to The Final Shape. The first and last scenes can be stitched together and none of the characters in the HELM or the Witness moved in the entire time we did all that shit on Neomuna.

    This shouldn't have been a $100 expansion and they should have been more upfront about what this was and not some huge update to the game.

    Post-campaign and seasonal stuff has been fantastic so far though. I'll be in a team doing a Day 1 on Friday so looking forward to that. If anyone needs a clan and people to play with, as long as you have discord and play somewhat regularly, let me know since I admin one and can send you an invite.
    SteveLikesMusic likes this.