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Deftones Band • Page 167

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by Callum Macleod, Mar 16, 2016.

  1. angrycandy

    I’m drama in these khaki towns Supporter

    yeah it kinda sucks for a Deftones song anyway

    which is still much better than most bands
  2. helloiamzach


    Around The Fur
    Diamond Eyes
    White Pony
    Koi No Yokan
    Saturday Night Wrist
  3. Dinkleberg

    go birds Supporter

    SNW is very good. Hole in the Earth and Beware are two of their best songs
  4. helloiamzach


    SNW has some of their best songs for sure, but it also has some of their worst imo.
    Micah511, Aaron Mook and angrycandy like this.
  5. JM95


    Mein is worse than Pink Cellphone tbh. Aside from Abe's drumming, it's a big ol' bag of nothing.

    Half of SNW is great. It has a few songs that just aren't, and that's enough for it to be the worst Deftones record, in my opinion.
    Aaron Mook and angrycandy like this.
  6. unbornwhiskey


    "mein" rules wtf
    Phantoms, Crisp X and Aaron Mook like this.
  7. Supernova

    Prayers/Triangles Prestigious

    I was OBSESSED with SNW when it came out. That was my first Deftones album. My gateway into them. So, I hold that album up on a pedestal.
  8. cherrywaves


    White Pony
    Koi No Yokan
    Saturday Night Wrist
    Around the Fur
    Diamond Eyes
    Paulms85 likes this.
  9. That's a wild ranking
  10. cherrywaves


    riotspray likes this.
  11. Bane

    The spiciest meme

    Self-titled is on the lower end of their discography for me, honestly might be second or third last, but still cool.
  12. unbornwhiskey


    i’d prob come up with a v similar list to cherrywaves

    much like the buddha i have come to realize ranking this band’s mostly equally good albums is folly and i exist in a free-floating state absent of the cycles of human suffering
  13. LightWithoutHeat


    None of my rankings have ever been about quality and are only about my enjoyment of them. They just don't make bad music.
    SuddenUrgeJoey likes this.
  14. Penlab

    Prestigious Supporter

    Paulms85 likes this.
  15. Cameron

    FKA nowFace Prestigious

    Still sucks what they did to Sergio
    chewbacca110 and Carrow like this.
  16. Micah511

    We reach for the longest shadow

    White Pony
    Koi No Yokan
    Diamond Eyes
    Saturday Night Wrist
    Around the Fur

    really these rankings just make me realize how good their albums are. I kind of have to rank them by how many songs I absolutely love off that particular album, or if there’s some sentimental attachment to any of them. White Pony changed my life, as a… 11-12 year old? It was the first time I listened to an album that wasn’t immediate, but I was drawn in by something that kept me coming back time and time again.
  17. -deleted-


    It’s a phenomenal album to me and one of their most revisited from the earlier years. Definitely came around to it later around the release of KNY.
    Phantoms and SuddenUrgeJoey like this.
  18. I just think SNW being top three and Around the Fur being better than S/T and Diamond Eyes is bold lol
  19. manoverboard365


    This is one of the toughest bands to rank albums. But I'll give it a shot

    White Pony
    Around The Fur
    Diamond Eyes
    Koi No Yokan
    Saturday Night Wrist
  20. SuddenUrgeJoey

    queer as fuck. Supporter

    They're my favorite band. White Pony & Diamond Eyes will always be tied for the number 1 spot and the rest of the discography shuffles around constantly, but I love all their records.
    Phantoms and Aaron Mook like this.
  21. Dinkleberg

    go birds Supporter

    White Pony
    Diamond Eyes
    Koi No Yokan
    Saturday Night Wrist
    Around The Fur

    This band's discography is tough to rank. All I know is my top two and bottom three are pretty locked in. White Pony got me into the band and changed the way I listened to music, specifically metal music, and it challenged what I believed metal music could be. Diamond Eyes is just banger after banger does not miss. On the other end of the spectrum, I listen to ATF occasionally. It has some fuckin Riffs, but I just prefer the direction they began to go in with WP. Adrenaline, I rarely listen to. I used to love Gore during its album cycle, but I haven't found myself listening to it much over the last five years. The mix leaves a bit to be desired and, as a result, it lacks a punch that other albums in their discography have. I also think it's mostly a collection of good songs and not many great ones.

    The other four albums could go in practically any order. Sometimes, I favor the consistency of KNY and Ohms, other times I favor the highs of Deftones and SNW. You could ask me for my ranking during any discography run of theirs I do and I guarantee you it would be different any time. I just never know what order to put those four albums in. Do I look at them in regard to how many of my favorite songs from this band are from them? I do look at how many songs I love from each album? Do I look at how much I enjoy those albums as wholes? Do I look at them by how frequently I listen to them? I never know, which is why I feel like they could in any order.

    Great band, though I do miss Sergio and do think that whole situation was whack.
  22. JM95


    It's a bit like how if you shuffle a pack of cards, the statistical likelihood is that it's never been in that exact arrangement before. There's no real Deftones ranking.

    Having said that...
    ...this is the closest one I've seen to my ranking. S/T is in my top three, and I definitely have Ohms higher than you, but mine is pretty similar.
  23. Chcurry182

    Trusted Supporter

    Never knew SNW was so unpopular before...

    Diamond Eyes
    Saturday Night Wrist
    Koi No Yokan
    White Pony
    Around the Fur

    I'd say SNW and self-titled are about equal, but Hole in the Earth and Cherry Waves are two of my favorite Deftones songs.
  24. Dinkleberg

    go birds Supporter

    SNW is easily one of the band's most unpopular albums, likely driven by the public comments they've made about how much they don't like it
    Chcurry182 likes this.
  25. Chcurry182

    Trusted Supporter

    Ah, I see. I’m more of recent fan and was unaware of that lol
    Phantoms and Dinkleberg like this.